11,198 research outputs found

    Expectation Propagation for Poisson Data

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    The Poisson distribution arises naturally when dealing with data involving counts, and it has found many applications in inverse problems and imaging. In this work, we develop an approximate Bayesian inference technique based on expectation propagation for approximating the posterior distribution formed from the Poisson likelihood function and a Laplace type prior distribution, e.g., the anisotropic total variation prior. The approach iteratively yields a Gaussian approximation, and at each iteration, it updates the Gaussian approximation to one factor of the posterior distribution by moment matching. We derive explicit update formulas in terms of one-dimensional integrals, and also discuss stable and efficient quadrature rules for evaluating these integrals. The method is showcased on two-dimensional PET images.Comment: 25 pages, to be published at Inverse Problem

    Spectral-based Propagation Schemes for Time-Dependent Quantum Systems with Application to Carbon Nanotubes

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    Effective modeling and numerical spectral-based propagation schemes are proposed for addressing the challenges in time-dependent quantum simulations of systems ranging from atoms, molecules, and nanostructures to emerging nanoelectronic devices. While time-dependent Hamiltonian problems can be formally solved by propagating the solutions along tiny simulation time steps, a direct numerical treatment is often considered too computationally demanding. In this paper, however, we propose to go beyond these limitations by introducing high-performance numerical propagation schemes to compute the solution of the time-ordered evolution operator. In addition to the direct Hamiltonian diagonalizations that can be efficiently performed using the new eigenvalue solver FEAST, we have designed a Gaussian propagation scheme and a basis transformed propagation scheme (BTPS) which allow to reduce considerably the simulation times needed by time intervals. It is outlined that BTPS offers the best computational efficiency allowing new perspectives in time-dependent simulations. Finally, these numerical schemes are applied to study the AC response of a (5,5) carbon nanotube within a 3D real-space mesh framework

    On Approximate Nonlinear Gaussian Message Passing On Factor Graphs

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    Factor graphs have recently gained increasing attention as a unified framework for representing and constructing algorithms for signal processing, estimation, and control. One capability that does not seem to be well explored within the factor graph tool kit is the ability to handle deterministic nonlinear transformations, such as those occurring in nonlinear filtering and smoothing problems, using tabulated message passing rules. In this contribution, we provide general forward (filtering) and backward (smoothing) approximate Gaussian message passing rules for deterministic nonlinear transformation nodes in arbitrary factor graphs fulfilling a Markov property, based on numerical quadrature procedures for the forward pass and a Rauch-Tung-Striebel-type approximation of the backward pass. These message passing rules can be employed for deriving many algorithms for solving nonlinear problems using factor graphs, as is illustrated by the proposition of a nonlinear modified Bryson-Frazier (MBF) smoother based on the presented message passing rules
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