24,134 research outputs found

    Generalization Bounds via Information Density and Conditional Information Density

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    We present a general approach, based on an exponential inequality, to derive bounds on the generalization error of randomized learning algorithms. Using this approach, we provide bounds on the average generalization error as well as bounds on its tail probability, for both the PAC-Bayesian and single-draw scenarios. Specifically, for the case of subgaussian loss functions, we obtain novel bounds that depend on the information density between the training data and the output hypothesis. When suitably weakened, these bounds recover many of the information-theoretic available bounds in the literature. We also extend the proposed exponential-inequality approach to the setting recently introduced by Steinke and Zakynthinou (2020), where the learning algorithm depends on a randomly selected subset of the available training data. For this setup, we present bounds for bounded loss functions in terms of the conditional information density between the output hypothesis and the random variable determining the subset choice, given all training data. Through our approach, we recover the average generalization bound presented by Steinke and Zakynthinou (2020) and extend it to the PAC-Bayesian and single-draw scenarios. For the single-draw scenario, we also obtain novel bounds in terms of the conditional α\alpha-mutual information and the conditional maximal leakage.Comment: Published in Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory (JSAIT). Important note: the proof of the data-dependent bounds provided in the paper contains an error, which is rectified in the following document: https://gdurisi.github.io/files/2021/jsait-correction.pd

    Quantum Information Theory of Entanglement and Measurement

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    We present a quantum information theory that allows for a consistent description of entanglement. It parallels classical (Shannon) information theory but is based entirely on density matrices (rather than probability distributions) for the description of quantum ensembles. We find that quantum conditional entropies can be negative for entangled systems, which leads to a violation of well-known bounds in Shannon information theory. Such a unified information-theoretic description of classical correlation and quantum entanglement clarifies the link between them: the latter can be viewed as ``super-correlation'' which can induce classical correlation when considering a tripartite or larger system. Furthermore, negative entropy and the associated clarification of entanglement paves the way to a natural information-theoretic description of the measurement process. This model, while unitary and causal, implies the well-known probabilistic results of conventional quantum mechanics. It also results in a simple interpretation of the Kholevo theorem limiting the accessible information in a quantum measurement.Comment: 26 pages with 6 figures. Expanded version of PhysComp'96 contributio

    A Quantum Multiparty Packing Lemma and the Relay Channel

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    Optimally encoding classical information in a quantum system is one of the oldest and most fundamental challenges of quantum information theory. Holevo's bound places a hard upper limit on such encodings, while the Holevo-Schumacher-Westmoreland (HSW) theorem addresses the question of how many classical messages can be "packed" into a given quantum system. In this article, we use Sen's recent quantum joint typicality results to prove a one-shot multiparty quantum packing lemma generalizing the HSW theorem. The lemma is designed to be easily applicable in many network communication scenarios. As an illustration, we use it to straightforwardly obtain quantum generalizations of well-known classical coding schemes for the relay channel: multihop, coherent multihop, decode-forward, and partial decode-forward. We provide both finite blocklength and asymptotic results, the latter matching existing classical formulas. Given the key role of the classical packing lemma in network information theory, our packing lemma should help open the field to direct quantum generalization.Comment: 20 page

    Coding for Parallel Channels: Gallager Bounds for Binary Linear Codes with Applications to Repeat-Accumulate Codes and Variations

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    This paper is focused on the performance analysis of binary linear block codes (or ensembles) whose transmission takes place over independent and memoryless parallel channels. New upper bounds on the maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding error probability are derived. These bounds are applied to various ensembles of turbo-like codes, focusing especially on repeat-accumulate codes and their recent variations which possess low encoding and decoding complexity and exhibit remarkable performance under iterative decoding. The framework of the second version of the Duman and Salehi (DS2) bounds is generalized to the case of parallel channels, along with the derivation of their optimized tilting measures. The connection between the generalized DS2 and the 1961 Gallager bounds, addressed by Divsalar and by Sason and Shamai for a single channel, is explored in the case of an arbitrary number of independent parallel channels. The generalization of the DS2 bound for parallel channels enables to re-derive specific bounds which were originally derived by Liu et al. as special cases of the Gallager bound. In the asymptotic case where we let the block length tend to infinity, the new bounds are used to obtain improved inner bounds on the attainable channel regions under ML decoding. The tightness of the new bounds for independent parallel channels is exemplified for structured ensembles of turbo-like codes. The improved bounds with their optimized tilting measures show, irrespectively of the block length of the codes, an improvement over the union bound and other previously reported bounds for independent parallel channels; this improvement is especially pronounced for moderate to large block lengths.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, June 2006 (57 pages, 9 figures

    Recoverability in quantum information theory

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    The fact that the quantum relative entropy is non-increasing with respect to quantum physical evolutions lies at the core of many optimality theorems in quantum information theory and has applications in other areas of physics. In this work, we establish improvements of this entropy inequality in the form of physically meaningful remainder terms. One of the main results can be summarized informally as follows: if the decrease in quantum relative entropy between two quantum states after a quantum physical evolution is relatively small, then it is possible to perform a recovery operation, such that one can perfectly recover one state while approximately recovering the other. This can be interpreted as quantifying how well one can reverse a quantum physical evolution. Our proof method is elementary, relying on the method of complex interpolation, basic linear algebra, and the recently introduced Renyi generalization of a relative entropy difference. The theorem has a number of applications in quantum information theory, which have to do with providing physically meaningful improvements to many known entropy inequalities.Comment: v5: 26 pages, generalized lower bounds to apply when supp(rho) is contained in supp(sigma