111 research outputs found

    Driver Attention based on Deep Learning for a Smart Vehicle to Driver (V2D) Interaction

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    La atención del conductor es un tópico interesante dentro del mundo de los vehículos inteligentes para la consecución de tareas que van desde la monitorización del conductor hasta la conducción autónoma. Esta tesis aborda este tópico basándose en algoritmos de aprendizaje profundo para conseguir una interacción inteligente entre el vehículo y el conductor. La monitorización del conductor requiere una estimación precisa de su mirada en un entorno 3D para conocer el estado de su atención. En esta tesis se aborda este problema usando una única cámara, para que pueda ser utilizada en aplicaciones reales, sin un alto coste y sin molestar al conductor. La herramienta desarrollada ha sido evaluada en una base de datos pública (DADA2000), obteniendo unos resultados similares a los obtenidos mediante un seguidor de ojos caro que no puede ser usado en un vehículo real. Además, ha sido usada en una aplicación que evalúa la atención del conductor en la transición de modo autónomo a manual de forma simulada, proponiendo el uso de una métrica novedosa para conocer el estado de la situación del conductor en base a su atención sobre los diferentes objetos de la escena. Por otro lado, se ha propuesto un algoritmo de estimación de atención del conductor, utilizando las últimas técnicas de aprendizaje profundo como son las conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGANs) y el Multi-Head Self-Attention. Esto permite enfatizar ciertas zonas de la escena al igual que lo haría un humano. El modelo ha sido entrenado y validado en dos bases de datos públicas (BDD-A y DADA2000) superando a otras propuestas del estado del arte y consiguiendo unos tiempos de inferencia que permiten su uso en aplicaciones reales. Por último, se ha desarrollado un modelo que aprovecha nuestro algoritmo de atención del conductor para comprender una escena de tráfico obteniendo la decisión tomada por el vehículo y su explicación, en base a las imágenes tomadas por una cámara situada en la parte frontal del vehículo. Ha sido entrenado en una base de datos pública (BDD-OIA) proponiendo un modelo que entiende la secuencia temporal de los eventos usando un Transformer Encoder, consiguiendo superar a otras propuestas del estado del arte. Además de su validación en la base de datos, ha sido implementado en una aplicación que interacciona con el conductor aconsejando sobre las decisiones a tomar y sus explicaciones ante diferentes casos de uso en un entorno simulado. Esta tesis explora y demuestra los beneficios de la atención del conductor para el mundo de los vehículos inteligentes, logrando una interacción vehículo conductor a través de las últimas técnicas de aprendizaje profundo

    The role of phonology in visual word recognition: evidence from Chinese

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    Posters - Letter/Word Processing V: abstract no. 5024The hypothesis of bidirectional coupling of orthography and phonology predicts that phonology plays a role in visual word recognition, as observed in the effects of feedforward and feedback spelling to sound consistency on lexical decision. However, because orthography and phonology are closely related in alphabetic languages (homophones in alphabetic languages are usually orthographically similar), it is difficult to exclude an influence of orthography on phonological effects in visual word recognition. Chinese languages contain many written homophones that are orthographically dissimilar, allowing a test of the claim that phonological effects can be independent of orthographic similarity. We report a study of visual word recognition in Chinese based on a mega-analysis of lexical decision performance with 500 characters. The results from multiple regression analyses, after controlling for orthographic frequency, stroke number, and radical frequency, showed main effects of feedforward and feedback consistency, as well as interactions between these variables and phonological frequency and number of homophones. Implications of these results for resonance models of visual word recognition are discussed.postprin

    Interactive effects of orthography and semantics in Chinese picture naming

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    Posters - Language Production/Writing: abstract no. 4035Picture-naming performance in English and Dutch is enhanced by presentation of a word that is similar in form to the picture name. However, it is unclear whether facilitation has an orthographic or a phonological locus. We investigated the loci of the facilitation effect in Cantonese Chinese speakers by manipulating—at three SOAs (2100, 0, and 1100 msec)—semantic, orthographic, and phonological similarity. We identified an effect of orthographic facilitation that was independent of and larger than phonological facilitation across all SOAs. Semantic interference was also found at SOAs of 2100 and 0 msec. Critically, an interaction of semantics and orthography was observed at an SOA of 1100 msec. This interaction suggests that independent effects of orthographic facilitation on picture naming are located either at the level of semantic processing or at the lemma level and are not due to the activation of picture name segments at the level of phonological retrieval.postprin

    Patient centric intervention for children with high functioning autism spectrum disorder. Can ICT solutions improve the state of the art ?

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    In my PhD research we developed an integrated technological platform for the acquisition of neurophysiologic signals in a semi-naturalistic setting where children are free to move around, play with different objects and interact with the examiner. The interaction with the examiner rather than with a screen is another very important feature of the present research, and allows recreating a more real situation with social interactions and cues. In this paradigm, we can assume that the signals acquired from the brain and the autonomic system, are much more similar to what is generated while the child interacts in common life situations. This setting, with a relatively simple technical implementation, can be considered as one step towards a more behaviorally driven analysis of neurophysiologic activity. Within the context of a pilot open trial, we showed the feasibility of the technological platform applied to the classical intervention solutions for the autism. We found that (1) the platform was useful during both children-therapist interaction at hospital as well as children-parents interaction at home, (2) tailored intervention was compatible with at home use and non-professional therapist/parents. Going back to the title of my thesis: 'Can ICT solution improve the state-of-the-art ?' the answer could be: 'Yes it can be an useful support for a skilled professional in the field of autis