22 research outputs found

    Generative Design in Minecraft: Chronicle Challenge

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    © 2016 ACC 2019We introduce the Chronicle Challenge as an optional addition to the Settlement Generation Challenge in Minecraft. One of the foci of the overall competition is adaptive procedural content generation (PCG), an arguably under-explored problem in computational creativity. In the base challenge, participants must generate new settlements that respond to and ideally interact with existing content in the world, such as the landscape or climate. The goal is to understand the underlying creative process, and to design better PCG systems. The Chronicle Challenge in particular focuses on the generation of a narrative based on the history of a generated settlement, expressed in natural language. We discuss the unique features of the Chronicle Challenge in comparison to other competitions, clarify the characteristics of a chronicle eligible for submission and describe the evaluation criteria. We furthermore draw on simulation-based approaches in computational storytelling as examples to how this challenge could be approached.Peer reviewe

    Shallow decision-making analysis in General Video Game Playing

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    The General Video Game AI competitions have been the testing ground for several techniques for game playing, such as evolutionary computation techniques, tree search algorithms, hyper heuristic based or knowledge based algorithms. So far the metrics used to evaluate the performance of agents have been win ratio, game score and length of games. In this paper we provide a wider set of metrics and a comparison method for evaluating and comparing agents. The metrics and the comparison method give shallow introspection into the agent's decision making process and they can be applied to any agent regardless of its algorithmic nature. In this work, the metrics and the comparison method are used to measure the impact of the terms that compose a tree policy of an MCTS based agent, comparing with several baseline agents. The results clearly show how promising such general approach is and how it can be useful to understand the behaviour of an AI agent, in particular, how the comparison with baseline agents can help understanding the shape of the agent decision landscape. The presented metrics and comparison method represent a step toward to more descriptive ways of logging and analysing agent's behaviours

    Generative Design in Minecraft (GDMC), Settlement Generation Competition

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    This paper introduces the settlement generation competition for Minecraft, the first part of the Generative Design in Minecraft challenge. The settlement generation competition is about creating Artificial Intelligence (AI) agents that can produce functional, aesthetically appealing and believable settlements adapted to a given Minecraft map - ideally at a level that can compete with human created designs. The aim of the competition is to advance procedural content generation for games, especially in overcoming the challenges of adaptive and holistic PCG. The paper introduces the technical details of the challenge, but mostly focuses on what challenges this competition provides and why they are scientifically relevant.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Part of the Foundations of Digital Games 2018 proceedings, as part of the workshop on Procedural Content Generatio

    Bootstrapping Conditional GANs for Video Game Level Generation

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    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have shown im-pressive results for image generation. However, GANs facechallenges in generating contents with certain types of con-straints, such as game levels. Specifically, it is difficult togenerate levels that have aesthetic appeal and are playable atthe same time. Additionally, because training data usually islimited, it is challenging to generate unique levels with cur-rent GANs. In this paper, we propose a new GAN architec-ture namedConditional Embedding Self-Attention Genera-tive Adversarial Network(CESAGAN) and a new bootstrap-ping training procedure. The CESAGAN is a modification ofthe self-attention GAN that incorporates an embedding fea-ture vector input to condition the training of the discriminatorand generator. This allows the network to model non-localdependency between game objects, and to count objects. Ad-ditionally, to reduce the number of levels necessary to trainthe GAN, we propose a bootstrapping mechanism in whichplayable generated levels are added to the training set. Theresults demonstrate that the new approach does not only gen-erate a larger number of levels that are playable but also gen-erates fewer duplicate levels compared to a standard GAN

    Exploring Minecraft Settlement Generators with Generative Shift Analysis

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    © 2023 The Author(s). This is an open access conference paper distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/With growing interest in Procedural Content Generation (PCG) it becomes increasingly important to develop methods and tools for evaluating and comparing alternative systems. There is a particular lack regarding the evaluation of generative pipelines, where a set of generative systems work in series to make iterative changes to an artifact. We introduce a novel method called Generative Shift for evaluating the impact of individual stages in a PCG pipeline by quantifying the impact that a generative process has when it is applied to a pre-existing artifact. We explore this technique by applying it to a very rich dataset of Minecraft game maps produced by a set of alternative settlement generators developed as part of the Generative Design in Minecraft Competition (GDMC), all of which are designed to produce appropriate settlements for a pre-existing map. While this is an early exploration of this technique we find it to be a promising lens to apply to PCG evaluation, and we are optimistic about the potential of Generative Shift to be a domain-agnostic method for evaluating generative pipelines