8 research outputs found

    Shunting of Passenger Train Units in a Railway Station

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    In this paper we introduce the problem of shunting passenger trainunits in a railway station. Shunting occurs whenever train units aretemporarily not necessary to operate a given timetable. We discussseveral aspects of this problem and focus on two subproblems. Wepropose mathematical models for these subproblems together with asolution method based on column generation. Furthermore, a newefficient and speedy solution technique for pricing problems in columngeneration algorithms is introduced. Finally, we present computationalresults based on real life instances from Netherlands Railways.logistics;column generation;railway optimization;real world application

    Study on the Train Operation Optimization of Passenger Dedicated Lines Based on Satisfaction

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    The passenger transport demands at a given junction station fluctuate obviously in different time periods, which makes the rail departments unable to establish an even train operation schedule. This paper considers an optimization problem for train operations at the junction station in passenger dedicated lines. A satisfaction function of passengers is constructed by means of analyzing the satisfaction characteristics and correlative influencing factors. Through discussing the passengers’ travel choice behavior, we formulate an optimization model based on maximum passenger satisfaction for the junction and then design a heuristic algorithm. Finally, a numerical example is provided to demonstrate the application of the method proposed in this paper

    Shunting of Passenger Train Units in a Railway Station

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    In this paper we introduce the problem of shunting passenger train units in a railway station. Shunting occurs whenever train units are temporarily not necessary to operate a given timetable. We discuss several aspects of this problem and focus on two subproblems. We propose mathematical models for these subproblems together with a solution method based on column generation. Furthermore, a new efficient and speedy solution technique for pricing problems in column generation algorithms is introduced. Finally, we present computational results based on real life instances from Netherlands Railways

    Shunting of Passenger Train Units: an Integrated Approach

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    In this paper, we describe a new model for the Train Unit Shunting Problem. This model is capable of solving the matching and parking subproblems in an integrated manner, usually requiring a reasonable amount of computation time for generating acceptable solutions. Furthermore, the model incorporates complicating details from practice, such as trains composed of several train units and tracks that can be approached from two sides. Computation times are reduced by introducing the concept of virtual shunt tracks. Computational results are presented for real-life cases of NS Reizigers, the main Dutch passenger railway operator.Optimization;Passenger Railways;Shunting

    Shunting of Passenger Train Units: an Integrated Approach

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    In this paper, we describe a new model for the Train Unit Shunting Problem. This model is capable of solving the matching and parking subproblems in an integrated manner, usually requiring a reasonable amount of computation time for generating acceptable solutions. Furthermore, the model incorporates complicating details from practice, such as trains composed of several train units and tracks that can be approached from two sides. Computation times are reduced by introducing the concept of virtual shunt tracks. Computational results are presented for real-life cases of NS Reizigers, the main Dutch passenger railway operator

    Intégration de la planification des opérations et de la gestion du revenu pour le transport ferroviaire de marchandises

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    Dans cette thĂšse, nous nous intĂ©ressons Ă  l’analyse de l’intĂ©gration de processus dĂ©cisionnels issus de la gestion des revenus aux politiques de gestion des opĂ©rations d’un transporteur ferroviaire de marchandises. Les entreprises de services de ce secteur sont tributaires de nombreuses opÂŽerations logistiques complexes dont : – l’élaboration des politiques de blocage et de routage des wagons, – la planification du routage, de l’habillage et des horaires des trains, – la gestion des opĂ©rations des cours de triage, – l’affectation des locomotives, – le repositionnement des wagons vides, – la planification des horaires des Ă©quipages. Les Ă©tudes traitant de transport ferroviaire de marchandises, bien que nombreuses, ne considĂšrent typiquement qu’un sous-ensemble des activitĂ©s mentionnĂ©es. En effet, la taille et la complexitĂ© des problĂšmes rĂ©sultant de la combinaison des opĂ©rations identifiĂ©es reprĂ©sentent des obstacles au dĂ©veloppement d’approches mÂŽethodologiques intĂ©grĂ©es. De plus, peu de chercheurs se sont penchĂ©s sur la mise en place d’outils de gestion des revenus dans le secteur du transport de marchandises par rail et ce malgrĂ© l’impact majeur de ceux-ci en transport aĂ©rien notamment. Dans un premier temps, nous illustrons donc l’état de la recherche dans les deux sphĂšres d’étude prĂ©sentĂ©es afin d’établir de façon claire la problĂ©matique qui sera traitĂ©e. Pour ce faire, nous recensons les principales contributions scientifiques et nous introduisons les concepts qui seront fondamentaux au positionnement de cette thĂšse par rapport aux rĂ©centes publications proposĂ©es dans la littĂ©rature. Une fois l’axe de recherche identifiĂ©, nous prĂ©sentons quelques formulations dĂ©crivant l’intĂ©gration proposĂ©e selon que le niveau de planification privilĂ©giĂ© soit opĂ©rationnel ou tactique. ----------- ABSTRACT This thesis studies the integration of decision processes based on revenue management with operations planning policies of a rail freight carrier. Services companies in this field must face complex logistic operations such as : – block planning and car routing, – train routing, makeup and scheduling, – yard management, – locomotive assignment, – empty car repositioning, – crew scheduling. Even if freight rail transportation problems have been thoroughly analyzed in the past, they typically consider only a subset of the operations mentioned. The size and the complexity of combining the identified problems have prevented the development of integrated methodological approaches. Moreover, few researchers have tackled the challenge of proposing revenue management tools for freight rail applications despite their major impact in air transportation for instance. First of all, we describe the current state of research for the two fields presented in order to clearly establish the problem that will be addressed. We therefore review the main scientific contributions and introduce the fundamental concepts that will enable us to position ourselves in relation to recent publications. Once the research perspectives are identified, we present some formulations describing the proposed integration according to the chosen planning level, which could be either operational or tactical. These help to highlight the combined management decisions related to the development of the operating plan and those arising from tariff policies dictated by the company. Through bilevel programming we study user behavior in response to different pricing strategies while considering network capacity resulting from the operational policies of the carrier