34 research outputs found

    The Tutte Polynomial of a Morphism of Matroids 6. A Multi-Faceted Counting Formula for Hyperplane Regions and Acyclic Orientations

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    We show that the 4-variable generating function of certain orientation related parameters of an ordered oriented matroid is the evaluation at (x + u, y+v) of its Tutte polynomial. This evaluation contains as special cases the counting of regions in hyperplane arrangements and of acyclic orientations in graphs. Several new 2-variable expansions of the Tutte polynomial of an oriented matroid follow as corollaries. This result hold more generally for oriented matroid perspectives, with specific special cases the counting of bounded regions in hyperplane arrangements or of bipolar acyclic orientations in graphs. In corollary, we obtain expressions for the partial derivatives of the Tutte polynomial as generating functions of the same orientation parameters.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures, 3 table

    Short rewriting, and geometric explanations related to the active bijection, for: Extension-lifting bijections for oriented matroids, by S. Backman, F. Santos, C.H. Yuen, arXiv:1904.03562v2 (October 29, 2023)

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    For an oriented matroid M, and given a generic single element extension and a generic single element lifting of M, the main result of [1] provides a bijection between bases of M and certain reorientations of M induced by the extension-lifting. This note is intended to somehow clarify and precise the geometric setting for this paper in terms of oriented matroid arrangements and oriented matroid programming, to describe and prove the main bijective result in a short simple way, and to show how it consists of combining two direct bijections and a central bijection, which is the same as a special case - practically uniform - of the bounded case of the active bijection [5, 6]. (The relation with the active bijection is addressed in [1] in an indirect and more complicated way.