3 research outputs found

    Sistema inteligente de decisión ubicuo para la monitorización de pacientes con cardiopatía isquémica

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    Los programas de prevención secundaria y rehabilitación cardíaca han demostrado reducir la morbimortalidad en las enfermedades cardiovasculares. Sin embargo, el porcentaje de pacientes que acceden es muy bajo en nuestro entorno. Entre las causas de falta de accesibilidad, se encuentran causas tanto de índole sociodemográfico-cultural como la carencia de atención individualizada. La propuesta de esta tesis doctoral es presentar un Sistema de Decisión Inteligente Ubicuo denominado RED-Core con pulseras vestibles basado en técnicas de soft computing, orientado al programa de rehabilitación cardíaca domiciliaria.Secondary prevention and cardiac rehabilitation programs have been shown to reduce morbidity and mortality in cardiovascular diseases. However, the percentage of patients who access is very low in our environment. Among the causes of lack of accessibility, there are causes of both sociodemographic-cultural nature and lack of individualized attention. The proposal of this doctoral thesis is to present a Ubiquitous Decision Intelligent System with wearable bracelets based on soft computing techniques, oriented to the home cardiac rehabilitation program.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Informática. Leída el 4 de mayo de 2020

    Fuzzy Linguistic Protoforms to Summarize Heart Rate Streams of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease

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    Cardiac rehabilitation is a key program which significantly decreases mortality rates in high-risk patients with ischemic heart disease. Due to the huge lack of accessibility to such programs at Health Centers, outdoor-based programs for cardiac rehabilitation have been proposed as an excellent tool to improve accessibility for patients at Health Centers. These outdoor-based programs make use of wrist-worn devices for real-time monitoring of rehabilitation sessions based on clinical guidelines. In this way, a greater number of patients can fortunately gain access to the rehabilitation program. However, this advantage also means that the cardiac rehabilitation team has to monitor a greater number of sessions due to the increase of the number of benefited patients, so the team members spend a lot of time analyzing each patient’s sessions. In this paper, we present a methodology to evaluate heart rate streams of patients with ischemic heart disease using a linguistic approach. This innovative methodology manages relevant linguistic descriptions (protoforms) for the cardiac rehabilitation team to identify sessions with interest indicators by means of linguistic summaries. Therefore, the analysis process is automated in a comprehensible way, offering short linguistic descriptions to the cardiac rehabilitation team, who promptly provide feedback to their patients. In order to show the great efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed methodology, we have used and applied this methodology to real data provided by patients of an outdoor cardiac rehabilitation program run by the Health Council of the Andalusian Health Service (Spain)

    Nuevas metodologías para el reconocimiento de cambios posturales a través de sensores

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    Con el fin de posibilitar nuevas alternativas que permitan mitigar la complicación de las úlceras por presión, en este trabajo se presentan los resultados de investigación de la tesis doctoral, que han permitido implementar dos metodologías de reconocimiento de cambios posturales de monitoreo en tiempo real, con dispositivos vestibles inerciales no invasivos para la detección y cálculo de postura, usando técnicas de inteligencia artificial. La primera metodología está basada en un registro histórico de la actividad corporal, dataset, y por el reconocimiento de posturas en tiempo real con técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial. Por su parte, la segunda metodología comprende el uso de dispositivos vestibles inerciales en zonas no invasivas, encargados de registrar el tiempo en que la persona ha permanecido en la misma posición, la recolección de datos de personas reales en diferentes posturas, la estimación de las posturas en tiempo real se realiza mediante técnicas de inteligencia artificial.To enable new alternatives to mitigate the complication of pressure ulcers, this work presents the research results of the doctoral thesis, which have allowed the implementation of two real-time monitoring methodologies, with devices non-invasive inertial wearables for posture detection and calculation and using artificial intelligence techniques. The first methodology is based on a historical record of body activity, a dataset, and the recognition of postures in real-time with Artificial Intelligence techniques. On other hand, the second methodology includes the use of inertial wearable devices in non-invasive areas, recording the time the person has remained in the same position, the collection of data from real people in key ulcer prevention positions, the estimation of postures in real-time using artificial intelligence techniques.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Informática. Leída el 19/11/2021