13,107 research outputs found

    Landsat Satellite Image Segmentation Using the Fuzzy ARTMAP Neural Network

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    This application illustrates how the fuzzy ARTMAP neural network can be used to monitor environmental changes. A benchmark problem seeks to classify regions of a Landsat image into six soil and crop classes based on images from four spectral sensors. Simulations show that fuzzy ARTMAP outperforms fourteen other neural network and machine learning algorithms. Only the k-Nearest-Neighbor algorithm shows better performance (91% vs. 89%) but without any code compression, while fuzzy ARTMAP achieves a code compression ratio of 6:1. Even with a code compression ratio of 50:1 fuzzy ARTMAP still maintains good performance (83%). This example shows how fuzzy ARTMAP can combine accuracy and code compression in real-world applications.Office of Naval Research (N00014-92-J-401J, N00014-91-J-4100, N00014-92-J-4015); National Science Foundation (IRI 90-00530

    Landsat Satellite Image Segmentation Using the Fuzzy ARTMAP Neural Network

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    This application illustrates how the fuzzy ARTMAP neural network can be used to monitor environmental changes. A benchmark problem seeks to classify regions of a Landsat image into six soil and crop classes based on images from four spectral sensors. Simulations show that fuzzy ARTMAP outperforms fourteen other neural network and machine learning algorithms. Only the k-Nearest-Neighbor algorithm shows better performance (91% vs. 89%) but without any code compression, while fuzzy ARTMAP achieves a code compression ratio of 6:1. Even with a code compression ratio of 50:1 fuzzy ARTMAP still maintains good performance (83%). This example shows how fuzzy ARTMAP can combine accuracy and code compression in real-world applications.Office of Naval Research (N00014-92-J-401J, N00014-91-J-4100, N00014-92-J-4015); National Science Foundation (IRI 90-00530

    Model-Based Edge Detector for Spectral Imagery Using Sparse Spatiospectral Masks

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    Two model-based algorithms for edge detection in spectral imagery are developed that specifically target capturing intrinsic features such as isoluminant edges that are characterized by a jump in color but not in intensity. Given prior knowledge of the classes of reflectance or emittance spectra associated with candidate objects in a scene, a small set of spectral-band ratios, which most profoundly identify the edge between each pair of materials, are selected to define a edge signature. The bands that form the edge signature are fed into a spatial mask, producing a sparse joint spatiospectral nonlinear operator. The first algorithm achieves edge detection for every material pair by matching the response of the operator at every pixel with the edge signature for the pair of materials. The second algorithm is a classifier-enhanced extension of the first algorithm that adaptively accentuates distinctive features before applying the spatiospectral operator. Both algorithms are extensively verified using spectral imagery from the airborne hyperspectral imager and from a dots-in-a-well midinfrared imager. In both cases, the multicolor gradient (MCG) and the hyperspectral/spatial detection of edges (HySPADE) edge detectors are used as a benchmark for comparison. The results demonstrate that the proposed algorithms outperform the MCG and HySPADE edge detectors in accuracy, especially when isoluminant edges are present. By requiring only a few bands as input to the spatiospectral operator, the algorithms enable significant levels of data compression in band selection. In the presented examples, the required operations per pixel are reduced by a factor of 71 with respect to those required by the MCG edge detector

    A Neural Network Architecture for Figure-ground Separation of Connected Scenic Figures

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    A neural network model, called an FBF network, is proposed for automatic parallel separation of multiple image figures from each other and their backgrounds in noisy grayscale or multi-colored images. The figures can then be processed in parallel by an array of self-organizing Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) neural networks for automatic target recognition. An FBF network can automatically separate the disconnected but interleaved spirals that Minsky and Papert introduced in their book Perceptrons. The network's design also clarifies why humans cannot rapidly separate interleaved spirals, yet can rapidly detect conjunctions of disparity and color, or of disparity and motion, that distinguish target figures from surrounding distractors. Figure-ground separation is accomplished by iterating operations of a Feature Contour System (FCS) and a Boundary Contour System (BCS) in the order FCS-BCS-FCS, hence the term FBF, that have been derived from an analysis of biological vision. The FCS operations include the use of nonlinear shunting networks to compensate for variable illumination and nonlinear diffusion networks to control filling-in. A key new feature of an FBF network is the use of filling-in for figure-ground separation. The BCS operations include oriented filters joined to competitive and cooperative interactions designed to detect, regularize, and complete boundaries in up to 50 percent noise, while suppressing the noise. A modified CORT-X filter is described which uses both on-cells and off-cells to generate a boundary segmentation from a noisy image.Air Force Office of Scientific Research (90-0175); Army Research Office (DAAL-03-88-K0088); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (90-0083); Hughes Research Laboratories (S1-804481-D, S1-903136); American Society for Engineering Educatio

    ARTMAP-FTR: A Neural Network For Fusion Target Recognition, With Application To Sonar Classification

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    ART (Adaptive Resonance Theory) neural networks for fast, stable learning and prediction have been applied in a variety of areas. Applications include automatic mapping from satellite remote sensing data, machine tool monitoring, medical prediction, digital circuit design, chemical analysis, and robot vision. Supervised ART architectures, called ARTMAP systems, feature internal control mechanisms that create stable recognition categories of optimal size by maximizing code compression while minimizing predictive error in an on-line setting. Special-purpose requirements of various application domains have led to a number of ARTMAP variants, including fuzzy ARTMAP, ART-EMAP, ARTMAP-IC, Gaussian ARTMAP, and distributed ARTMAP. A new ARTMAP variant, called ARTMAP-FTR (fusion target recognition), has been developed for the problem of multi-ping sonar target classification. The development data set, which lists sonar returns from underwater objects, was provided by the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Coastal Systems Station (CSS), Dahlgren Division. The ARTMAP-FTR network has proven to be an effective tool for classifying objects from sonar returns. The system also provides a procedure for solving more general sensor fusion problems.Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-I-0409, N00014-95-I-0657

    ARTMAP-FTR: A Neural Network for Object Recognition Through Sonar on a Mobile Robot

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    ART (Adaptive Resonance Theory) neural networks for fast, stable learning and prediction have been applied in a variety of areas. Applications include automatic mapping from satellite remote sensing data, machine tool monitoring, medical prediction, digital circuit design, chemical analysis, and robot vision. Supervised ART architectures, called ARTMAP systems, feature internal control mechanisms that create stable recognition categories of optimal size by maximizing code compression while minimizing predictive error in an on-line setting. Special-purpose requirements of various application domains have led to a number of ARTMAP variants, including fuzzy ARTMAP, ART-EMAP, ARTMAP-IC, Gaussian ARTMAP, and distributed ARTMAP. A new ARTMAP variant, called ARTMAP-FTR (fusion target recognition), has been developed for the problem of multi-ping sonar target classification. The development data set, which lists sonar returns from underwater objects, was provided by the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Coastal Systems Station (CSS), Dahlgren Division. The ARTMAP-FTR network has proven to be an effective tool for classifying objects from sonar returns. The system also provides a procedure for solving more general sensor fusion problems.Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-I-0409, N00014-95-I-0657
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