1,778 research outputs found

    Flexible G1 Interpolation of Quad Meshes

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    International audienceTransforming an arbitrary mesh into a smooth G1 surface has been the subject of intensive research works. To get a visual pleasing shape without any imperfection even in the presence of extraordinary mesh vertices is still a challenging problem in particular when interpolation of the mesh vertices is required. We present a new local method, which produces visually smooth shapes while solving the interpolation problem. It consists of combining low degree biquartic Bézier patches with minimum number of pieces per mesh face, assembled together with G1-continuity. All surface control points are given explicitly. The construction is local and free of zero-twists. We further show that within this economical class of surfaces it is however possible to derive a sufficient number of meaningful degrees of freedom so that standard optimization techniques result in high quality surfaces

    Smooth Subdivision Surfaces: Mesh Blending and Local Interpolation

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    Subdivision surfaces are widely used in computer graphics and animation. Catmull-Clark subdivision (CCS) is one of the most popular subdivision schemes. It is capable of modeling and representing complex shape of arbitrary topology. Polar surface, working on a triangle-quad mixed mesh structure, is proposed to solve the inherent ripple problem of Catmull-Clark subdivision surface (CCSS). CCSS is known to be C1 continuous at extraordinary points. In this work, we present a G2 scheme at CCS extraordinary points. The work is done by revising CCS subdivision step with Extraordinary-Points-Avoidance model together with mesh blending technique which selects guiding control points from a set of regular sub-meshes (named dominative control meshes) iteratively at each subdivision level. A similar mesh blending technique is applied to Polar extraordinary faces of Polar surface as well. Both CCS and Polar subdivision schemes are approximating. Traditionally, one can obtain a CCS limit surface to interpolate given data mesh by iteratively solving a global linear system. In this work, we present a universal interpolating scheme for all quad subdivision surfaces, called Bezier Crust. Bezier Crust is a specially selected bi-quintic Bezier surface patch. With Bezier Crust, one can obtain a high quality interpolating surface on CCSS by parametrically adding CCSS and Bezier Crust. We also show that with a triangle/quad conversion process one can apply Bezier Crust on Polar surfaces as well. We further show that Bezier Crust can be used to generate hollowed 3D objects for applications in rapid prototyping. An alternative interpolating approach specifically designed for CCSS is developed. This new scheme, called One-Step Bi-cubic Interpolation, uses bicubic patches only. With lower degree polynomial, this scheme is appropriate for interpolating large-scale data sets. In sum, this work presents our research on improving surface smoothness at extraordinary points of both CCS and Polar surfaces and present two local interpolating approaches on approximating subdivision schemes. All examples included in this work show that the results of our research works on subdivision surfaces are of high quality and appropriate for high precision engineering and graphics usage

    Smooth quasi-developable surfaces bounded by smooth curves

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    Computing a quasi-developable strip surface bounded by design curves finds wide industrial applications. Existing methods compute discrete surfaces composed of developable lines connecting sampling points on input curves which are not adequate for generating smooth quasi-developable surfaces. We propose the first method which is capable of exploring the full solution space of continuous input curves to compute a smooth quasi-developable ruled surface with as large developability as possible. The resulting surface is exactly bounded by the input smooth curves and is guaranteed to have no self-intersections. The main contribution is a variational approach to compute a continuous mapping of parameters of input curves by minimizing a function evaluating surface developability. Moreover, we also present an algorithm to represent a resulting surface as a B-spline surface when input curves are B-spline curves.Comment: 18 page

    A new surface joining technique for the design of shoe lasts

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    The footwear industry is a traditional craft sector, where technological advances are difficult to implement owing to the complexity of the processes being carried out, and the level of precision demanded by most of them. The shoe last joining operation is one clear example, where two halves from different lasts are put together, following a specifically traditional process, to create a new one. Existing surface joining techniques analysed in this paper are not well adapted to shoe last design and production processes, which makes their implementation in the industry difficult. This paper presents an alternative surface joining technique, inspired by the traditional work of lastmakers. This way, lastmakers will be able to easily adapt to the new tool and make the most out of their know-how. The technique is based on the use of curve networks that are created on the surfaces to be joined, instead of using discrete data. Finally, a series of joining tests are presented, in which real lasts were successfully joined using a commercial last design software. The method has shown to be valid, efficient, and feasible within the sector

    Nonlinear shell problem formulation accounting for through-the-thickness stretching and its finite element implementation

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    We discuss a theoretical formulation of shell model accounting for through-the-thickness stretching, which allows for large deformations and direct use of 3d constitutive equations. Three different possibilities for implementing this model within the framework of the finite element method are examined: one leading to 7 nodal parameters and the remaining two to 6 nodal parameters. The 7-parameter shell model with no simplification of kinematic terms is compared to the 7-parameter shell model which exploits usual simplifications of the Green–Lagrange strains. Two different ways of implementing the incompatible mode method for reducing the number of parameters to 6 are presented. One implementation uses an additive decomposition of the strains and the other an additive decomposition of the deformation gradient. Several numerical examples are given to illustrate performance of the shell elements developed herein

    Arbitrary topology meshes in geometric design and vector graphics

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    Meshes are a powerful means to represent objects and shapes both in 2D and 3D, but the techniques based on meshes can only be used in certain regular settings and restrict their usage. Meshes with an arbitrary topology have many interesting applications in geometric design and (vector) graphics, and can give designers more freedom in designing complex objects. In the first part of the thesis we look at how these meshes can be used in computer aided design to represent objects that consist of multiple regular meshes that are constructed together. Then we extend the B-spline surface technique from the regular setting to work on extraordinary regions in meshes so that multisided B-spline patches are created. In addition, we show how to render multisided objects efficiently, through using the GPU and tessellation. In the second part of the thesis we look at how the gradient mesh vector graphics primitives can be combined with procedural noise functions to create expressive but sparsely defined vector graphic images. We also look at how the gradient mesh can be extended to arbitrary topology variants. Here, we compare existing work with two new formulations of a polygonal gradient mesh. Finally we show how we can turn any image into a vector graphics image in an efficient manner. This vectorisation process automatically extracts important image features and constructs a mesh around it. This automatic pipeline is very efficient and even facilitates interactive image vectorisation

    Bifurcation Analysis of Reaction Diffusion Systems on Arbitrary Surfaces

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    In this paper we present computational techniques to investigate the solutions of two-component, nonlinear reaction-diffusion (RD) systems on arbitrary surfaces. We build on standard techniques for linear and nonlinear analysis of RD systems, and extend them to operate on large-scale meshes for arbitrary surfaces. In particular, we use spectral techniques for a linear stability analysis to characterize and directly compose patterns emerging from homogeneities. We develop an implementation using surface finite element methods and a numerical eigenanalysis of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on surface meshes. In addition, we describe a technique to explore solutions of the nonlinear RD equations using numerical continuation. Here, we present a multiresolution approach that allows us to trace solution branches of the nonlinear equations efficiently even for large-scale meshes. Finally, we demonstrate the working of our framework for two RD systems with applications in biological pattern formation: a Brusselator model that has been used to model pattern development on growing plant tips, and a chemotactic model for the formation of skin pigmentation patterns. While these models have been used previously on simple geometries, our framework allows us to study the impact of arbitrary geometries on emerging patterns.Comment: This paper was submitted at the Journal of Mathematical Biology, Springer on 07th July 2015, in its current form (barring image references on the last page and cosmetic changes owning to rebuild for arXiv). The complete body of work presented here was included and defended as a part of my PhD thesis in Nov 2015 at the University of Ber

    Multisided generalisations of Gregory patches

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    We propose two generalisations of Gregory patches to faces of any valency by using generalised barycentric coordinates in combination with two kinds of multisided Bézier patches. Our first construction builds on S-patches to generalise triangular Gregory patches. The local construction of Chiyokura and Kimura providing G1 continuity between adjoining Bézier patches is generalised so that the novel Gregory S-patches of any valency can be smoothly joined to one another. Our second construction makes a minor adjustment to the generalised Bézier patch structure to allow for cross-boundary derivatives to be defined independently per side. We show that the corresponding blending functions have the inherent ability to blend ribbon data much like the rational blending functions of Gregory patches. Both constructions take as input a polygonal mesh with vertex normals and provide G1 surfaces interpolating the input vertices and normals. Due to the full locality of the methods, they are well suited for geometric modelling as well as computer graphics applications relying on hardware tessellation

    Polar NURBS surface with curvature continuity

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    International audiencePolar NURBS surface is a kind of periodic NURBS surface, one boundary of which shrinks to a degenerate polarpoint. The specific topology of its control-point mesh offers the ability to represent a cap-like surface, which iscommon in geometric modeling. However, there is a critical and challenging problem that hinders its application:curvature continuity at the extraordinary singular pole. We first propose a sufficient and necessary condition ofcurvature continuity at the pole. Then, we present constructive methods for the two key problems respectively:how to construct a polar NURBS surface with curvature continuity and how to reform an ordinary polar NURBSsurface to curvature continuous. The algorithms only depend on the symbolic representation and operations ofNURBS, and they introduce no restrictions on the degree or the knot vectors. Examples and comparisons demonstratethe applications of the curvature-continuous polar NURBS surface in hole-filling and free-shape modeling

    08221 Abstracts Collection -- Geometric Modeling

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    From May 26 to May 30 2008 the Dagstuhl Seminar 08221 ``Geometric Modeling\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available