66 research outputs found

    Garbling Gadgets for Boolean and Arithmetic Circuits

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    We present simple, practical, and powerful new techniques for garbled circuits. These techniques result in significant concrete and asymptotic improvements over the state of the art, for several natural kinds of computations. For arithmetic circuits over the integers, our construction results in garbled circuits with {\em free} addition, weighted threshold gates with cost independent of fan-in, and exponentiation by a fixed exponent with cost independent of the exponent. For boolean circuits, our construction gives an {\em exponential} improvement over the state of the art for threshold gates (including AND/OR gates) of high fan-in. Our construction can be efficiently instantiated with practical symmetric-key primitives (e.g., AES), and is proven secure under similar assumptions to that of the Free-XOR garbling scheme (Kolesnikov \& Schneider, ICALP 2008). We give an extensive comparison between our scheme and state-of-the-art garbling schemes applied to boolean circuits

    On Multiparty Garbling of Arithmetic Circuits

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    We initiate a study of garbled circuits that contain both Boolean and arithmetic gates in secure multiparty computation. In particular, we incorporate the garbling gadgets for arithmetic circuits recently presented by Ball, Malkin, and Rosulek (ACM CCS 2016) into the multiparty garbling paradigm initially introduced by Beaver, Micali, and Rogaway (STOC \u2790). This is the first work that studies arithmetic garbled circuits in the multiparty setting. Using mixed Boolean-arithmetic circuits allows more efficient secure computation of functions that naturally combine Boolean and arithmetic computations. Our garbled circuits are secure in the semi-honest model, under the same hardness assumptions as Ball et al., and can be efficiently and securely computed in constant rounds assuming an honest majority. We first extend free addition and multiplication by a constant to the multiparty setting. We then extend to the multiparty setting efficient garbled multiplication gates. The garbled multiplication gate construction we show was previously achieved only in the two-party setting and assuming a random oracle. We further present a new garbling technique, and show how this technique can improve efficiency in garbling selector gates. Selector gates compute a simple ``if statement in the arithmetic setting: the gate selects the output value from two input integer values, according to a Boolean selector bit; if the bit is 00 the output equals the first value, and if the bit is 11 the output equals the second value. Using our new technique, we show a new and designated garbled selector gate that reduces by approximately 33%33\% the evaluation time, for any number of parties, from the best previously known constructions that use existing techniques and are secure based on the same hardness assumptions. On the downside, we find that testing equality and computing exponentiation by a constant are significantly more complex to garble in the multiparty setting than in the two-party setting

    How to Garble Mixed Circuits that Combine Boolean and Arithmetic Computations

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    The study of garbling arithmetic circuits is initiated by Applebaum, Ishai, and Kushilevitz [FOCS\u2711], which can be naturally extended to mixed circuits. The basis of mixed circuits includes Boolean operations, arithmetic operations over a large ring and bit-decomposition that converts an arithmetic value to its bit representation. We construct efficient garbling schemes for mixed circuits. In the random oracle model, we construct two garbling schemes: \bullet The first scheme targets mixed circuits modulo some N2bN\approx 2^b. Addition gates are free. Each multiplication gate costs O(λb1.5)O(\lambda \cdot b^{1.5}) communication. Each bit-decomposition costs O(λb2/logb)O(\lambda \cdot b^{2} / \log{b}). \bullet The second scheme targets mixed circuit modulo some N2bN\approx 2^b. Each addition gate and multiplication gate costs O(λblogb/loglogb)O(\lambda \cdot b \cdot \log b / \log \log b). Every bit-decomposition costs O(λb2/logb)O(\lambda \cdot b^2 / \log b). Our schemes improve on the work of Ball, Malkin, and Rosulek [CCS\u2716] in the same model. Additionally relying on the DCR assumption, we construct in the programmable random oracle model a more efficient garbling scheme targeting mixed circuits over Z2b\mathbb{Z}_{2^b}, where addition gates are free, and each multiplication or bit-decomposition gate costs O(λDCRb)O(\lambda_{\text{DCR}} \cdot b) communication. We improve on the recent work of Ball, Li, Lin, and Liu [Eurocrypt\u2723] which also relies on the DCR assumption

    New Ways to Garble Arithmetic Circuits

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    The beautiful work of Applebaum, Ishai, and Kushilevitz [FOCS\u2711] initiated the study of arithmetic variants of Yao\u27s garbled circuits. An arithmetic garbling scheme is an efficient transformation that converts an arithmetic circuit C:RnRmC: \mathcal{R}^n \rightarrow \mathcal{R}^m over a ring R\mathcal{R} into a garbled circuit C^\widehat C and nn affine functions LiL_i for i[n]i \in [n], such that C^\widehat C and Li(xi)L_i(x_i) reveals only the output C(x)C(x) and no other information of xx. AIK presented the first arithmetic garbling scheme supporting computation over integers from a bounded (possibly exponentially large) range, based on Learning With Errors (LWE). In contrast, converting CC into a Boolean circuit and applying Yao\u27s garbled circuit treats the inputs as bit strings instead of ring elements, and hence is not arithmetic . In this work, we present new ways to garble arithmetic circuits, which improve the state-of-the-art on efficiency, modularity, and functionality. To measure efficiency, we define the rate of a garbling scheme as the maximal ratio between the bit-length of the garbled circuit C^|\widehat C| and that of the computation tableau C|C|\ell in the clear, where \ell is the bit length of wire values (e.g., Yao\u27s garbled circuit has rate O(λ)O(\lambda)). \bullet We present the first constant-rate arithmetic garbled circuit for computation over large integers based on the Decisional Composite Residuosity (DCR) assumption, significantly improving the efficiency of the schemes of Applebaum, Ishai, and Kushilevitz. \bullet We construct an arithmetic garbling scheme for modular computation over R=Zp\mathcal{R} = \mathbb{Z}_p for any integer modulus pp, based on either DCR or LWE. The DCR-based instantiation achieves rate O(λ)O(\lambda) for large pp. Furthermore, our construction is modular and makes black-box use of the underlying ring and a simple key extension gadget. \bullet We describe a variant of the first scheme supporting arithmetic circuits over bounded integers that are augmented with Boolean computation (e.g., truncation of an integer value, and comparison between two values), while keeping the constant rate when garbling the arithmetic part. To the best of our knowledge, constant-rate (Boolean or arithmetic) garbling was only achieved before using the powerful primitive of indistinguishability obfuscation, or for restricted circuits with small depth

    Efficient Privacy-Preserving General Edit Distance and Beyond

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    Edit distance is an important non-linear metric that has many applications ranging from matching patient genomes to text-based intrusion detection. Depends on the application, related string-comparison metrics, such as weighted edit distance, Needleman-Wunsch distance, longest common subsequences, and heaviest common subsequences, can usually fit better than the basic edit distance. When these metrics need to be calculated on sensitive input strings supplied by mutually distrustful parties, it is more desirable but also more challenging to compute them in privacy-preserving ways. In this paper, we propose efficient secure computation protocols for private edit distance as well as several generalized applications including weighted edit distance (with potentially content-dependent weights), longest common subsequence, and heaviest common subsequence. Our protocols run 20+ times faster and use an order-of-magnitude less bandwidth than their best previous counterparts. Along- side, we propose a garbling scheme that allows free arithmetic addition, free multiplication with constants, and low-cost comparison/minimum for inputs of restricted relative-differences. Moreover, the encodings (i.e. wire-labels) in our garbling scheme can be converted from and to encodings used by traditional binary circuit garbling schemes with light to moderate costs. Therefore, while being extremely efficient on certain kinds of computations, the new garbling scheme remains composable and capable of handling generic computational tasks

    Garbled Neural Networks are Practical

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    We show that garbled circuits are a practical choice for secure evaluation of neural network classifiers. At the protocol level, we start with the garbling scheme of Ball, Malkin & Rosulek (ACM CCS 2016) for arithmetic circuits and introduce new optimizations for modern neural network activation functions. We develop fancy-garbling, the first implementation of the BMR16 garbling scheme along with our new optimizations, as part of heavily optimized garbled-circuits tool that is driven by a TensorFlow classifier description. We evaluate our constructions on a wide range of neural networks. We find that our approach is up to 100x more efficient than straight-forward boolean garbling (depending on the neural network). Our approach is also roughly 40% more efficient than DeepSecure (Rouhani et al., DAC 2018), the only previous garbled-circuit-based approach for secure neural network evaluation, which incorporates significant optimization techniques for boolean circuits. Furthermore, our approach is competitive with other non-garbled-circuit approaches for secure neural network evaluation

    Garbling, Stacked and Staggered: Faster k-out-of-n Garbled Function Evaluation

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    Stacked Garbling (SGC) is a Garbled Circuit (GC) improvement that efficiently and securely evaluates programs with conditional branching. SGC reduces bandwidth consumption such that communication is proportional to the size of the single longest program execution path, rather than to the size of the entire program. Crucially, the parties expend increased computational effort compared to classic GC. Motivated by procuring a subset in a menu of computational services or tasks, we consider GC evaluation of k-out-of-n branches, whose indices are known (or eventually revealed) to the GC evaluator E. Our stack-and-stagger technique amortizes GC computation in this setting. We retain the communication advantage of SGC, while significantly improving computation and wall-clock time. Namely, each GC party garbles (or evaluates) the total of n branches, a significant improvement over the O(nk) garblings/evaluations needed by standard SGC. We present our construction as a garbling scheme. Our technique brings significant overall performance improvement in various settings, including those typically considered in the literature: e.g. on a 1Gbps LAN we evaluate 16-out-of-128 functions ~7.68x faster than standard stacked garbling

    An Efficient 2-Party Private Function Evaluation Protocol Based on Half Gates

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Private function evaluation (PFE) is a special case of secure multi-party computation (MPC), where the function to be computed is known by only one party. PFE is useful in several real-life applications where an algorithm or a function itself needs to remain secret for reasons such as protecting intellectual property or security classification level. In this paper, we focus on improving 2-party PFE based on symmetric cryptographic primitives. In this respect, we look back at the seminal PFE framework presented by Mohassel and Sadeghian at Eurocrypt’13. We show how to adapt and utilize the well-known half gates garbling technique (Zahur et al., Eurocrypt’15) to their constant-round 2-party PFE scheme. Compared to their scheme, our resulting optimization significantly improves the efficiency of both the underlying Oblivious Evaluation of Extended Permutation (OEP) and secure 2-party computation (2PC) protocols, and yields a more than 40% reduction in overall communication cost (the computation time is also slightly decreased and the number of rounds remains unchanged)

    Privacy-Preserving Shortest Path Computation

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    Navigation is one of the most popular cloud computing services. But in virtually all cloud-based navigation systems, the client must reveal her location and destination to the cloud service provider in order to learn the fastest route. In this work, we present a cryptographic protocol for navigation on city streets that provides privacy for both the client's location and the service provider's routing data. Our key ingredient is a novel method for compressing the next-hop routing matrices in networks such as city street maps. Applying our compression method to the map of Los Angeles, for example, we achieve over tenfold reduction in the representation size. In conjunction with other cryptographic techniques, this compressed representation results in an efficient protocol suitable for fully-private real-time navigation on city streets. We demonstrate the practicality of our protocol by benchmarking it on real street map data for major cities such as San Francisco and Washington, D.C.Comment: Extended version of NDSS 2016 pape