906 research outputs found

    Connectionist natural language parsing

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    The key developments of two decades of connectionist parsing are reviewed. Connectionist parsers are assessed according to their ability to learn to represent syntactic structures from examples automatically, without being presented with symbolic grammar rules. This review also considers the extent to which connectionist parsers offer computational models of human sentence processing and provide plausible accounts of psycholinguistic data. In considering these issues, special attention is paid to the level of realism, the nature of the modularity, and the type of processing that is to be found in a wide range of parsers

    Free Applicative Functors

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    Applicative functors are a generalisation of monads. Both allow the expression of effectful computations into an otherwise pure language, like Haskell. Applicative functors are to be preferred to monads when the structure of a computation is fixed a priori. That makes it possible to perform certain kinds of static analysis on applicative values. We define a notion of free applicative functor, prove that it satisfies the appropriate laws, and that the construction is left adjoint to a suitable forgetful functor. We show how free applicative functors can be used to implement embedded DSLs which can be statically analysed.Comment: In Proceedings MSFP 2014, arXiv:1406.153

    Certified Context-Free Parsing: A formalisation of Valiant's Algorithm in Agda

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    Valiant (1975) has developed an algorithm for recognition of context free languages. As of today, it remains the algorithm with the best asymptotic complexity for this purpose. In this paper, we present an algebraic specification, implementation, and proof of correctness of a generalisation of Valiant's algorithm. The generalisation can be used for recognition, parsing or generic calculation of the transitive closure of upper triangular matrices. The proof is certified by the Agda proof assistant. The certification is representative of state-of-the-art methods for specification and proofs in proof assistants based on type-theory. As such, this paper can be read as a tutorial for the Agda system

    GLL syntax analysers for EBNF grammars

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    Translator Generation Using ART

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    Faster scannerless GLR parsing

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    Analysis and renovation of large software portfolios requires syntax analysis of multiple, usually embedded, languages and this is beyond the capabilities of many standard parsing techniques. The traditional separation between lexer and parser falls short due to the limitations of tokenization based on regular expressions when handling multiple lexical grammars. In such cases scannerless parsing provides a viable solution. It uses the power of context-free grammars to be able to deal with a wide variety of issues in parsing lexical syntax. However, it comes at the price of less efficiency. The structure of tokens is obtained using a more powerful but more time and memory intensive parsing algorithm. Scannerless grammars are also more non-deterministic than their tokenized counterparts, increasing the burden on the parsing algorithm even further. In this paper we investigate the application of the Right-Nulled Generalized LR parsing algorithm (RNGLR) to scannerless parsing. We adapt the Scannerless Generalized LR parsing and filtering algorithm (SGLR) to implement the optimizations of RNGLR. We present an updated parsing and filtering algorithm, called SRNGLR, and analyze its performance in comparison to SGLR on ambiguous grammars for the programming languages C, Java, Python, SASL, and C++. Measurements show that SRNGLR is on average 33% faster than SGLR, but is 95% faster on the highly ambiguous SASL grammar. For the mainstream languages C, C++, Java and Python the average speedup is 16%

    Unifying parsing and reflective printing for fully disambiguated grammars

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    Language designers usually need to implement parsers and printers. Despite being two closely related programs, in practice they are often designed separately, and then need to be revised and kept consistent as the language evolves. It will be more convenient if the parser and printer can be unified and developed in a single program, with their consistency guaranteed automatically. Furthermore, in certain scenarios (like showing compiler optimisation results to the programmer), it is desirable to have a more powerful reflective printer that, when an abstract syntax tree corresponding to a piece of program text is modified, can propagate the modification to the program text while preserving layouts, comments, and syntactic sugar. To address these needs, we propose a domain-specific language BiYacc, whose programs denote both a parser and a reflective printer for a fully disambiguated context-free grammar. BiYacc is based on the theory of bidirectional transformations, which helps to guarantee by construction that the generated pairs of parsers and reflective printers are consistent. Handling grammatical ambiguity is particularly challenging: we propose an approach based on generalised parsing and disambiguation filters, which produce all the parse results and (try to) select the only correct one in the parsing direction; the filters are carefully bidirectionalised so that they also work in the printing direction and do not break the consistency between the parsers and reflective printers. We show that BiYacc is capable of facilitating many tasks such as Pombrio and Krishnamurthi's 'resugaring', simple refactoring, and language evolution.We thank the reviewers and the editor for their selflessness and effort spent on reviewing our paper, a quite long one. With their help, the readability of the paper is much improved, especially regarding how several case studies are structured, how theorems for the basic BiYacc and theorems for the extended version handling ambiguous grammars are related, and how look-alike notions are `disambiguated'. This work is partially supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) No. 17H06099; in particular, most of the second author's contributions were made when he worked at the National Institute of Informatics and funded by the Grant

    A comparison of parsing technologies for the biomedical domain

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    This paper reports on a number of experiments which are designed to investigate the extent to which current nlp resources are able to syntactically and semantically analyse biomedical text. We address two tasks: parsing a real corpus with a hand-built widecoverage grammar, producing both syntactic analyses and logical forms; and automatically computing the interpretation of compound nouns where the head is a nominalisation (e.g., hospital arrival means an arrival at hospital, while patient arrival means an arrival of a patient). For the former task we demonstrate that exible and yet constrained `preprocessing ' techniques are crucial to success: these enable us to use part-of-speech tags to overcome inadequate lexical coverage, and to `package up' complex technical expressions prior to parsing so that they are blocked from creating misleading amounts of syntactic complexity. We argue that the xml-processing paradigm is ideally suited for automatically preparing the corpus for parsing. For the latter task, we compute interpretations of the compounds by exploiting surface cues and meaning paraphrases, which in turn are extracted from the parsed corpus. This provides an empirical setting in which we can compare the utility of a comparatively deep parser vs. a shallow one, exploring the trade-o between resolving attachment ambiguities on the one hand and generating errors in the parses on the other. We demonstrate that a model of the meaning of compound nominalisations is achievable with the aid of current broad-coverage parsers

    Can Subcategorisation Probabilities Help a Statistical Parser?

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    Research into the automatic acquisition of lexical information from corpora is starting to produce large-scale computational lexicons containing data on the relative frequencies of subcategorisation alternatives for individual verbal predicates. However, the empirical question of whether this type of frequency information can in practice improve the accuracy of a statistical parser has not yet been answered. In this paper we describe an experiment with a wide-coverage statistical grammar and parser for English and subcategorisation frequencies acquired from ten million words of text which shows that this information can significantly improve parse accuracy.Comment: 9 pages, uses colacl.st