14 research outputs found

    On Edge Caching with Secrecy Constraints

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    In this paper we investigate the problem of optimal cache placement under secrecy constraints in heterogeneous networks, where small-cell base stations are equipped with caches to reduce the overall backhaul load. For two models for eavesdropping attacks, we formally derive the necessary conditions for secrecy and we derive the corresponding achievable backhaul rate. In particular we formulate the optimal caching schemes with secrecy constraints as a convex optimization problem. We then thoroughly investigate the backhaul rate performance of the heterogeneous network with secrecy constraints using numerical simulations. We compare the system performance with and without secrecy constraints and we analyze the influence of the system parameters, such as the file popularity, size of the library files and the capabilities of the small-cell base stations, on the overall performance of our optimal caching strategy. Our results highlight the considerable impact of the secrecy requirements on the overall caching performance of the network.Comment: to appear in ICC 201

    A Novel Recursive Construction for Coded Caching Schemes

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    As a strategy to further reduce the transmission pressure during the peak traffic times in wireless network, coded caching has been widely studied recently. And several coded caching schemes are constructed focusing on the two core problems in practice, i.e., the rate transmitted during the peak traffic times and the packet number of each file divided during the off peak traffic times. It is well known that there exits a tradeoff between the rate and the packet number. In this paper, a novel recursive construction is proposed. As an application, several new schemes are obtained. Comparing with previously known schemes, new schemes could further reduce packet number by increasing little rate. And for some parameters in coded caching systems, the packet number of our new schemes are smaller than that of schemes generated by memory sharing method which is widely used in the field of caching. By the way our new schemes include all the results constructed by Tang et al., (IEEE ISIT, 2790-2794, 2017) as special cases.Comment: 10 page

    Combination Networks with or without Secrecy Constraints: The Impact of Caching Relays

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    This paper considers a two-hop network architecture known as a combination network, where a layer of relay nodes connects a server to a set of end users. In particular, a new model is investigated where the intermediate relays employ caches in addition to the end users. First, a new centralized coded caching scheme is developed that utilizes maximum distance separable (MDS) coding, jointly optimizes cache placement and delivery phase, and enables decomposing the combination network into a set virtual multicast sub-networks. It is shown that if the sum of the memory of an end user and its connected relay nodes is sufficient to store the database, then the server can disengage in the delivery phase and all the end users' requests can be satisfied by the caches in the network. Lower bounds on the normalized delivery load using genie-aided cut-set arguments are presented along with second hop optimality. Next recognizing the information security concerns of coded caching, this new model is studied under three different secrecy settings: 1) secure delivery where we require an external entity must not gain any information about the database files by observing the transmitted signals over the network links, 2) secure caching, where we impose the constraint that end users must not be able to obtain any information about files that they did not request, and 3) both secure delivery and secure caching, simultaneously. We demonstrate how network topology affects the system performance under these secrecy requirements. Finally, we provide numerical results demonstrating the system performance in each of the settings considered.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Device-to-Device Secure Coded Caching

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    This paper studies device to device (D2D) coded-caching with information theoretic security guarantees. A broadcast network consisting of a server, which has a library of files, and end users equipped with cache memories, is considered. Information theoretic security guarantees for confidentiality are imposed upon the files. The server populates the end user caches, after which D2D communications enable the delivery of the requested files. Accordingly, we require that a user must not have access to files it did not request, i.e., secure caching. First, a centralized coded caching scheme is provided by jointly optimizing the cache placement and delivery policies. Next, a decentralized coded caching scheme is developed that does not require the knowledge of the number of active users during the caching phase. Both schemes utilize non-perfect secret sharing and one-time pad keying, to guarantee secure caching. Furthermore, the proposed schemes provide secure delivery as a side benefit, i.e., any external entity which overhears the transmitted signals during the delivery phase cannot obtain any information about the database files. The proposed schemes provide the achievable upper bound on the minimum delivery sum rate. Lower bounds on the required transmission sum rate are also derived using cut-set arguments indicating the multiplicative gap between the lower and upper bounds. Numerical results indicate that the gap vanishes with increasing memory size. Overall, the work demonstrates the effectiveness of D2D communications in cache-aided systems even when confidentiality constraints are imposed at the participating nodes and against external eavesdroppers.Comment: 12 pages, 5 Figures, under revie

    Secure and Energy-Efficient Transmissions in Cache-Enabled Heterogeneous Cellular Networks: Performance Analysis and Optimization

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    This paper studies physical-layer security for a cache-enabled heterogeneous cellular network comprised of a macro base station and multiple small base stations (SBSs). We investigate a joint design on caching placement and file delivery for realizing secure and energy-efficient transmissions against randomly distributed eavesdroppers. We propose a novel hybrid "most popular content" and "largest content diversity" caching placement policy to distribute files of different popularities. Depending on the availability and placement of the requested file, we employ three cooperative transmission schemes, namely, distributed beamforming, frequency-domain orthogonal transmission, and best SBS relaying, respectively. We derive analytical expressions for the connection outage probability and secrecy outage probability for each transmission scheme. Afterwards, we design the optimal transmission rates and caching allocation successively to achieve a maximal overall secrecy throughput and secrecy energy efficiency, respectively. Numerical results verify the theoretical analyses and demonstrate the superiority of the proposed hybrid caching policy.Comment: 13 pages in double-column, 9 figures, accepted for publication on IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Cache-Enabled Physical Layer Security for Video Streaming in Backhaul-Limited Cellular Networks

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    In this paper, we propose a novel wireless caching scheme to enhance the physical layer security of video streaming in cellular networks with limited backhaul capacity. By proactively sharing video data across a subset of base stations (BSs) through both caching and backhaul loading, secure cooperative joint transmission of several BSs can be dynamically enabled in accordance with the cache status, the channel conditions, and the backhaul capacity. Assuming imperfect channel state information (CSI) at the transmitters, we formulate a two-stage non-convex mixed-integer robust optimization problem for minimizing the total transmit power while providing quality of service (QoS) and guaranteeing communication secrecy during video delivery, where the caching and the cooperative transmission policy are optimized in an offline video caching stage and an online video delivery stage, respectively. Although the formulated optimization problem turns out to be NP-hard, low-complexity polynomial-time algorithms, whose solutions are globally optimal under certain conditions, are proposed for cache training and video delivery control. Caching is shown to be beneficial as it reduces the data sharing overhead imposed on the capacity-constrained backhaul links, introduces additional secure degrees of freedom, and enables a power-efficient communication system design. Simulation results confirm that the proposed caching scheme achieves simultaneously a low secrecy outage probability and a high power efficiency. Furthermore, due to the proposed robust optimization, the performance loss caused by imperfect CSI knowledge can be significantly reduced when the cache capacity becomes large.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.; 17 pages, 5 figure

    Device-to-Device Coded Caching with Distinct Cache Sizes

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    This paper considers a cache-aided device-to-device (D2D) system where the users are equipped with cache memories of different size. During low traffic hours, a server places content in the users' cache memories, knowing that the files requested by the users during peak traffic hours will have to be delivered by D2D transmissions only. The worst-case D2D delivery load is minimized by jointly designing the uncoded cache placement and linear coded D2D delivery. Next, a novel lower bound on the D2D delivery load with uncoded placement is proposed and used in explicitly characterizing the minimum D2D delivery load (MD2DDL) with uncoded placement for several cases of interest. In particular, having characterized the MD2DDL for equal cache sizes, it is shown that the same delivery load can be achieved in the network with users of unequal cache sizes, provided that the smallest cache size is greater than a certain threshold. The MD2DDL is also characterized in the small cache size regime, the large cache size regime, and the three-user case. Comparisons of the server-based delivery load with the D2D delivery load are provided. Finally, connections and mathematical parallels between cache-aided D2D systems and coded distributed computing (CDC) systems are discussed.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions of Communications, Mar. 201

    The Caching Broadcast Channel with a Wire and Cache Tapping Adversary of Type II

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    This paper introduces the notion of cache-tapping into the information theoretic models of coded caching. In particular, the wiretap II channel model in the presence of multiple receivers equipped with fixed-size cache memories, and an adversary who is able to choose symbols to tap into from cache placement, in addition to or in lieu of, delivery transmission, is introduced. The model is hence termed the caching broadcast channel with a wire and cache tapping adversary of type II. The legitimate parties know neither whether cache placement, delivery, or both phases are tapped, nor the positions in which they are tapped. Only the size of the overall tapped set is known. For the instance of two receivers and two library files, the strong secrecy capacity of the model, i.e., the maximum achievable file rate while keeping the overall library strongly secure, is identified. Lower and upper bounds on the achievable strong secrecy file rate are derived when the library has more than two files. Achievability schemes in this paper rely on a code design which combines wiretap coding, security embedding codes, one-time pad keys, and coded caching. A genie-aided upper bound, in which a genie provides the transmitter with user demands before cache placement, establishes the converse for the two files instance. For the library of more than two files, the upper bound is constructed by three successive channel transformations. Our results establish that strong information theoretic security is possible against a powerful adversary who optimizes its attack over both phases of communication in a cache-aided system.Comment: 44 pages; 4 figures; Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, August 201

    Physical-Layer Security in Cache-Enabled Cooperative Small Cell Networks Against Randomly Distributed Eavesdroppers

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    This paper explores the physical-layer security in a small cell network (SCN) with cooperative cache-enabled small base stations (SBSs) in the presence of randomly distributed eavesdroppers. We propose a joint design on the caching placement and the physical-layer transmission to improve the secure content delivery probability (SCDP). We first put forward a hybrid caching placement strategy in which a proportion of the cache unit in each SBS is assigned to store the most popular files (MPFs), while the remaining is used to cache the disjoint subfiles (DSFs) of the less popular files in different SBSs as a means to enhance transmission secrecy and content diversity. We then introduce two coordinated multi-point (CoMP) techniques, namely, joint transmission (JT) and orthogonal transmission (OT), to deliver the MPFs and DSFs, respectively. We derive analytical expressions for the SCDP in each transmission scheme, considering both non-colluding and colluding eavesdropping scenarios. Based on the obtained analytical results, we jointly design the optimal transmission rates and the optimal caching assignment for maximizing the overall SCDP. Various insights into the optimal transmission and caching designs are further provided. Numerical results are also presented to verify our theoretical findings and to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed caching and transmission strategies.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication on IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    QoE-driven Secure Video Transmission in Cloud-edge Collaborative Networks

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    Video transmission over the backhaul link in cloud-edge collaborative networks usually suffers security risks, which is ignored in most of the existing studies. The characteristics that video service can flexibly adjust the encoding rates and provide acceptable encoding qualities, make the security requirements more possible to be satisfied but tightly coupled with video encoding by introducing more restrictions on edge caching. In this paper, by considering the interaction between video encoding and edge caching, we investigate the quality of experience (QoE)-driven cross-layer optimization of secure video transmission over the wireless backhaul link in cloud-edge collaborative networks. First, we develop a secure transmission model based on video encoding and edge caching. By employing this model as the security constraint, then we formulate a QoE-driven joint optimization problem subject to limited available caching capacity. To solve the optimization problem, we propose two algorithms: a near-optimal iterative algorithm (EC-VE) and a greedy algorithm with low computational complexity (Greedy EC-VE). Simulation results show that our proposed EC-VE can greatly improve user QoE within security constraints, and the proposed Greedy EC-VE can obtain the tradeoff between QoE and computational complexity.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure