5 research outputs found

    Gaussian-Constrained training for speaker verification

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    Neural models, in particular the d-vector and x-vector architectures, have produced state-of-the-art performance on many speaker verification tasks. However, two potential problems of these neural models deserve more investigation. Firstly, both models suffer from `information leak', which means that some parameters participating in model training will be discarded during inference, i.e, the layers that are used as the classifier. Secondly, these models do not regulate the distribution of the derived speaker vectors. This `unconstrained distribution' may degrade the performance of the subsequent scoring component, e.g., PLDA. This paper proposes a Gaussian-constrained training approach that (1) discards the parametric classifier, and (2) enforces the distribution of the derived speaker vectors to be Gaussian. Our experiments on the VoxCeleb and SITW databases demonstrated that this new training approach produced more representative and regular speaker embeddings, leading to consistent performance improvement

    Gaussian speaker embedding learning for text-independent speaker verification

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    The x-vector maps segments of arbitrary duration to vectors of fixed dimension using deep neural network. Combined with the probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) backend, the x-vector/PLDA has become the dominant framework in text-independent speaker verification. Nevertheless, how to extract the x-vector appropriate for the PLDA backend is a key problem. In this paper, we propose a Gaussian noise constrained network (GNCN) to extract xvector, which adopts a multi-task learning strategy with the primary task classifying the speakers and the auxiliary task just fitting the Gaussian noises. Experiments are carried out using the SITW database. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed methodComment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Data augmentation versus noise compensation for x- vector speaker recognition systems in noisy environments

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    The explosion of available speech data and new speaker modeling methods based on deep neural networks (DNN) have given the ability to develop more robust speaker recognition systems. Among DNN speaker modelling techniques, x-vector system has shown a degree of robustness in noisy environments. Previous studies suggest that by increasing the number of speakers in the training data and using data augmentation more robust speaker recognition systems are achievable in noisy environments. In this work, we want to know if explicit noise compensation techniques continue to be effective despite the general noise robustness of these systems. For this study, we will use two different x-vector networks: the first one is trained on Voxceleb1 (Protocol1), and the second one is trained on Voxceleb1+Voxveleb2 (Protocol2). We propose to add a denoising x-vector subsystem before scoring. Experimental results show that, the x-vector system used in Protocol2 is more robust than the other one used Protocol1. Despite this observation we will show that explicit noise compensation gives almost the same EER relative gain in both protocols. For example, in the Protocol2 we have 21% to 66% improvement of EER with denoising techniques

    Deep Normalization for Speaker Vectors

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    Deep speaker embedding has demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in speaker recognition tasks. However, one potential issue with this approach is that the speaker vectors derived from deep embedding models tend to be non-Gaussian for each individual speaker, and non-homogeneous for distributions of different speakers. These irregular distributions can seriously impact speaker recognition performance, especially with the popular PLDA scoring method, which assumes homogeneous Gaussian distribution. In this paper, we argue that deep speaker vectors require deep normalization, and propose a deep normalization approach based on a novel discriminative normalization flow (DNF) model. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach with experiments using the widely used SITW and CNCeleb corpora. In these experiments, the DNF-based normalization delivered substantial performance gains and also showed strong generalization capability in out-of-domain tests

    Speaker Recognition Based on Deep Learning: An Overview

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    Speaker recognition is a task of identifying persons from their voices. Recently, deep learning has dramatically revolutionized speaker recognition. However, there is lack of comprehensive reviews on the exciting progress. In this paper, we review several major subtasks of speaker recognition, including speaker verification, identification, diarization, and robust speaker recognition, with a focus on deep-learning-based methods. Because the major advantage of deep learning over conventional methods is its representation ability, which is able to produce highly abstract embedding features from utterances, we first pay close attention to deep-learning-based speaker feature extraction, including the inputs, network structures, temporal pooling strategies, and objective functions respectively, which are the fundamental components of many speaker recognition subtasks. Then, we make an overview of speaker diarization, with an emphasis of recent supervised, end-to-end, and online diarization. Finally, we survey robust speaker recognition from the perspectives of domain adaptation and speech enhancement, which are two major approaches of dealing with domain mismatch and noise problems. Popular and recently released corpora are listed at the end of the paper