61,734 research outputs found

    Self-Dictionary Sparse Regression for Hyperspectral Unmixing: Greedy Pursuit and Pure Pixel Search are Related

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    This paper considers a recently emerged hyperspectral unmixing formulation based on sparse regression of a self-dictionary multiple measurement vector (SD-MMV) model, wherein the measured hyperspectral pixels are used as the dictionary. Operating under the pure pixel assumption, this SD-MMV formalism is special in that it allows simultaneous identification of the endmember spectral signatures and the number of endmembers. Previous SD-MMV studies mainly focus on convex relaxations. In this study, we explore the alternative of greedy pursuit, which generally provides efficient and simple algorithms. In particular, we design a greedy SD-MMV algorithm using simultaneous orthogonal matching pursuit. Intriguingly, the proposed greedy algorithm is shown to be closely related to some existing pure pixel search algorithms, especially, the successive projection algorithm (SPA). Thus, a link between SD-MMV and pure pixel search is revealed. We then perform exact recovery analyses, and prove that the proposed greedy algorithm is robust to noise---including its identification of the (unknown) number of endmembers---under a sufficiently low noise level. The identification performance of the proposed greedy algorithm is demonstrated through both synthetic and real-data experiments

    A machine learning pipeline for discriminant pathways identification

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    Motivation: Identifying the molecular pathways more prone to disruption during a pathological process is a key task in network medicine and, more in general, in systems biology. Results: In this work we propose a pipeline that couples a machine learning solution for molecular profiling with a recent network comparison method. The pipeline can identify changes occurring between specific sub-modules of networks built in a case-control biomarker study, discriminating key groups of genes whose interactions are modified by an underlying condition. The proposal is independent from the classification algorithm used. Three applications on genomewide data are presented regarding children susceptibility to air pollution and two neurodegenerative diseases: Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Availability: Details about the software used for the experiments discussed in this paper are provided in the Appendix

    Graphical LASSO Based Model Selection for Time Series

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    We propose a novel graphical model selection (GMS) scheme for high-dimensional stationary time series or discrete time process. The method is based on a natural generalization of the graphical LASSO (gLASSO), introduced originally for GMS based on i.i.d. samples, and estimates the conditional independence graph (CIG) of a time series from a finite length observation. The gLASSO for time series is defined as the solution of an l1-regularized maximum (approximate) likelihood problem. We solve this optimization problem using the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). Our approach is nonparametric as we do not assume a finite dimensional (e.g., an autoregressive) parametric model for the observed process. Instead, we require the process to be sufficiently smooth in the spectral domain. For Gaussian processes, we characterize the performance of our method theoretically by deriving an upper bound on the probability that our algorithm fails to correctly identify the CIG. Numerical experiments demonstrate the ability of our method to recover the correct CIG from a limited amount of samples

    Provable Sparse Tensor Decomposition

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    We propose a novel sparse tensor decomposition method, namely Tensor Truncated Power (TTP) method, that incorporates variable selection into the estimation of decomposition components. The sparsity is achieved via an efficient truncation step embedded in the tensor power iteration. Our method applies to a broad family of high dimensional latent variable models, including high dimensional Gaussian mixture and mixtures of sparse regressions. A thorough theoretical investigation is further conducted. In particular, we show that the final decomposition estimator is guaranteed to achieve a local statistical rate, and further strengthen it to the global statistical rate by introducing a proper initialization procedure. In high dimensional regimes, the obtained statistical rate significantly improves those shown in the existing non-sparse decomposition methods. The empirical advantages of TTP are confirmed in extensive simulated results and two real applications of click-through rate prediction and high-dimensional gene clustering.Comment: To Appear in JRSS-

    A Constrained L1 Minimization Approach to Sparse Precision Matrix Estimation

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    A constrained L1 minimization method is proposed for estimating a sparse inverse covariance matrix based on a sample of nn iid pp-variate random variables. The resulting estimator is shown to enjoy a number of desirable properties. In particular, it is shown that the rate of convergence between the estimator and the true ss-sparse precision matrix under the spectral norm is slogp/ns\sqrt{\log p/n} when the population distribution has either exponential-type tails or polynomial-type tails. Convergence rates under the elementwise LL_{\infty} norm and Frobenius norm are also presented. In addition, graphical model selection is considered. The procedure is easily implementable by linear programming. Numerical performance of the estimator is investigated using both simulated and real data. In particular, the procedure is applied to analyze a breast cancer dataset. The procedure performs favorably in comparison to existing methods.Comment: To appear in Journal of the American Statistical Associatio