85 research outputs found

    Communication-Aware Computing for Edge Processing

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    We consider a mobile edge computing problem, in which mobile users offload their computation tasks to computing nodes (e.g., base stations) at the network edge. The edge nodes compute the requested functions and communicate the computed results to the users via wireless links. For this problem, we propose a Universal Coded Edge Computing (UCEC) scheme for linear functions to simultaneously minimize the load of computation at the edge nodes, and maximize the physical-layer communication efficiency towards the mobile users. In the proposed UCEC scheme, edge nodes create coded inputs of the users, from which they compute coded output results. Then, the edge nodes utilize the computed coded results to create communication messages that zero-force all the interference signals over the air at each user. Specifically, the proposed scheme is universal since the coded computations performed at the edge nodes are oblivious of the channel states during the communication process from the edge nodes to the users.Comment: To Appear in ISIT 201

    Private Function Retrieval

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    The widespread use of cloud computing services raises the question of how one can delegate the processing tasks to the untrusted distributed parties without breeching the privacy of its data and algorithms. Motivated by the algorithm privacy concerns in a distributed computing system, in this paper, we introduce the private function retrieval (PFR) problem, where a user wishes to efficiently retrieve a linear function of KK messages from NN non-communicating replicated servers while keeping the function hidden from each individual server. The goal is to find a scheme with minimum communication cost. To characterize the fundamental limits of the communication cost, we define the capacity of PFR problem as the size of the message that can be privately retrieved (which is the size of one file) normalized to the required downloaded information bits. We first show that for the PFR problem with KK messages, N=2N=2 servers and a linear function with binary coefficients the capacity is C=12(1βˆ’12K)βˆ’1C=\frac{1}{2}\Big(1-\frac{1}{2^K}\Big)^{-1}. Interestingly, this is the capacity of retrieving one of KK messages from N=2N=2 servers while keeping the index of the requested message hidden from each individual server, the problem known as private information retrieval (PIR). Then, we extend the proposed achievable scheme to the case of arbitrary number of servers and coefficients in the field GF(q)GF(q) with arbitrary qq and obtain R=(1βˆ’1N)(1+1Nβˆ’1(qKβˆ’1qβˆ’1)Nβˆ’1)R=\Big(1-\frac{1}{N}\Big)\Big(1+\frac{\frac{1}{N-1}}{(\frac{q^K-1}{q-1})^{N-1}}\Big)

    Improving Distributed Gradient Descent Using Reed-Solomon Codes

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    Today's massively-sized datasets have made it necessary to often perform computations on them in a distributed manner. In principle, a computational task is divided into subtasks which are distributed over a cluster operated by a taskmaster. One issue faced in practice is the delay incurred due to the presence of slow machines, known as \emph{stragglers}. Several schemes, including those based on replication, have been proposed in the literature to mitigate the effects of stragglers and more recently, those inspired by coding theory have begun to gain traction. In this work, we consider a distributed gradient descent setting suitable for a wide class of machine learning problems. We adapt the framework of Tandon et al. (arXiv:1612.03301) and present a deterministic scheme that, for a prescribed per-machine computational effort, recovers the gradient from the least number of machines ff theoretically permissible, via an O(f2)O(f^2) decoding algorithm. We also provide a theoretical delay model which can be used to minimize the expected waiting time per computation by optimally choosing the parameters of the scheme. Finally, we supplement our theoretical findings with numerical results that demonstrate the efficacy of the method and its advantages over competing schemes

    Latency Analysis of Coded Computation Schemes over Wireless Networks

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    Large-scale distributed computing systems face two major bottlenecks that limit their scalability: straggler delay caused by the variability of computation times at different worker nodes and communication bottlenecks caused by shuffling data across many nodes in the network. Recently, it has been shown that codes can provide significant gains in overcoming these bottlenecks. In particular, optimal coding schemes for minimizing latency in distributed computation of linear functions and mitigating the effect of stragglers was proposed for a wired network, where the workers can simultaneously transmit messages to a master node without interference. In this paper, we focus on the problem of coded computation over a wireless master-worker setup with straggling workers, where only one worker can transmit the result of its local computation back to the master at a time. We consider 3 asymptotic regimes (determined by how the communication and computation times are scaled with the number of workers) and precisely characterize the total run-time of the distributed algorithm and optimum coding strategy in each regime. In particular, for the regime of practical interest where the computation and communication times of the distributed computing algorithm are comparable, we show that the total run-time approaches a simple lower bound that decouples computation and communication, and demonstrate that coded schemes are Θ(log⁑(n))\Theta(\log(n)) times faster than uncoded schemes
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