4 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Based Optimal QoS Constraint Services Composition in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    In recent years, computational capability of mobile devices such as Laptops, mobile phones, PDAs, etc., are greatly improved. Implementation of SOA ("Service Oriented Architectures") in mobile ad hoc networks increases the flexibility of using mobile devices. On composing different available services to satisfy end user requirement is a critical challenge in MANETs ("Mobile Ad Hoc Network") due to dynamic topology, Resource heterogeneity, Band width constraint and highly distributed service providers. Existing composition services approaches are not suitable for MANETs due to lack of constraints consideration while choosing services. In this paper, we proposed Fuzzy based optimal QoS constrained Service Composition in MANETs. We consider Energy constraint, hop count, Response time & service throughput as QoS Constraints composing optimal services. We proposed fuzzy logic based system to provide rating to the services for optimal selection of services. We also considered that each node can provide one or more services. The service composition failure rate will be reduced by selecting optimal services in available services. The simulation result demonstrates that the proposed method outperformed than the traditional AODV in terms of average packet delay, energy constraint, throughput and turnaround time

    Enhanced PF Scheduling Algorithm for LTE Networks

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    Scheduling Algorithm is a key Radio ResourceManagement (RRM) mechanism to achieve Quality of Service(QoS) requirements and to optimize system performance of LongTerm Evolution (LTE) network. The LTE standard does notspecify a scheduling algorithm and some schedules have beenproposed in the literature. Most of them consider the channelstate or some QoS metric, however, they do not consider thePF characteristics and the delay required by the user. Then, anenhanced scheduling algorithm was proposed based on Latency-Rate (LR) server theory and system characteristics specifiedby the LTE standard. Properties of this proposal have beeninvestigated theoretically and through simulations. A simulationis presented with video traffic and also performance comparisonswith Proportional Fairness (PF) and Modified Largest WeightedDelay First (MLWDF) schedulers. The results show that theproposed schedule has a better performance compared with theabove schedulers

    Reliable Fault Tolerance System for Service Composition in Mobile Ad Hoc Network

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    A Due to the rapid development of smart processing mobile devices, Mobile applications are exploring the use of web services in MANETs to satisfy the user needs. Complex user needs are satisfied by the service composition where a complex service is created by combining one or more atomic services. Service composition has a significant challenge in MANETs due to its limited bandwidth, constrained energy sources, dynamic node movement and often suffers from node failures. These constraints increase the failure rate of service composition. To overcome these, we propose Reliable Fault Tolerant System for Service Composition in MANETs (RFTSC) which makes use of the checkpointing technique for service composition in MANETs. We propose fault policies for each fault in service composition when the faults occur. Failure of services in the service composition process is recovered locally by making use of Checkpointing system and by using discovered services which satisfies the QoS constraints. A Multi-Service Tree (MST) is proposed to recover failed services with O(1) time complexity. Simulation result shows that the proposed approach is efficient when compared to existing approaches

    Internet Traffic based Channel Selection in Multi-Radio Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Wireless Mesh Networks(WMNs) are the outstanding technology to facilitate wireless broadband Internet access to users. Routers in WMN have multiple radio interfaces to which multiple orthogonal/partially overlapping channels are assigned to improve the capacity of WMN. This paper is focused on channel selection problem in WMN since proper channel selection to radio interfaces of mesh router increases the performance of WMN. To access the Internet through WMN, the users have to associate with one of the mesh routers. Since most of the Internet Servers are still in wired networks, the major dominant traffic of Internet users is in downlink direction i.e. from the gateway of WMN to user. This paper proposes a new method of channel selection to improve the user performance in downlink direction of Internet traffic. The method is scalable and completely distributed solution to the problem of channel selection in WMN. The simulation results indicate the significant improvement in user performance