496 research outputs found

    Camera Calibration from Dynamic Silhouettes Using Motion Barcodes

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    Computing the epipolar geometry between cameras with very different viewpoints is often problematic as matching points are hard to find. In these cases, it has been proposed to use information from dynamic objects in the scene for suggesting point and line correspondences. We propose a speed up of about two orders of magnitude, as well as an increase in robustness and accuracy, to methods computing epipolar geometry from dynamic silhouettes. This improvement is based on a new temporal signature: motion barcode for lines. Motion barcode is a binary temporal sequence for lines, indicating for each frame the existence of at least one foreground pixel on that line. The motion barcodes of two corresponding epipolar lines are very similar, so the search for corresponding epipolar lines can be limited only to lines having similar barcodes. The use of motion barcodes leads to increased speed, accuracy, and robustness in computing the epipolar geometry.Comment: Update metadat

    An Epipolar Line from a Single Pixel

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    Computing the epipolar geometry from feature points between cameras with very different viewpoints is often error prone, as an object's appearance can vary greatly between images. For such cases, it has been shown that using motion extracted from video can achieve much better results than using a static image. This paper extends these earlier works based on the scene dynamics. In this paper we propose a new method to compute the epipolar geometry from a video stream, by exploiting the following observation: For a pixel p in Image A, all pixels corresponding to p in Image B are on the same epipolar line. Equivalently, the image of the line going through camera A's center and p is an epipolar line in B. Therefore, when cameras A and B are synchronized, the momentary images of two objects projecting to the same pixel, p, in camera A at times t1 and t2, lie on an epipolar line in camera B. Based on this observation we achieve fast and precise computation of epipolar lines. Calibrating cameras based on our method of finding epipolar lines is much faster and more robust than previous methods.Comment: WACV 201
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