254 research outputs found

    Online customer experience in an emerging e-retail market

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    Although customer experience has attracted significant attention in marketing theorizing for over three decades, research has barely progressed beyond the traditional conceptualizations of the concept. Specifically, research on multichannel retailing experience is scarce and fragmented despite previous calls to investigate how customer experience can be optimized at different channels. Additionally, although eWOM is fast supplanting traditional WOM as a determinant of consumer behavior whilst Internet platforms have been declared the future fronts for successful customer relationship management, previous studies rarely examined how consumers process and integrate multiple online reviews especially dissatisfied eWOM. Extrapolating from the foregoing, the following research question is posed: “How can online retailers exploit the link between previous shopping experiences and perceived credibility of negative experience reviews (PCoNERs) to enhance consumer-firm relationship quality?”To answer the above research question, an experience-perception-attitude model was built on the foundations of two social cognitive psychology theories (i.e. the schema theory and the elaboration likelihood model (ELM)) and consequently tested through four scenario-based experiments mapped out into one pilot study and two main studies. The pilot study and study 1 utilized a 2 × 2 between-subject factorial design while study 2 employed 2 × 2 × 2 between-subject factorial design. Data was generated from undergraduate and postgraduate students recruited from two universities located in southern Nigeria. Exploratory factor analysis, partial least squares structural equation modelling procedure, independent sample t-test, Chi-square, one-way analysis of variance, and multivariate analysis of variance were the analytical techniques utilized.Five major contributions are made. First, the thesis developed and tested a unique experience-perception-attitude model from the perspective of two social cognitive psychology theories. The experience-perception-attitude model not only portrayed the multi-channel character of online customer experience but also advanced Verhoef et al.’s (2009) holistic and dynamic model of customer experience by demonstrating how consumer-firm relationship quality can be enhanced through a simultaneous consideration of shopping experiences emanating from both company website and social media site. Second, the thesis extends the context-specific nature of customer experience by demonstrating that emotional experience is the most important driver of PCoNERs in a recession-ridden emerging e-retailing market. Third, the study advances the eWOM literature and ELM by drawing on the ELM to demonstrate that PCoNERs have negative effect on consumer-firm relationship quality; while also demonstrating that the effects of the two thresholds of elaboration (i.e. review source credibility and review frequency) become infinitesimal if consumers are exposed to reviews with consistent valence. Fourth, the thesis adds to the experimental design technique utilized by channel integration researchers and previous panel data-based studies by drawing on the netnographic research approach to utilize naturalistic narratives as experimental scenarios. Finally, the findings offer an evidence-based guide on how e-retailers can practically engage in the systematic management of customer clues. The findings will also assist all categories of e-retailers determine the strategic position to pursue based on their resources and capabilities


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    The popularity and power of Electronic Word of Mouth (e-WOM) have raised the attention of academia and businesses in the past decade. A plethora of relevant literature investigated the motives of the sender to engage in e-WOM, besides the actual content of the message, leaving unanswerable questions concerning the receiver’s perception of the message and the interpersonal similarities with the sender. This study aimed at filling this gap by assessing the potential impact of e-WOM cues on the receiver experimentally by consulting i) social comparison theory, and ii) social judgment theory. Two experiments were designed and conducted incorporating mixed-method research to address gender and cultural similarities between the sender and receiver within the concept of eateries in the UAE. The generated results unveiled that the sender credibility of e-WOM is influenced by the relationship between the sender and the receiver. The research implications for the researchers in the domain added theoretically further knowledge of e-WOM that influences from a receiver perspective. Professionally, it could enhance managerial knowledge of cross-cultural effects on consumer choices and purchase intentions to direct future marketing strategies. This research also adds to the welfare of both senders and receivers of e- WOM regarding understanding motives for sending and receiving e-WOM

    Understanding electronic word-of-mouth in tourism in the social media era

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    In recent decades, social media has fundamentally changed how communication takes place in business. It has contributed to the evolution of the Internet from a broadcasting medium to a participatory and interactive platform which allows users to generate and share information and become part of the media. For instance, social media has enabled the creation and exchange of electronic word-ofmouth (eWOM). We have witnessed the popularity of eWOM in travel and tourism industry. EWOM behaviour among individuals and the impact of eWOM on organizations have become important research focuses in eWOM research. However, the extant research has ignored the important function of social media platforms as both hedonic and social-oriented information systems (IS) for users, and few researchers have tried to explain eWOM use from the social, hedonic, and technology perspectives. eWOM application from the organizational perspective has also attracted the attention of researchers. Most prior studies in this field have focused primarily on the impact of eWOM on business performance and organizations’ eWOM strategy. However, the understanding of how social media platforms can be used to co-create value with customers and how eWOM can help organizations to engage customers is still fragmented. What is more, the understanding of the interplay between an organization’s activity and social media technology remains obscure. The objective of this study is threefold: 1) to explore eWOM use and generation behaviours among individuals by taking eWOM content, as well as the social media platform—that is, the channel of eWOM generation and use—into consideration; 2) to explore the value creation of social media and eWOM in organizations; and 3) to examine how social media and eWOM connect individuals and organizations and uncover the myth of how eWOM benefits both individuals and travel organizations. A combination of quantitative survey research and qualitative case study is used in this study. In particular, quantitative survey research method was used to explore the eWOM use among individual user’s to solve the research questions regarding the determinants of travellers’ eWOM use and generation behaviours. Qualitative case study method was used to solve the questions regarding how can tourism organizations use social media to co-create value with customers and to engage with customers via eWOM communication. This research includes empirical data collected from individual tourists in China and tourism organizations from both China and Finland. This study contributes to the understanding of eWOM in tourism context. Specifically, it contributes to the understanding of customers’ eWOM behavior by taking the social and hedonic functions into consideration, and sheds light on the understanding of eWOM application in organizations. This study also integrates eWOM research from both individual and organization perspectives and helps to explain the eWOM interplay between them. From practical view, the results of this study have important implications for tourism e-service practitioners in their understanding of customers’ decision making process, and the strategy to facilitate customers’ propensity of eWOM generation behavior. It also helps eWOM website designers to make successful eWOM websites. The findings also shed lights on e-service providers on how to co-create value with customers via social media platform and how to engage customer via eWOM communication.Sosiaalinen media on ratkaisevasti muuttanut tapaa jolla liikeviestintää hoidetaan nykyvuosikymmenellä. Se on muuttanut Internetin yksisuuntaisesta julkaisukanavasta yhteisölliseksi ja interaktiiviseksi alustaksi joka mahdollistaa käyttäjien informaation tuottamisen ja jakamisen, heidän tulemisensa osaksi mediaa. Esimerkiksi, sosiaalinen media on mahdollistanut eWOM-ilmiön, jolla tarkoitetaan asiakkaiden ja käyttäjien jostain kohteesta tekemien arvioiden antamista ja jakamista sähköisillä alustoilla. eWOM on osoittautunut erittäin suosituksi matkailun ja turismin alalla viime vuosina. eWOM-yksilökäyttäytyminen sekä se miten eWOM vaikuttaa organisaatioihin ovat tulleet tärkeiksi tutkimuskohteiksi eWOM-tutkimuksessa. Kuitenkin nykyinen tutkimus on jättänyt ottamatta huomioon sen että sosiaalisen median alustat toimivat myös mielihyvää tuottavina ja sosiaalisesti orientoituneina tietojärjestelminä käyttäjille, ja vain vähäinen tutkimus on yrittänyt selvittää eWOMkäyttöä sosiaalisesta, hedonisesta ja teknologisesta näkökulmasta. eWOM tutkimus organisatorisesta näkökulmasta keskittyy pääosin siihen miten eWOM vaikuttaa liiketoimintaan ja organisaation eWOM-strategiaan. Kuitenkin sen ymmärtäminen miten sosiaalisen median alustoja voidaan käyttää arvon yhteiseen tuottamiseen ja kuinka eWOM voi auttaa organisaatioita sitouttamaan asiakkaan on yhä sirpaleista. Lisäksi, organisaation toiminnan ja sosiaalisen median teknologian vuorovaikutuksen ymmärtäminen on yhä häilyvää. Tällä tutkimuksella on kolme tavoitetta: 1) tutkia eWOM-käyttöä ja tiedon tuottamista yksilötasolla ottamalla eWOM-sisältö samoin kuin sosiaalisen median alusta – kanava eWOMin tuottamiseen ja jakamiseen – huomioon; 2) tutkia eWOMin sosiaalisen median arvontuottoa organisaatiossa; 3) tutkia miten sosiaalinen media ja eWOM yhdistävät yksilöitä ja organisaatioita, jotta voitaisiin selvittää myytti siitä miten eWOM hyödyntää sekä yksilöitä että organisaatioita. Tässä tutkimuksessa käytettiin kvantitatiivisen kyselytutkimuksen ja kvalitatiivisen tapaustutkimuksen yhdistelmää. Erityisesti, kvantitatiivista kyselytutkimusta käytettiin tutkimusmenetelmänä tutkittaessa yksilöiden eWOM-käyttöä, jotta voitiin vastata tutkimuskysymykseen koskien matkustajien eWOMgeneroinnin ja –käytön keskeisiä suureita. Laadullista tapaustutkimusta käytettiin tutkimusmenetelmänä selvitettäessä sitä miten organisaatiot käyttävät sosiaalista mediaa tuottaakseen lisäarvoa asiakkaiden kanssa ja miten ne sitouttavat asiakkaat eWOM-viestinnän keinoin. Tämä tutkimus sisältää empiiristä dataa jota on kerätty sekä yksittäisiltä matkustajilta Kiinassa sekä matkailualan yrityksiltä sekä Kiinassa että Suomessa. Tämä tutkimus lisää ymmärrystä eWOM-ilmiöstä matkailussa. Erityisesti se tuottaa tietoa asiakkaiden eWOM-käyttäytymisestä ottamalla eWOMin sosiaaliset ja hedoniset aspektit huomioon, ja tuottaa tietoa eWOMin käytön ymmärtämiseksi organisaatioissa. Tämä tutkimus integroi eWOM-tutkimuksen sekä yksilön että organisaation näkökulmasta ja auttaa ymmärtämään näkökulmien yhteydet. Käytännön näkökulmasta tämän tutkimuksen tuloksilla on tärkeitä viestejä sähköisen palvelutuotannon toteuttajille kun he pyrkivät ymmärtämään asiakkaan päätöksentekoa. Se myös auttaa eWOM-suunnittelijoita tekemään onnistuneita eWOM-verkkopalveluita. Tutkimustulokset myös kertovat verkkopalveluiden tuottajille miten tuottaa lisäarvoa yhdessä asiakkaiden kanssa sosiaalisessa mediassa ja miten sitouttaa asiakkaat eWOM-kommunikaation avulla

    Determinants of influence in electronic word of mouth communication within Facebook

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    Word of mouth (WOM) communication is being magnified and amplified on a vast and unprecedented scale by free, easy to use technologies. Where once thoughts and experiences regarding products and brands were shared orally one-to-one or in small groups, WOM has been transformed by social media into electronic word of mouth communication (eWOM) with hundreds of friends and acquaintances. Consumers can now discuss and share their experiences with brands and products on social networking sites such as Facebook. Using the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM), this study identifies factors that affect the influence of eWOM in the Facebook News Feed. Argument strength, source expertise, tie strength and purchase decision involvement are identified as important variables in this study and their effect on attitude towards a product and intention to purchase a product are investigated. The study found that contrary to the expectations of the ELM, Facebook users were not using the strength of the argument contained in the eWOM to make judgements about their intention to purchase a product. Users were instead using the heuristic cue of source expertise to inform their purchase behaviour. Tie strength was also used as a heuristic cue to determine whether an eWOM message was worthy of their attention. This study adds to the literature regarding the influence mechanism of eWOM in Facebook and provides further insight for social media marketers

    Conceptualizing the Electronic Word-of-Mouth Process: What We Know and Need to Know About eWOM Creation, Exposure, and Evaluation

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    Electronic word of mouth (eWOM) is a prevalent consumer practice that has undeniable effects on the company bottom line, yet it remains an over-labeled and under-theorized concept. Thus, marketers could benefit from a practical, science-based roadmap to maximize its business value. Building on the consumer motivation–opportunity–ability framework, this study conceptualizes three distinct stages in the eWOM process: eWOM creation, eWOM exposure, and eWOM evaluation. For each stage, we adopt a dual lens—from the perspective of the consumer (who sends and receives eWOM) and that of the marketer (who amplifies and manages eWOM for business results)—to synthesize key research insights and propose a research agenda based on a multidisciplinary systematic review of 1050 academic publications on eWOM published between 1996 and 2019. We conclude with a discussion of the future of eWOM research and practice

    #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt A content analysis of TikTok to understand why product-related user-generated content goes viral.

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    Purpose: The main goal of this master thesis is to understand why product-related user-generated content (UGC) on social media goes viral by looking at the content-, messenger-, and product characteristics. The social media of interest for the purposes of our research is TikTok. It is important because TikTok is a relatively new social media, and gaining a more profound knowledge of it would be beneficial for both individuals, digital marketers, and brands to increase their reach on TikTok. Problem statement: Why product-related UGC goes viral on TikTok, and what characteristics do the videos hold? Design/methodology/approach: A mixed-method is used, which includes a qualitative and quantitative analysis. The dataset was made using a qualitative content analysis of 500 videos from TikTok. For the quantitative analysis, an ANOVA analysis in SPSS is performed to conclude whether or not the hypotheses can be supported. Findings: Six out of ten hypotheses were confirmed. Two were rejected due to inconsistencies in the sample (skewed numbers). The main findings demonstrated that several characteristics are crucial for creating a viral video. Hypotheses in all three groups, content-, messenger-, and product characteristics, were supported. This demonstrates that numerous attributes in a video are critical for the virality on TikTok. It was found that when creating a TikTok video with the purpose of going viral, the video should be positive and include high-arousal emotions like amusement and curiosity. Also, the product displayed in the video should be unique or unusual, and solve a problem. Lastly, the creator should be entertaining or a good storyteller, and a high number of followers is helpful. Practical implications: Marketers can use this thesis to create improved marketing strategies on TikTok, as well as on other social media. Additionally, gaining a better understanding of how existing and potential consumers react to material online can be helpful to improve and adjust existing social media marketing activities. It is essential for brands who use social media to market and sell their products. Keywords: TikTok, User-generated content, social media, virality, Berger’s STEPP

    Examining employer-brand benefits through online employer reviews

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    Social media is rising in popularity as a credible source of information for consumers worldwide. Access to online product reviews appears limitless, and consumer voices are now influencing purchasing behavior far beyond the reach of traditional marketing campaigns. Joining the Internet influencers is a relatively new platform for sharing opinions, employer-review websites. Comments from current and former staff on employer review sits such as Glassdoor and Indeed offer a glimpse into company culture and the employer brand (Amber & Barrow, 1996). This qualitative, phenomenological study explored the lived experiences of hotel/casino resort employees through an examination of employer reviews posted on the Glassdoor and Indeed web pages of four Las Vegas gaming corporations. A thematic analysis of 1,063 employer reviews was conducted to identify the trio of employer-brand benefits (e.g., functional, economic, and psychological) drawn from Ambler and Barrow\u27s (1996) employer-brand equity theory. Themes related to social identity theory (Tajfel, 1974), signaling theory (Spence, 1973), and the instrumental-symbolic framework (e.g., Lievens & Highhouse, 2003) were examined in this study. Two questions guided the research: (1) Which employer-brand benefits, if any, cited in the employer reviews of hotel/casino resorts are most frequently associated with positive and negative employee sentiment? (2) What is the relationship between employer benefits (e.g., functional, psychological, and economical) and the overall employee rating given by the reviewer? The results revealed that all three of Ambler and Barrow\u27s (1996) employer-brand benefits appeared in the employer reviews as both positive and negative attributes of employment, with psychological and economic benefits most frequently referenced. Specific to employment in Las Vegas hotel/casino resort industry, reviewers who gave high employer ratings were quite positive about economic benefits (i.e., salary and wages, unspecified benefits, and the free meal in the EDR) and psychological benefits (i.e., co-worker interactions and company atmosphere), while reviewers who gave their employer low ratings were disappointed with their positions economic (i.e., salary and wages), psychological (i.e., management behaviors, work schedule, and company atmosphere), and functional (i.e., promotional opportunities) benefits. The findings from this study have implications for both marketing and HR practitioners, and this study contributes to the growing body of employer-branding literature

    Determinants of online review helpfulness that steer consumer purchase decision and their willingness to give review:an extended study in a cross-cultural context

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    Abstract. The increased use of social media and other online platforms have enabled consumers to communicate and discuss the products and services of brands with others. Consumers’ look for information in online reviews that assist them in informed purchase decisions. Previous literature has identified factors that influence consumers in adopting those online reviews, but whether consumers are willing to provide an online review after the purchase decision is not yet been studied previously. Another gap in the literate that is addressed is to base this study on output obtained from two countries. Therefore, our study is aimed at identifying factors that contribute to a consumer purchase decision and their willingness to give a review in a cross-cultural context. Our study aimed at restaurant reviews in Finland and Pakistan. Adopting and extending the Information Acceptance Model (IACM) proposed by Erkan and Evans (2016), that is developed by integrating Information Adoption Model (IAM) and related aspects of Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA). This study examines the influence of online review helpfulness factors on consumer purchase decision, consequently influencing them to give a review to others. We also aim to identify if review adoption directly influences consumers in providing online review without purchasing the product or service. The proposed model of our study was validated through Structural Equation Modelling by using Smart Partial Least Squares software. A questionnaire was adopted from earlier studies. The questionnaire was measured on a sample size of 104 from Finland and 141 from Pakistan. This study identified review adoption leading towards consumer purchase decision, whereas, onsumers’ willingness to give is not directly linked with their adoption of information, but it is a post-purchase process. The commonalities between the two countries depict the needs of information behind seeking online review information. If the required information is being provided to the customer through online reviews, it will lead to review adoption. Generally, review positiveness, review perceived informativeness and review quality were identified most important factors in consumers review adoption that leads consumers in choosing a restaurant and try the food there. Whereas, the general attitude of consumers towards online reviews was found to be the most exciting factors identified in Pakistan output. Consumers’ perception of online reviews encourages them to read online reviews, and they think that it is always a risk to try a restaurant without referring to online reviews. Pakistani consumers find online reviews useful, providing relevant information about the restaurants that help them in choosing the best restaurant

    The Impact of Social Media Marketing Components on the Online Consumer Buying Behavior: A Comparative Study between Greek and Finnish consumers

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    Due to the massive explosion of technology and the Internet boom, every individual can connect, share information and shape relationships. What contributes toward this innovative boost and at the same time creates an effective environment in which a person could function with other people cooperatively, is social media. Through electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) and online advertisement, social media brings a new and powerful perspective in shaping consumers' attitudes and behaviours. Thus, this presents marketers with the opportunity to affect consumers purchase decisions through online marketing and social media. Social media marketing offers a connection between the product or service with the consumer while establishing an environment in which every individual can become a part of an influential "social chain-interaction". In this present thesis, the effect of social media marketing mechanisms, namely, e-WOM and online advertisement, is examined on the online Greek and Finnish consumer buying behaviour. A non-probability sampling technique and the convenience sampling method were applied together with the minimum sample size calculation conducted with the log Montel Carlo simulation. "n*(n-Star)" method, in order to establish an appropriate sample strategy and sample size. Two separate online questionnaires with the same questions were distributed across Greek and Finnish participants with a distinct characteristic. They all had an" active social media life". To identify the impact of social media marketing components (e-WOM and online advertisement) on the Greek and Finnish consumers' online buying behaviour, I first go through a detailed data analysis, transformation, and variable selection process. After that stage, two separate multiple regression models are applied to identify the difference between the Greek and Finnish consumers online behaviour. The results suggest that, although both e- WOM and online advertisement significantly affect both the Greek and Finnish online consumer behaviour, e-WOM's impact is far more significant than that of online advertising. These findings indicate that by reading online reviews and watching online advertisements on social media websites, the Greek and Finnish consumers could learn the value of their purchase intentions. Thus, e-WOM communication and online advertisement could be classified as powerful tools of motivation

    Credibilidade dos comentários online e qualidade do website: implicações na tomada de decisão dos turistas

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    Doutoramento em Marketing e EstratégiaThe online travel sales represent a considerable market share and a continued growth is predicted in the coming years. With the evolution of information and communication technologies, the online platforms emerge as important information sources for an increasingly informed and demanding tourist. Actually, the number of tourists who prefer and trust in websites with amateur reviews is growing. Giving the emergence of this social interaction process nowadays part of the power of marketing lies in consumers. Social media and the new digital form of word-of-mouth (eWOM) are receiving a significant attention by researchers, especially in the context of the tourism sector. However, there is a need to further explore the subject, trying to understand how the online reviews influence the choice of a given hotel, and find the best way to use social media to interact with actual and potential customers. On the other hand, website quality and customer satisfaction emerge as critical business concerns, especially in an e-commerce perspective, due to the low percentage of website visitors that purchase from it. Accordingly, there is a lack of research on the assessment and satisfaction degree of tourists regarding websites targeted for booking accommodation online. This research aims to increase knowledge concerning these subjects. The study develops the ReWebility framework that explores the website’s quality and the credibility of online reviews, and their influence on tourist’s decision-making process, especially tourist’s loyalty to those websites. In this research we follow a quantitative approach, resorting to an online questionnaire. The sample consists of 351 internet users who have already booked accommodation through online platforms. Initially we proceeded to a descriptive analysis using SPSS software, followed by a confirmatory factor analysis and a structural equation model (SEM). The results confirm that tourists read online reviews before choosing a hotel, and consider them as trusted, credible and accurate. The proposed model suggests a chain between online reviews credibility, company reputation, e-satisfaction and e-loyalty, which might be the basis for further investigations related to consumer behaviour in online settings. The perceived value of the hotel reviewed and booked is the most influential determinant for a satisfactory online booking experience. In order to induce tourists to book online the website should ensure the best price, but not necessary the lowest one. At the end we will discuss the theoretical contributions and the practical implications, some suggestions, and future research lines.As vendas de viagens online representam uma quota de mercado considerável e um crescimento continuado está previsto para os próximos anos. Com a evolução das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, as plataformas online surgem como importantes fontes de informação para um turista cada vez mais informado e exigente. Na verdade, o número de turistas que preferem e confiam em sites com comentários amadores está a aumentar. Com o surgimento deste processo de interação social, hoje em dia parte do poder do marketing encontra-se nos consumidores. As mídias sociais e o novo formato digital de passa-a-palavra estão a receber uma atenção significativa dos investigadores, especialmente no contexto do setor turístico. No entanto, há necessidade de explorar melhor o assunto, tentando entender como as opiniões online influenciam a escolha de um determinado hotel, e encontrar a melhor forma de usar as mídias sociais para interagir com os clientes atuais e potenciais. Por outro lado a qualidade do website e a satisfação do cliente surgem como preocupações críticas para o negócio, especialmente no âmbito do comércio eletrónico, devido à baixa percentagem de visitantes do website que compram a partir do mesmo. Neste sentido, constatou-se haver uma carência de pesquisas sobre o grau de avaliação e satisfação dos turistas em relação a sites de reserva de alojamento. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo aumentar o conhecimento a respeito destes assuntos. O estudo desenvolve o modelo ReWebility para explorar a qualidade do site e a credibilidade das opiniões online, e a influência destes aspetos no processo decisório dos turista, nomeadamente a fidelidade destes para com o website. Nesta pesquisa usámos uma abordagem quantitativa, com o recurso a um questionário online. A amostra é constituída por 351 usuários da internet que já efetuaram reservas de alojamento através de plataformas online. Inicialmente procedeu-se a uma análise descritiva utilizando o software SPSS, seguida de uma análise fatorial confirmatória e do modelo de equações estruturais. Os resultados confirmam que os turistas leem comentários online antes de reservar um hotel, considerando-os como confiáveis, credíveis e precisos. O modelo proposto sugere uma cadeia entre a credibilidade das opiniões online, a reputação da empresa, e-satisfação e e-lealdade, que pode ser a base para futuras investigações no âmbito do comportamento do consumidor em contexto online. A perceção de valor relativamente ao hotel analisado e reservado é o determinante mais influente para uma experiência de reserva online satisfatória. Para induzir os turistas a reservar online o site deve garantir o melhor preço, mas não necessariamente o mais baixo. No final vamos apresentar as contribuições teóricas e as implicações práticas, bem como algumas sugestões e linhas de investigação futuras
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