422 research outputs found

    Does Phase Matter For Monaural Source Separation?

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    The "cocktail party" problem of fully separating multiple sources from a single channel audio waveform remains unsolved. Current biological understanding of neural encoding suggests that phase information is preserved and utilized at every stage of the auditory pathway. However, current computational approaches primarily discard phase information in order to mask amplitude spectrograms of sound. In this paper, we seek to address whether preserving phase information in spectral representations of sound provides better results in monaural separation of vocals from a musical track by using a neurally plausible sparse generative model. Our results demonstrate that preserving phase information reduces artifacts in the separated tracks, as quantified by the signal to artifact ratio (GSAR). Furthermore, our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance for source separation, as quantified by a mean signal to interference ratio (GSIR) of 19.46.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, NIPS forma

    Supervised Speech Separation Based on Deep Learning: An Overview

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    Speech separation is the task of separating target speech from background interference. Traditionally, speech separation is studied as a signal processing problem. A more recent approach formulates speech separation as a supervised learning problem, where the discriminative patterns of speech, speakers, and background noise are learned from training data. Over the past decade, many supervised separation algorithms have been put forward. In particular, the recent introduction of deep learning to supervised speech separation has dramatically accelerated progress and boosted separation performance. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the research on deep learning based supervised speech separation in the last several years. We first introduce the background of speech separation and the formulation of supervised separation. Then we discuss three main components of supervised separation: learning machines, training targets, and acoustic features. Much of the overview is on separation algorithms where we review monaural methods, including speech enhancement (speech-nonspeech separation), speaker separation (multi-talker separation), and speech dereverberation, as well as multi-microphone techniques. The important issue of generalization, unique to supervised learning, is discussed. This overview provides a historical perspective on how advances are made. In addition, we discuss a number of conceptual issues, including what constitutes the target source.Comment: 27 pages, 17 figure

    Music Source Separation Using Stacked Hourglass Networks

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    In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective method for multiple music source separation using convolutional neural networks. Stacked hourglass network, which was originally designed for human pose estimation in natural images, is applied to a music source separation task. The network learns features from a spectrogram image across multiple scales and generates masks for each music source. The estimated mask is refined as it passes over stacked hourglass modules. The proposed framework is able to separate multiple music sources using a single network. Experimental results on MIR-1K and DSD100 datasets validate that the proposed method achieves competitive results comparable to the state-of-the-art methods in multiple music source separation and singing voice separation tasks.Comment: ISMIR 2018, source code: https://github.com/sungheonpark/music_source_sepearation_SH_ne

    Learning with Learned Loss Function: Speech Enhancement with Quality-Net to Improve Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality

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    Utilizing a human-perception-related objective function to train a speech enhancement model has become a popular topic recently. The main reason is that the conventional mean squared error (MSE) loss cannot represent auditory perception well. One of the typical hu-man-perception-related metrics, which is the perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ), has been proven to provide a high correlation to the quality scores rated by humans. Owing to its complex and non-differentiable properties, however, the PESQ function may not be used to optimize speech enhancement models directly. In this study, we propose optimizing the enhancement model with an approximated PESQ function, which is differentiable and learned from the training data. The experimental results show that the learned surrogate function can guide the enhancement model to further boost the PESQ score (in-crease of 0.18 points compared to the results trained with MSE loss) and maintain the speech intelligibility.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL

    Examining the Mapping Functions of Denoising Autoencoders in Singing Voice Separation

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    The goal of this work is to investigate what singing voice separation approaches based on neural networks learn from the data. We examine the mapping functions of neural networks based on the denoising autoencoder (DAE) model that are conditioned on the mixture magnitude spectra. To approximate the mapping functions, we propose an algorithm inspired by the knowledge distillation, denoted the neural couplings algorithm (NCA). The NCA yields a matrix that expresses the mapping of the mixture to the target source magnitude information. Using the NCA, we examine the mapping functions of three fundamental DAE-based models in music source separation; one with single-layer encoder and decoder, one with multi-layer encoder and single-layer decoder, and one using skip-filtering connections (SF) with a single-layer encoding and decoding. We first train these models with realistic data to estimate the singing voice magnitude spectra from the corresponding mixture. We then use the optimized models and test spectral data as input to the NCA. Our experimental findings show that approaches based on the DAE model learn scalar filtering operators, exhibiting a predominant diagonal structure in their corresponding mapping functions, limiting the exploitation of inter-frequency structure of music data. In contrast, skip-filtering connections are shown to assist the DAE model in learning filtering operators that exploit richer inter-frequency structures

    Complex ratio masking for singing voice separation

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    Music source separation is important for applications such as karaoke and remixing. Much of previous research focuses on estimating short-time Fourier transform (STFT) magnitude and discarding phase information. We observe that, for singing voice separation, phase can make considerable improvement in separation quality. This paper proposes a complex ratio masking method for voice and accompaniment separation. The proposed method employs DenseUNet with self attention to estimate the real and imaginary components of STFT for each sound source. A simple ensemble technique is introduced to further improve separation performance. Evaluation results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms recent state-of-the-art models for both separated voice and accompaniment

    A Unified Framework for Speech Separation

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    Speech separation refers to extracting each individual speech source in a given mixed signal. Recent advancements in speech separation and ongoing research in this area, have made these approaches as promising techniques for pre-processing of naturalistic audio streams. After incorporating deep learning techniques into speech separation, performance on these systems is improving faster. The initial solutions introduced for deep learning based speech separation analyzed the speech signals into time-frequency domain with STFT; and then encoded mixed signals were fed into a deep neural network based separator. Most recently, new methods are introduced to separate waveform of the mixed signal directly without analyzing them using STFT. Here, we introduce a unified framework to include both spectrogram and waveform separations into a single structure, while being only different in the kernel function used to encode and decode the data; where, both can achieve competitive performance. This new framework provides flexibility; in addition, depending on the characteristics of the data, or limitations of the memory and latency can set the hyper-parameters to flow in a pipeline of the framework which fits the task properly. We extend single-channel speech separation into multi-channel framework with end-to-end training of the network while optimizing the speech separation criterion (i.e., Si-SNR) directly. We emphasize on how tied kernel functions for calculating spatial features, encoder, and decoder in multi-channel framework can be effective. We simulate spatialized reverberate data for both WSJ0 and LibriSpeech corpora here, and while these two sets of data are different in the matter of size and duration, the effect of capturing shorter and longer dependencies of previous/+future samples are studied in detail. We report SDR, Si-SNR and PESQ to evaluate the performance of developed solutions

    Multi-microphone Complex Spectral Mapping for Utterance-wise and Continuous Speaker Separation

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    We propose multi-microphone complex spectral mapping, a simple way of applying deep learning for time-varying non-linear beamforming, for offline utterance-wise and block-online continuous speaker separation in reverberant conditions, aiming at both speaker separation and dereverberation. Assuming a fixed array geometry between training and testing, we train deep neural networks (DNN) to predict the real and imaginary (RI) components of target speech at a reference microphone from the RI components of multiple microphones. We then integrate multi-microphone complex spectral mapping with beamforming and post-filtering to further improve separation, and combine it with frame-level speaker counting for block-online continuous speaker separation (CSS). Although our system is trained on simulated room impulse responses (RIR) based on a fixed number of microphones arranged in a given geometry, it generalizes well to a real array with the same geometry. State-of-the-art separation performance is obtained on the simulated two-talker SMS-WSJ corpus and the real-recorded LibriCSS dataset.Comment: 10 pages, in submissio

    Monaural Speech Enhancement Using a Multi-Branch Temporal Convolutional Network

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    Deep learning has achieved substantial improvement on single-channel speech enhancement tasks. However, the performance of multi-layer perceptions (MLPs)-based methods is limited by the ability to capture the long-term effective history information. The recurrent neural networks (RNNs), e.g., long short-term memory (LSTM) model, are able to capture the long-term temporal dependencies, but come with the issues of the high latency and the complexity of training.To address these issues, the temporal convolutional network (TCN) was proposed to replace the RNNs in various sequence modeling tasks. In this paper we propose a novel TCN model that employs multi-branch structure, called multi-branch TCN (MB-TCN), for monaural speech enhancement.The MB-TCN exploits split-transform-aggregate design, which is expected to obtain strong representational power at a low computational complexity.Inspired by the TCN, the MB-TCN model incorporates one dimensional causal dilated CNN and residual learning to expand receptive fields for capturing long-term temporal contextual information.Our extensive experimental investigation suggests that the MB-TCNs outperform the residual long short-term memory networks (ResLSTMs), temporal convolutional networks (TCNs), and the CNN networks that employ dense aggregations in terms of speech intelligibility and quality, while providing superior parameter efficiency. Furthermore, our experimental results demonstrate that our proposed MB-TCN model is able to outperform multiple state-of-the-art deep learning-based speech enhancement methods in terms of five widely used objective metrics.Comment: There are some inappropriate decriptions. These descriptions exist on many page

    Recent Progresses in Deep Learning based Acoustic Models (Updated)

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    In this paper, we summarize recent progresses made in deep learning based acoustic models and the motivation and insights behind the surveyed techniques. We first discuss acoustic models that can effectively exploit variable-length contextual information, such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs), convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and their various combination with other models. We then describe acoustic models that are optimized end-to-end with emphasis on feature representations learned jointly with rest of the system, the connectionist temporal classification (CTC) criterion, and the attention-based sequence-to-sequence model. We further illustrate robustness issues in speech recognition systems, and discuss acoustic model adaptation, speech enhancement and separation, and robust training strategies. We also cover modeling techniques that lead to more efficient decoding and discuss possible future directions in acoustic model research.Comment: This is an updated version with latest literature until ICASSP2018 of the paper: Dong Yu and Jinyu Li, "Recent Progresses in Deep Learning based Acoustic Models," vol.4, no.3, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 201
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