1 research outputs found

    Gen2v2-Security-and-privacy- Features-Leveraged Application Designs and Simulation

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    [[abstract]]無線射頻辨識在現在生活中已被普遍應用-例如: 交通票券、門禁卡、物品辨識、倉儲、健保卡等等。在過去無線射頻辨識的發展歷史中,不同的應用有不同的功能需求及安全需求,也因此發展出不同規格的無線射頻辨識的標準及卡片。另一方面 由 EPC Global 所發展的Class 2 Generation 2 version 1(簡稱Gen2v1) 無線射頻辨識由於其成本低、通訊距離長、高讀取率等優異因素已被廣泛應用於各個領域交通票券、門禁卡、物品辨識、倉儲、健保卡等等;但Gen2v1安全功能弱、檔案控管能力弱、隱私保護能力弱等既存限制也暴露此技術的發展限制及風險。因此 EPC global發展了新一代的Gen2v2標準試圖以單一標準滿足多樣的功能需求;然而其功能複雜且彈性也讓非專業人員難以理解及應用。本研究旨在研究Gen2v2標準及功能,再以其功能規格來設計幾種代表性應用,透過這些設計及模擬案例來提供相關業界一些設計及應用的參考。[[abstract]]RFID plays an important role around our life and has been widely applied in many fields like traffic tickets, access cards, goods identification, storage, insurance card, and so on. There are several different RFIDs like ISO1443, ISO 15693, EPC Global Class 2 Generation 2 version 1(Gen2v1 for short) on the market to meet different requirements. Among them, Gen2v1 developed by the EPC Global has been widely adopted in many application sectors described above, owing to its low cost, long distance communicate, high read rates, etc.; however, Gen2v1 has weak security functions, un-flexible file management, and no privacy protection; these features pose serious security concerns on its applications. Therefore, EPC global ratifies a new Gen2 standard, Generation 2 version 2 (called Gen2v2) to meet the requirements. Gen2v2 is powerful in security, file management and privacy protection and also flexible in its implementation; this raises a big challenge for developers to understand and apply it. This thesis clearly introduces and highlighting Gen2v2 key features and main functions, designs several typical applications using Gen2v2, and simulates these applications. This thesis aims at providing interested industry sectors some useful references for applying this powerful, complicated and flexible technology.[[note]]碩