161 research outputs found

    Succinct progress measures for solving parity games

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    The recent breakthrough paper by Calude et al. has given the first algorithm for solving parity games in quasi-polynomial time, where previously the best algorithms were mildly subexponential. We devise an alternative quasi-polynomial time algorithm based on progress measures, which allows us to reduce the space required from quasi-polynomial to nearly linear. Our key technical tools are a novel concept of ordered tree coding, and a succinct tree coding result that we prove using bounded adaptive multi-counters, both of which are interesting in their own right


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    We study turn-based stochastic zero-sum games with lexicographic preferences over reachability and safety objectives. Stochastic games are standard models in control, verification, and synthesis of stochastic reactive systems that exhibit both randomness as well as angelic and demonic non-determinism. Lexicographic order allows to consider multiple objectives with a strict preference order over the satisfaction of the objectives. To the best of our knowledge, stochastic games with lexicographic objectives have not been studied before. We establish determinacy of such games and present strategy and computational complexity results. For strategy complexity, we show that lexicographically optimal strategies exist that are deterministic and memory is only required to remember the already satisfied and violated objectives. For a constant number of objectives, we show that the relevant decision problem is in NP∩coNP , matching the current known bound for single objectives; and in general the decision problem is PSPACE -hard and can be solved in NEXPTIME∩coNEXPTIME . We present an algorithm that computes the lexicographically optimal strategies via a reduction to computation of optimal strategies in a sequence of single-objectives games. We have implemented our algorithm and report experimental results on various case studies

    Most General Winning Secure Equilibria Synthesis in Graph Games

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    This paper considers the problem of co-synthesis in kk-player games over a finite graph where each player has an individual ω\omega-regular specification ϕi\phi_i. In this context, a secure equilibrium (SE) is a Nash equilibrium w.r.t. the lexicographically ordered objectives of each player to first satisfy their own specification, and second, to falsify other players' specifications. A winning secure equilibrium (WSE) is an SE strategy profile (πi)i∈[1;k](\pi_i)_{i\in[1;k]} that ensures the specification ϕ:=⋀i∈[1;k]ϕi\phi:=\bigwedge_{i\in[1;k]}\phi_i if no player deviates from their strategy πi\pi_i. Distributed implementations generated from a WSE make components act rationally by ensuring that a deviation from the WSE strategy profile is immediately punished by a retaliating strategy that makes the involved players lose. In this paper, we move from deviation punishment in WSE-based implementations to a distributed, assume-guarantee based realization of WSE. This shift is obtained by generalizing WSE from strategy profiles to specification profiles (φi)i∈[1;k](\varphi_i)_{i\in[1;k]} with ⋀i∈[1;k]φi=ϕ\bigwedge_{i\in[1;k]}\varphi_i = \phi, which we call most general winning secure equilibria (GWSE). Such GWSE have the property that each player can individually pick a strategy πi\pi_i winning for φi\varphi_i (against all other players) and all resulting strategy profiles (πi)i∈[1;k](\pi_i)_{i\in[1;k]} are guaranteed to be a WSE. The obtained flexibility in players' strategy choices can be utilized for robustness and adaptability of local implementations. Concretely, our contribution is three-fold: (1) we formalize GWSE for kk-player games over finite graphs, where each player has an ω\omega-regular specification ϕi\phi_i; (2) we devise an iterative semi-algorithm for GWSE synthesis in such games, and (3) obtain an exponential-time algorithm for GWSE synthesis with parity specifications ϕi\phi_i.Comment: TACAS 202

    Stochastic Games with Lexicographic Reachability-Safety Objectives

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    We study turn-based stochastic zero-sum games with lexicographic preferences over reachability and safety objectives. Stochastic games are standard models in control, verification, and synthesis of stochastic reactive systems that exhibit both randomness as well as angelic and demonic non-determinism. Lexicographic order allows to consider multiple objectives with a strict preference order over the satisfaction of the objectives. To the best of our knowledge, stochastic games with lexicographic objectives have not been studied before. We establish determinacy of such games and present strategy and computational complexity results. For strategy complexity, we show that lexicographically optimal strategies exist that are deterministic and memory is only required to remember the already satisfied and violated objectives. For a constant number of objectives, we show that the relevant decision problem is in NP ∩\cap coNP, matching the current known bound for single objectives; and in general the decision problem is PSPACE-hard and can be solved in NEXPTIME ∩\cap coNEXPTIME. We present an algorithm that computes the lexicographically optimal strategies via a reduction to computation of optimal strategies in a sequence of single-objectives games. We have implemented our algorithm and report experimental results on various case studies.Comment: Full version (33 pages) of CAV20 conference paper; including an appendix with technical proof

    Parity and Streett Games with Costs

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    We consider two-player games played on finite graphs equipped with costs on edges and introduce two winning conditions, cost-parity and cost-Streett, which require bounds on the cost between requests and their responses. Both conditions generalize the corresponding classical omega-regular conditions and the corresponding finitary conditions. For parity games with costs we show that the first player has positional winning strategies and that determining the winner lies in NP and coNP. For Streett games with costs we show that the first player has finite-state winning strategies and that determining the winner is EXPTIME-complete. The second player might need infinite memory in both games. Both types of games with costs can be solved by solving linearly many instances of their classical variants.Comment: A preliminary version of this work appeared in FSTTCS 2012 under the name "Cost-parity and Cost-Streett Games". The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreements 259454 (GALE) and 239850 (SOSNA
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