4 research outputs found

    Information Dynamic Analyses on American Football

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    This paper is concerned with the information dynamic analyses on American football games: One is the game in Eastern University American Football League, National Defense Academy vs. Chiba University, and the other is the Rice Bowl (Japan Championship)2020 Final, Fujitsu vs. Kansai University.  The former game is so called one-sided one, for National Defense Academy keeps the advantageous position against Chiba University throughout the game except at the normalized time η=0.25.  In the range that the normalized time η is greater than the value of 0.75, the model curve of ξ =η7 shows good agreement with game data.   It is found that the game point is at the normalized time η 0.9, where the game outcome becomes definitive and is the cross point between the certainty of game outcome ξ and the uncertainty of game outcome ς. The latter game modelled by ξ=η1.5 is typical one-sided one, and the game point is at the normalized time η0.62.  The two characteristic points in American football become evident through the present work, viz. (a)rules are rational and well organized, though sometimes they are too complicated, and (b)anyone can easily participate in the game not only as player, but supervisor, coach, cheer girl or member of cheering party, and/or supporter.  

    Information Dynamics in Baseball

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    This study is concerned with the information dynamics in baseball. This simulates and models the history of professional baseball game Carp vs. Giants in Japan Central League , and provides us useful strategy and/or tactic for coping with the future games, and method for predicting the game outcomes. The game, Carp vs. Giants is quite a unique one, for Giants keeps the advantage against Carp over 90% of the total game length, but is reversed by Carp just before the end. Thus, this game should be called as one-sided game by Giants, though Carp becomes the winner.   It is found that a model curve for height, which initial slope angle coincides with that of data curve, provides the minimum current value of height depending on the time. Usefulness of the information dynamic model for predicting game outcome has been demonstrated: It is predicted in such a way that the author’s granddaughter in 10 years old on August 13, 2018 will increase her height in 10 years from 127.5 cm to 167.6 cm

    Japan Judo Championship 2019

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    This paper is concerned with the case studies on Final and Semi-final in All Japan Judo Championship 2019, and is analyzing the relevant data in terms of the information dynamic model.  The Final is a typical balanced game, which is finished by the Golden Score, while the Semi-final is classified as one-sided game. In the Semi-final, it has been shown that the winner gets the safety lead against the loser at the normalized time η0.8, which means that outcome of this match becomes definite at the stage, 80% of the total game length. It is inferred that in the All Japan Judo Championship, the sudden death of both players will occur, but drawn game cannot be expected anymore, as far as the current refereeing rules are sustained. It is realized that the present approach is promising to predict the history and outcome of any game before it starts, so that it is useful for preparing the tactics or strategy for future games

    Information Dynamics Towards Serious Game

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    This paper is concerned with information dynamics towards serious game. This study demonstrates that the proposed methodology can provide useful information to analyze game and to predict the outcome, respectively, in terms of soccer and girl’ height based on information dynamic model.  A plausible prediction method for human height has been proposed by incorporating the information dynamic model. Girl’s height at 10 years old is predicted until 25 years old, by knowing her height growth rate at starting year.   It may be considered that this is a sort of breakthrough on game research: The information dynamic model has been mainly used to do post hoc analyses for the finished games, but it has also potential to predict the game outcome before the start, if initial conditions are given. As a popular and simple game, soccer has been analyzed and presented how advantage and certainty of game outcome depend on the time.   In the data analyses, as evaluation function scores in addition to goal, shoot, corner kick, or penalty kick are adopted to conduct refined analyses. The game patterns have been categorized into see-saw, one-sided, balanced and others, and is defined quantitatively, to promote understanding game.        &nbsp