5 research outputs found

    A Gradient Boosting Approach for Training Convolutional and Deep Neural Networks

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    Deep learning has revolutionized the computer vision and image classification domains. In this context Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) based architectures are the most widely applied models. In this article, we introduced two procedures for training Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Deep Neural Network based on Gradient Boosting (GB), namely GB-CNN and GB-DNN. These models are trained to fit the gradient of the loss function or pseudo-residuals of previous models. At each iteration, the proposed method adds one dense layer to an exact copy of the previous deep NN model. The weights of the dense layers trained on previous iterations are frozen to prevent over-fitting, permitting the model to fit the new dense as well as to fine-tune the convolutional layers (for GB-CNN) while still utilizing the information already learned. Through extensive experimentation on different 2D-image classification and tabular datasets, the presented models show superior performance in terms of classification accuracy with respect to standard CNN and Deep-NN with the same architectures

    Approximation and Non-parametric Estimation of ResNet-type Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been shown to achieve optimal approximation and estimation error rates (in minimax sense) in several function classes. However, previous analyzed optimal CNNs are unrealistically wide and difficult to obtain via optimization due to sparse constraints in important function classes, including the H\"older class. We show a ResNet-type CNN can attain the minimax optimal error rates in these classes in more plausible situations -- it can be dense, and its width, channel size, and filter size are constant with respect to sample size. The key idea is that we can replicate the learning ability of Fully-connected neural networks (FNNs) by tailored CNNs, as long as the FNNs have \textit{block-sparse} structures. Our theory is general in a sense that we can automatically translate any approximation rate achieved by block-sparse FNNs into that by CNNs. As an application, we derive approximation and estimation error rates of the aformentioned type of CNNs for the Barron and H\"older classes with the same strategy.Comment: 8 pages + References 2 pages + Supplemental material 18 page

    Nonparametric Teaching for Multiple Learners

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    We study the problem of teaching multiple learners simultaneously in the nonparametric iterative teaching setting, where the teacher iteratively provides examples to the learner for accelerating the acquisition of a target concept. This problem is motivated by the gap between current single-learner teaching setting and the real-world scenario of human instruction where a teacher typically imparts knowledge to multiple students. Under the new problem formulation, we introduce a novel framework -- Multi-learner Nonparametric Teaching (MINT). In MINT, the teacher aims to instruct multiple learners, with each learner focusing on learning a scalar-valued target model. To achieve this, we frame the problem as teaching a vector-valued target model and extend the target model space from a scalar-valued reproducing kernel Hilbert space used in single-learner scenarios to a vector-valued space. Furthermore, we demonstrate that MINT offers significant teaching speed-up over repeated single-learner teaching, particularly when the multiple learners can communicate with each other. Lastly, we conduct extensive experiments to validate the practicality and efficiency of MINT.Comment: NeurIPS 2023 (31 pages, 20 figures