2,131 research outputs found

    Business Case and Technology Analysis for 5G Low Latency Applications

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    A large number of new consumer and industrial applications are likely to change the classic operator's business models and provide a wide range of new markets to enter. This article analyses the most relevant 5G use cases that require ultra-low latency, from both technical and business perspectives. Low latency services pose challenging requirements to the network, and to fulfill them operators need to invest in costly changes in their network. In this sense, it is not clear whether such investments are going to be amortized with these new business models. In light of this, specific applications and requirements are described and the potential market benefits for operators are analysed. Conclusions show that operators have clear opportunities to add value and position themselves strongly with the increasing number of services to be provided by 5G.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Cooperative Position and Orientation Estimation with Multi-Mode Antennas

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    Robotic multi-agent systems are envisioned for planetary exploration and terrestrial applications. Autonomous operation of robots requires estimations of their positions and orientations, which are obtained from the direction-of-arrival (DoA) and the time-of-arrival (ToA) of radio signals exchanged among the agents. In this thesis, we estimate the signal DoA and ToA using a multi-mode antenna (MMA). An MMA is a single antenna element, where multiple orthogonal current modes are excited by different antenna ports. We provide a first study on the use of MMAs for cooperative position and orientation estimation, specifically exploring their DoA estimation capabilities. Assuming the agents of a cooperative network are equipped with MMAs, lower bounds on the achievable position and orientation accuracy are derived. We realize a gap between the theoretical lower bounds and real-world performance of a cooperative radio localization system, which is caused by imperfect antenna and transceiver calibration. Consequentially, we theoretically analyze in-situ antenna calibration, introduce an algorithm for the calibration of arbitrary multiport antennas and show its effectiveness by simulation. To also improve calibration during operation, we propose cooperative simultaneous localization and calibration (SLAC). We show that cooperative SLAC is able to estimate antenna responses and ranging biases of the agents together with their positions and orientations, leading to considerably better position and orientation accuracy. Finally, we validate the results from theory and simulation by experiments with robotic rovers equipped with software-defined radios (SDRs). In conclusion, we show that DoA estimation with an MMA is feasible, and accuracy can be improved by in-situ calibration and SLAC

    Embodied neuromorphic intelligence

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    The design of robots that interact autonomously with the environment and exhibit complex behaviours is an open challenge that can benefit from understanding what makes living beings fit to act in the world. Neuromorphic engineering studies neural computational principles to develop technologies that can provide a computing substrate for building compact and low-power processing systems. We discuss why endowing robots with neuromorphic technologies – from perception to motor control – represents a promising approach for the creation of robots which can seamlessly integrate in society. We present initial attempts in this direction, highlight open challenges, and propose actions required to overcome current limitations

    A Decentralized Architecture for Active Sensor Networks

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    This thesis is concerned with the Distributed Information Gathering (DIG) problem in which a Sensor Network is tasked with building a common representation of environment. The problem is motivated by the advantages offered by distributed autonomous sensing systems and the challenges they present. The focus of this study is on Macro Sensor Networks, characterized by platform mobility, heterogeneous teams, and long mission duration. The system under consideration may consist of an arbitrary number of mobile autonomous robots, stationary sensor platforms, and human operators, all linked in a network. This work describes a comprehensive framework called Active Sensor Network (ASN) which addresses the tasks of information fusion, decistion making, system configuration, and user interaction. The main design objectives are scalability with the number of robotic platforms, maximum flexibility in implementation and deployment, and robustness to component and communication failure. The framework is described from three complementary points of view: architecture, algorithms, and implementation. The main contribution of this thesis is the development of the ASN architecture. Its design follows three guiding principles: decentralization, modularity, and locality of interactions. These principles are applied to all aspects of the architecture and the framework in general. To achieve flexibility, the design approach emphasizes interactions between components rather than the definition of the components themselves. The architecture specifies a small set of interfaces sufficient to implement a wide range of information gathering systems. In the area of algorithms, this thesis builds on the earlier work on Decentralized Data Fusion (DDF) and its extension to information-theoretic decistion making. It presents the Bayesian Decentralized Data Fusion (BDDF) algorithm formulated for environment features represented by a general probability density function. Several specific representations are also considered: Gaussian, discrete, and the Certainty Grid map. Well known algorithms for these representations are shown to implement various aspects of the Bayesian framework. As part of the ASN implementation, a practical indoor sensor network has been developed and tested. Two series of experiments were conducted, utilizing two types of environment representation: 1) point features with Gaussian position uncertainty and 2) Certainty Grid maps. The network was operational for several days at a time, with individual platforms coming on and off-line. On several occasions, the network consisted of 39 software components. The lessons learned during the system's development may be applicable to other heterogeneous distributed systems with data-intensive algorithms

    Map-based localization for urban service mobile robotics

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    Mobile robotics research is currently interested on exporting autonomous navigation results achieved in indoor environments, to more challenging environments, such as, for instance, urban pedestrian areas. Developing mobile robots with autonomous navigation capabilities in such urban environments supposes a basic requirement for a upperlevel service set that could be provided to an users community. However, exporting indoor techniques to outdoor urban pedestrian scenarios is not evident due to the larger size of the environment, the dynamism of the scene due to pedestrians and other moving obstacles, the sunlight conditions, and the high presence of three dimensional elements such as ramps, steps, curbs or holes. Moreover, GPS-based mobile robot localization has demonstrated insufficient performance for robust long-term navigation in urban environments. One of the key modules within autonomous navigation is localization. If localization supposes an a priori map, even if it is not a complete model of the environment, localization is called map-based. This assumption is realistic since current trends of city councils are on building precise maps of their cities, specially of the most interesting places such as city downtowns. Having robots localized within a map allows for a high-level planning and monitoring, so that robots can achieve goal points expressed on the map, by following in a deliberative way a previously planned route. This thesis deals with the mobile robot map-based localization issue in urban pedestrian areas. The thesis approach uses the particle filter algorithm, a well-known and widely used probabilistic and recursive method for data fusion and state estimation. The main contributions of the thesis are divided on four aspects: (1) long-term experiments of mobile robot 2D and 3D position tracking in real urban pedestrian scenarios within a full autonomous navigation framework, (2) developing a fast and accurate technique to compute on-line range observation models in 3D environments, a basic step required by the real-time performance of the developed particle filter, (3) formulation of a particle filter that integrates asynchronous data streams and (4) a theoretical proposal to solve the global localization problem in an active and cooperative way, defining cooperation as either information sharing among the robots or planning joint actions to solve a common goal.Actualment, la recerca en robòtica mòbil té un interés creixent en exportar els resultats de navegació autònoma aconseguits en entorns interiors cap a d'altres tipus d'entorns més exigents, com, per exemple, les àrees urbanes peatonals. Desenvolupar capacitats de navegació autònoma en aquests entorns urbans és un requisit bàsic per poder proporcionar un conjunt de serveis de més alt nivell a una comunitat d'usuaris. Malgrat tot, exportar les tècniques d'interiors cap a entorns exteriors peatonals no és evident, a causa de la major dimensió de l'entorn, del dinamisme de l'escena provocada pels peatons i per altres obstacles en moviment, de la resposta de certs sensors a la il.luminació natural, i de la constant presència d'elements tridimensionals tals com rampes, escales, voreres o forats. D'altra banda, la localització de robots mòbils basada en GPS ha demostrat uns resultats insuficients de cara a una navegació robusta i de llarga durada en entorns urbans. Una de les peces clau en la navegació autònoma és la localització. En el cas que la localització consideri un mapa conegut a priori, encara que no sigui un model complet de l'entorn, parlem d'una localització basada en un mapa. Aquesta assumpció és realista ja que la tendència actual de les administracions locals és de construir mapes precisos de les ciutats, especialment dels llocs d'interés tals com les zones més cèntriques. El fet de tenir els robots localitzats en un mapa permet una planificació i una monitorització d'alt nivell, i així els robots poden arribar a destinacions indicades sobre el mapa, tot seguint de forma deliberativa una ruta prèviament planificada. Aquesta tesi tracta el tema de la localització de robots mòbils, basada en un mapa i per entorns urbans peatonals. La proposta de la tesi utilitza el filtre de partícules, un mètode probabilístic i recursiu, ben conegut i àmpliament utilitzat per la fusió de dades i l'estimació d'estats. Les principals contribucions de la tesi queden dividides en quatre aspectes: (1) experimentació de llarga durada del seguiment de la posició, tant en 2D com en 3D, d'un robot mòbil en entorns urbans reals, en el context de la navegació autònoma, (2) desenvolupament d'una tècnica ràpida i precisa per calcular en temps d'execució els models d'observació de distàncies en entorns 3D, un requisit bàsic pel rendiment del filtre de partícules a temps real, (3) formulació d'un filtre de partícules que integra conjunts de dades asíncrones i (4) proposta teòrica per solucionar la localització global d'una manera activa i cooperativa, entenent la cooperació com el fet de compartir informació, o bé com el de planificar accions conjuntes per solucionar un objectiu comú

    Implementing and Tuning an Autonomous Racing Car Testbed

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    Achieving safe autonomous driving is far from a vision at present days, with many examples like Uber, Google and the most famous of all Tesla, as they successfully deployed self driving cars around the world. Researchers and engineers have been putting tremendous efforts and will continue to do so in the following years into developing safe and precise control algorithms and technologies that will be included in future self driving cars. Besides these well known autonomous car deployments, some focus has also been put into autonomous racing competitions, for example the Roborace. The fact is that although significant progress that has been made, testing on real size cars in real environments requires immense financial support, making it impossible for many research groups to enter the game. Consequently, interesting alternatives appeared, such as the F1 Tenth, which challenges students, researchers and engineers to embrace in a low cost autonomous racing competition while developing control algorithms, that rely on sensors and strategies used in real life applications. This thesis focus on the comparison of different control algorithms and their effectiveness, that are present in a racing aspect of the F1 Tenth competition. In this thesis, efforts were put into developing a robotic autonomous car, relying on Robot Operative System, ROS, that not only meet the specifications from the F1 Tenth rules, but also allowed to establish a testbed for different future autonomous driving research.Obter uma condução autónoma segura está longe de uma visão dos dias de hoje, com exemplos como a Uber, Google e o mais famoso deles todos, a Tesla, que já foram globalmente introduzidos com sucesso. Investigadores e engenheiros têm colocado um empenho tremendo e vão continuar a fazê-lo nos próximos anos, a desenvolver algoritmos de controlo precisos e seguros, bem como tecnologias que serão colocados nos carros autónomos do futuro. Para além destes casos de sucesso bem conhecidos, algum foco tem sido colocado em competições de corridas de carros autónomos, como por exemplo o Roborace. O facto ´e que apesar do progresso significante que tem sido feito, fazer testes em carros reais em cenários verdadeiros, requer grande investimento financeiro, tornando impossível para muitos grupos de investigação investir na área. Consequentemente, apareceram alternativas relevantes, tal como o F1 Tenth, que desafia estudantes, investigadores e engenheiros a aderir a uma competição de baixos custos de corridas autónomas, enquanto desenvolvem algoritmos de controlo, que dependem de sensores e estratégias usadas em aplicações reais. Esta tese foca-se na comparação de diferentes algoritmos de controlo e na eficácia dos mesmos, que estão presentes num cenário de corrida da competição do F1 Tenth. Nesta tese, foram colocados muitos esforços para o desenvolvimento de um carro autónomo robótico, baseado em Robot Operative System, ROS, que não só vai de encontro `as especificações do F1 Tenth, mas que também permita estabelecer uma plataforma para futuras investigações de condução autónoma

    Analysis of radiofrequency-based methods for position and velocity determination of autonomous robots in lunar surface exploration missions

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    The use of distributed systems has been disruptive in almost any industrial sector, from manufacturing to processing plants from environmental monitoring to vehicle control, and many more. It is therefore natural to assess the benefits that such an advantageous engineering paradigm could bring to space exploration. In recent years, we have been witness to the emergence of concepts such as fractionated satellite systems, formation flying, megaconstellations, and femtoswarms. Most of these space missions have evolved from the idea of a decentralization of processes that were formerly performed in platforms conceived as monolithic systems. The application of this concept to robotic systems is not new, and a great deal of scientific contributions on multi-robot systems exists, focusing on different aspects such as cooperative robotics, behavioural or reactive control, distributed artificial intelligence, swarm multi-agent systems etc. The intrinsic advantages of distribution (improved reliability and efficiency, higher robustness, etc.) has been boosted by the exponential growing of computational power density and a simultaneous miniaturization of technology, leading to smaller and more powerful robotic platforms, which could make a distributed robotic system, made of small robotic agents, a powerful substitute to classical large robotic platforms. This thesis proposes, in the framework of multi-robot systems, a localization method for robotic agents in planetary surface exploration scenarios based on RF range and Doppler frequency shift analysis. The relevance of spatial localization awareness in agents belonging to a distributed robotic system is defined in the context of the advantages of robotic exploration. Different range determination techniques and, specifically, the advantages of including Doppler Effect in the determination of the relative position within the robotic system deployed are considered and the strengths and weaknesses analysed accordingly. Special attention is devoted to the noise sources present in the lunar environment, related to a practical (i.e. non-ideal) implementation architecture and its influence on the system performance. From this point of view, we develop a theoretical model for localization accuracy estimation, generated from power spectrum characteristics, in accordance with the system architecture proposed, and consolidated with numerical simulations and a parametrical assessment on a set of real references of components playing a key role in the overall performance. The selected system architecture is then implemented in a representative set-up and tested under laboratory conditions. Algorithms used for carrier frequency generation and frequency measurement are developed, applied and tested in the hardware-on-the-loop breadboard. The results show that Doppler frequency component can be measured with the proposed architecture, yielding a high sensitivity in the determination of relative speed even at standard communication frequencies (UHF), and improving significantly at higher bands (S, C, etc.). This enables the possibility of adding relative speed to relative position determination via sensor fusion techniques, improving the response time and accuracy during navigation through the exploration scenario