305 research outputs found

    SalsaNet: Fast Road and Vehicle Segmentation in LiDAR Point Clouds for Autonomous Driving

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    In this paper, we introduce a deep encoder-decoder network, named SalsaNet, for efficient semantic segmentation of 3D LiDAR point clouds. SalsaNet segments the road, i.e. drivable free-space, and vehicles in the scene by employing the Bird-Eye-View (BEV) image projection of the point cloud. To overcome the lack of annotated point cloud data, in particular for the road segments, we introduce an auto-labeling process which transfers automatically generated labels from the camera to LiDAR. We also explore the role of imagelike projection of LiDAR data in semantic segmentation by comparing BEV with spherical-front-view projection and show that SalsaNet is projection-agnostic. We perform quantitative and qualitative evaluations on the KITTI dataset, which demonstrate that the proposed SalsaNet outperforms other state-of-the-art semantic segmentation networks in terms of accuracy and computation time. Our code and data are publicly available at https://gitlab.com/aksoyeren/salsanet.git

    SemanticBEVFusion: Rethink LiDAR-Camera Fusion in Unified Bird's-Eye View Representation for 3D Object Detection

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    LiDAR and camera are two essential sensors for 3D object detection in autonomous driving. LiDAR provides accurate and reliable 3D geometry information while the camera provides rich texture with color. Despite the increasing popularity of fusing these two complementary sensors, the challenge remains in how to effectively fuse 3D LiDAR point cloud with 2D camera images. Recent methods focus on point-level fusion which paints the LiDAR point cloud with camera features in the perspective view or bird's-eye view (BEV)-level fusion which unifies multi-modality features in the BEV representation. In this paper, we rethink these previous fusion strategies and analyze their information loss and influences on geometric and semantic features. We present SemanticBEVFusion to deeply fuse camera features with LiDAR features in a unified BEV representation while maintaining per-modality strengths for 3D object detection. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the large-scale nuScenes dataset, especially for challenging distant objects. The code will be made publicly available.Comment: The first two authors contributed equally to this wor

    Multi-View 3D Object Detection Network for Autonomous Driving

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    This paper aims at high-accuracy 3D object detection in autonomous driving scenario. We propose Multi-View 3D networks (MV3D), a sensory-fusion framework that takes both LIDAR point cloud and RGB images as input and predicts oriented 3D bounding boxes. We encode the sparse 3D point cloud with a compact multi-view representation. The network is composed of two subnetworks: one for 3D object proposal generation and another for multi-view feature fusion. The proposal network generates 3D candidate boxes efficiently from the bird's eye view representation of 3D point cloud. We design a deep fusion scheme to combine region-wise features from multiple views and enable interactions between intermediate layers of different paths. Experiments on the challenging KITTI benchmark show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art by around 25% and 30% AP on the tasks of 3D localization and 3D detection. In addition, for 2D detection, our approach obtains 10.3% higher AP than the state-of-the-art on the hard data among the LIDAR-based methods.Comment: To appear in IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 201

    Deep Semantic Classification for 3D LiDAR Data

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    Robots are expected to operate autonomously in dynamic environments. Understanding the underlying dynamic characteristics of objects is a key enabler for achieving this goal. In this paper, we propose a method for pointwise semantic classification of 3D LiDAR data into three classes: non-movable, movable and dynamic. We concentrate on understanding these specific semantics because they characterize important information required for an autonomous system. Non-movable points in the scene belong to unchanging segments of the environment, whereas the remaining classes corresponds to the changing parts of the scene. The difference between the movable and dynamic class is their motion state. The dynamic points can be perceived as moving, whereas movable objects can move, but are perceived as static. To learn the distinction between movable and non-movable points in the environment, we introduce an approach based on deep neural network and for detecting the dynamic points, we estimate pointwise motion. We propose a Bayes filter framework for combining the learned semantic cues with the motion cues to infer the required semantic classification. In extensive experiments, we compare our approach with other methods on a standard benchmark dataset and report competitive results in comparison to the existing state-of-the-art. Furthermore, we show an improvement in the classification of points by combining the semantic cues retrieved from the neural network with the motion cues.Comment: 8 pages to be published in IROS 201
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