2 research outputs found

    SGCM: The Sophie Germain Counter Mode

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    Sophie Germain Counter Mode (SGCM) is an authenticated encryption mode of operation, to be used with 128-bit block ciphers such as AES. SGCM is a variant of the NIST standardized Galois / Counter Mode (GCM) which has been found to be susceptible to weak key / short cycle forgery attacks. The GCM attacks are made possible by its extremely smooth-order multiplicative group which splits into 512 subgroups. Instead of GCM\u27s GF(2128)GF(2^{128}), we use GF(p)GF(p) with p=2128+12451p=2^{128}+12451, where p−12\frac{p-1}{2} is also a prime. SGCM is intended for those who want a concrete, largely technically compatible alternative to GCM. In this memo we give a technical specification of SGCM, together with some elements of its implementation, security and performance analysis. Test vectors are also included

    Authentication Key Recovery on Galois Counter Mode (GCM)

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    GCM is used in a vast amount of security protocols and is quickly becoming the de facto mode of operation for block ciphers due to its exceptional performance. In this paper we analyze the NIST stan- dardized version (SP 800-38D) of GCM, and in particular the use of short tag lengths. We show that feedback of successful or unsuccessful forgery attempt is almost always possible, contradicting the NIST assumptions for short tags. We also provide a complexity estimation of Ferguson’s authentication key recovery method on short tags, and suggest several novel improvements to Fergusons’s attacks that significantly reduce the security level for short tags. We show that for many truncated tag sizes; the security levels are far below, not only the current NIST requirement of 112-bit security, but also the old NIST requirement of 80-bit security. We therefore strongly recommend NIST to revise SP 800-38D