3 research outputs found

    Traffic Management and Networking for Autonomous Vehicular Highway Systems

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    We develop traffic management and data networking mechanisms and study their integrated design for an autonomous transportation system. The traffic management model involves a multi-lane multi-segment highway. Ramp managers regulate admission of vehicles into the highway and their routing to designated lanes. Vehicles moving across each lane are organized into platoons. A Platoon Leader (PL) is elected in each platoon and is used to manage its members and their communications with the infrastructure and with vehicles in other platoons. We develop new methods that are employed to determine the structural formations of platoons and their mobility processes in each lane, aiming to maximize the realized flow rate under vehicular end-to-end delay constraints. We set a limit on the vehicular on-ramp queueing delay and on the (per unit distance) transit time incurred along the highway. We make use of the platoon formations to develop new Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) wireless networking cross-layer schemes that are used to disseminate messages among vehicles traveling within a specified neighborhood. For this purpose, we develop algorithms that configure a hierarchical networking architecture for the autonomous system. Certain platoon leaders are dynamically assigned to act as Backbone Nodes (BNs). The latter are interconnected by communications links to form a Backbone Network (Bnet). Each BN serves as an access point for its Access Network (Anet), which consists of its mobile clients. We study the delay-throughput performance behavior of the network system and determine the optimal setting of its parameters, assuming both TDMA and IEEE 802.11p oriented wireless channel sharing (MAC) schemes. Integrating these traffic management and data networking mechanisms, we demonstrate the performance tradeoffs available to the system designer and manager when aiming to synthesize an autonomous transportation system operation that achieves targeted vehicular flow rates and transit delays while also setting the data communications network system to meet targeted message throughput and delay objectives

    GPS aided inter-vehicular wireless networking

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    Abstract—To support in an efficient way infotainment and public safety multicast applications in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANET), a fundamental aspect is the optimization of the broadcast capacity. The objective is to disseminate packet flows to a wide set of vehicles by extending the coverage area of the broadcast packet flows distributed from a Road Side Unit through the use of vehicle-to-vehicle multi-hop communications. To this aim, we synthesize and study Vehicular Backbone Network (VBN) systems. Several vehicles that are situated along the highway are dynamically self elected based on their locations along the highway, to act as relay nodes that disseminate and forward flow packets. We analytically provide rationale for the criteria to be used in electing relay nodes. This is based on the computation of targeted optimal geographical positions for them under which the system’s broadcast capacity is maximized, while striving also to reduce the number of elected relay nodes. I

    Integrated wireless access and networking to support floating car data collection in vehicular networks

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    Collecting data from a large number of agents scattered over a region of interest is becoming an increasingly appealing paradigm to feed big data archives that lay the ground for a vast array of applications. Vehicular Floating Car Data (FCD) collection, a major representative of this paradigm, is a key enabler for a wide range of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) services and applications aiming at enhancing safety, efficiency and sustainability. Obtaining real time, high spacial and temporal resolution vehicular FCD information is becoming a reality thanks to the variety of communication platforms that are being deployed. Dedicated Short-Range Communication (DSRC) and Long Term Evolution (LTE) are the most prominent communication technologies able to support periodic and persistent FCD collection. DSRC technology was mainly proposed for safety applications and is specifically tailored for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs). The first parts of this work are dedicated to assessing the suitability of DSRC to support FCD collection in real urban scenarios. We first study the basic communication paradigm that takes place in VANETs to populate vehicles’ local data bases with FCD information, named beaconing, and the trade-off between the beaconing frequency and the congestion induced in the wireless shared channel used to exchange these beacons. The primary metric to measure the information freshness inside every vehicle’s local data base is the Age-of-Information (AoI). We define an analytical model to evaluate the AoI of a VANET, given the connectivity graph of the vehicles, and validate the model by comparing it with realistic simulations of an urban area. Then, we propose an integrated DSRC-based protocol that disseminates queries and collects FCD messages from vehicles roaming in a quite large city area efficiently and timely by using a single network structure, i.e., a multi-hop backbone network made up of only vehicle nodes. The proposed solution is distributed and adaptive to different traffic conditions, i.e., to different levels of vehicular traffic density. One of the main protocol advantages is that for the dissemination of queries it exploits an existing standardized data dissemination algorithm, namely the GeoNetworking Contention-Based Forwarding (CBF). The proposed protocol is evaluated with reference to a real urban environment. The main parameters are dimensioned and an insight into the protocol operation is given. One of the main outcomes of this part of the thesis is the confirmation of the fact that DSRC is suitable to support not only safety applications, but also periodic FCD collection. The main issue with DSRC is the low penetration rate. LTE on the other hand is pervasive and has been identified as a good candidate technology for non-safety applications. However, a high number of vehicles intermittently reporting their information via LTE can introduce a very high load on the LTE access network. The second part of this work addresses the design and performance evaluation of heterogeneous LTE-DSRC networking solutions to yield significant offloading of LTE – here, DSRC technology can support local data aggregation. We propose distributed clustering algorithms that use both LTE and DSRC networks in the cluster head selection process. We target robustness, optimizing the amount of data and the value of the collection period, keeping in mind the goals of autonomous node operation and minimal coordination effort. Our results clearly indicate that it is crucial to consider parameters drawn from both networking platforms for selecting the right forwarders. We demonstrate that our solutions are able to significantly reduce the LTE channel utilization with respect to other state-of-the-art approaches. The impact of the proposed protocols on the DSRC channels’ load is evaluated and proved to be quite small, so that it does not interfere with other VANET-specific messages