7 research outputs found

    Behrooz File System (BFS)

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    In this thesis, the Behrooz File System (BFS) is presented, which provides an in-memory distributed file system. BFS is a simple design which combines the best of in-memory and remote file systems. BFS stores data in the main memory of commodity servers and provides a shared unified file system view over them. BFS utilizes backend storage to provide persistency and availability. Unlike most existing distributed in-memory storage systems, BFS supports a general purpose POSIX-like file interface. BFS is built by grouping multiple servers’ memory together; therefore, if applications and BFS servers are co-located, BFS is a highly efficient design because this architecture minimizes inter-node communication. This pattern is common in distributed computing environments and data analytics applications. A set of microbenchmarks and SPEC SFS 2014 benchmark are used to evaluate different aspects of BFS, such as throughput, reliability, and scalability. The evaluation results indicate the simple design of BFS is successful in delivering the expected performance, while certain workloads reveal limitations of BFS in handling a large number of files. Addressing these limitations, as well as other potential improvements, are considered as future work

    GIGA+: Scalable Directories for Shared File Systems

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    Acknowledgements: We would like to thank several people who made significant contributions in improving this paper. Ruth Klundt put in a significant effort and time to run our experimental evaluation at Sandia National Labs, especially getting it working few days before a deadline; thanks to Lee Ward who offered us Sandia’s resources

    Optimizations for Energy-Aware, High-Performance and Reliable Distributed Storage Systems

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    With the decreasing cost and wide-spread use of commodity hard drives, it has become possible to create very large-scale storage systems with less expense. However, as we approach exabyte-scale storage systems, maintaining important features such as energy-efficiency, performance, reliability and usability became increasingly difficult. Despite the decreasing cost of storage systems, the energy consumption of these systems still needs to be addressed in order to retain cost-effectiveness. Any improvements in a storage system can be outweighed by high energy costs. On the other hand, large-scale storage systems can benefit more from the object storage features for improved performance and usability. One area of concern is metadata performance bottleneck of applications reading large directories or creating a large number of files. Similarly, computation on big data where data needs to be transferred between compute and storage clusters adversely affects I/O performance. As the storage systems become more complex and larger, transferring data between remote compute and storage tiers becomes impractical. Furthermore, storage systems implement reliability typically at the file system or client level. This approach might not always be practical in terms of performance. Lastly, object storage features are usually tailored to specific use cases that makes it harder to use them in various contexts. In this thesis, we are presenting several approaches to enhance energy-efficiency, performance, reliability and usability of large-scale storage systems. To begin with, we improve the energy-efficiency of storage systems by moving I/O load to a subset of the storage nodes with energy-aware node allocation methods and turn off the unused nodes, while preserving load balance on demand. To address the metadata performance issue associated with large creates and directory reads, we represent directories with object storage collections and implement lazy creation of objects. Similarly, in-situ computation on large-scale data is enabled by using object storage features to integrate a computational framework with the existing object storage layer to eliminate the need to transfer data between compute and storage silos for better performance. We then present parity-based redundancy using object storage features to achieve reliability with less performance impact. Finally, unified storage brings together the object storage features to meet the needs of distinct use cases; such as cloud storage, big data or high-performance computing to alleviate the unnecessary fragmentation of storage resources. We evaluate each proposed approach thoroughly and validate their effectiveness in terms of improving energy-efficiency, performance, reliability and usability of a large-scale storage system

    On the Importance of Infrastructure-Awareness in Large-Scale Distributed Storage Systems

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    Big data applications put significant latency and throughput demands on distributed storage systems. Meeting these demands requires storage systems to use a significant amount of infrastructure resources, such as network capacity and storage devices. Resource demands largely depend on the workloads and can vary significantly over time. Moreover, demand hotspots can move rapidly between different infrastructure locations. Existing storage systems are largely infrastructure-oblivious as they are designed to support a broad range of hardware and deployment scenarios. Most only use basic configuration information about the infrastructure to make important placement and routing decisions. In the case of cloud-based storage systems, cloud services have their own infrastructure-specific limitations, such as minimum request sizes and maximum number of concurrent requests. By ignoring infrastructure-specific details, these storage systems are unable to react to resource demand changes and may have additional inefficiencies from performing redundant network operations. As a result, provisioning enough resources for these systems to address all possible workloads and scenarios would be cost prohibitive. This thesis studies the performance problems in commonly used distributed storage systems and introduces novel infrastructure-aware design methods to improve their performance. First, it addresses the problem of slow reads due to network congestion that is induced by disjoint replica and path selection. Selecting a read replica separately from the network path can perform poorly if all paths to the pre-selected endpoints are congested. Second, this thesis looks at scalability limitations of consensus protocols that are commonly used in geo-distributed key value stores and distributed ledgers. Due to their network-oblivious designs, existing protocols redundantly communicate over highly oversubscribed WAN links, which poorly utilize network resources and limits consistent replication at large scale. Finally, this thesis addresses the need for a cloud-specific realtime storage system for capital market use cases. Public cloud infrastructures provide feature-rich and cost-effective storage services. However, existing realtime timeseries databases are not built to take advantage of cloud storage services. Therefore, they do not effectively utilize cloud services to provide high performance while minimizing deployment cost. This thesis presents three systems that address these problems by using infrastructure-aware design methods. Our performance evaluation of these systems shows that infrastructure-aware design is highly effective in improving the performance of large scale distributed storage systems

    The Fifth Workshop on HPC Best Practices: File Systems and Archives

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    The workshop on High Performance Computing (HPC) Best Practices on File Systems and Archives was the fifth in a series sponsored jointly by the Department Of Energy (DOE) Office of Science and DOE National Nuclear Security Administration. The workshop gathered technical and management experts for operations of HPC file systems and archives from around the world. Attendees identified and discussed best practices in use at their facilities, and documented findings for the DOE and HPC community in this report

    GIGA+ : Scalable Directories for Shared File Systems (CMU-PDL-08-110)

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    Traditionally file system designs have envisioned directories as a means of organizing files for human viewing; that is, directories typically contain a few tens to thousands of files. Users of large, fast file systems have begun to put millions of files into single directories, for example, as simple databases. Furthermore, large-scale applications running on clusters with tens to hundreds of thousands of cores can burstily create files using all compute cores, amassing bursts of hundreds of thousands of creates or more. In this paper, we revisit data-structures to build large file system directories that contain millions to billions of files and to quickly grow the number of files when many nodes are creating concurrently. We extend classic ideas of efficient resizeable hash-tables and inconsistent client hints to a highly concurrent distributed directory service. Our techniques use a dense bitmap encoding to indicate which of the possibly created hash partitions really exist, to allow all partitions to split independently, and to correct stale client hints with multiple changes per update. We implement our technique, Giga+, using the FUSE user-level file system API layered on Linux ext3. We measured our prototype on a 100-node cluster using the UCAR Metarates benchmark for concurrently creating a total of 12 million files in a single directory. In a configuration of 32 servers, Giga+ delivers scalable throughput with a peak of 8,369 file creates/second, comparable to or better than the best current file system implementations