14 research outputs found

    Full Indifferentiable Security of the Xor of Two or More Random Permutations Using the χ2\chi^2 Method

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    The construction XORP\mathsf{XORP} (bitwise-xor of outputs of two independent nn-bit random permutations) has gained broad attention over the last two decades due to its high security. Very recently, Dai \textit{et al.} (CRYPTO\u2717), by using a method which they term the {\em Chi-squared method} (χ2\chi^2 method), have shown nn-bit security of XORP\mathsf{XORP} when the underlying random permutations are kept secret to the adversary. In this work, we consider the case where the underlying random permutations are publicly available to the adversary. The best known security of XORP\mathsf{XORP} in this security game (also known as {\em indifferentiable security}) is 2n3\frac{2n}{3}-bit, due to Mennink \textit{et al.} (ACNS\u2715). Later, Lee (IEEE-IT\u2717) proved a better (k1)nk\frac{(k-1)n}{k}-bit security for the general construction XORP[k]\mathsf{XORP}[k] which returns the xor of kk (2\geq 2) independent random permutations. However, the security was shown only for the cases where kk is an even integer. In this paper, we improve all these known bounds and prove full, {\em i.e.,} nn-bit (indifferentiable) security of XORP\mathsf{XORP} as well as XORP[k]\mathsf{XORP}[k] for any kk. Our main result is nn-bit security of XORP\mathsf{XORP}, and we use the χ2\chi^2 method to prove it

    Security of Truncated Permutation Without Initial Value

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    Indifferentiability is a powerful notion in cryptography. If a construction is proven to be indifferentiable from an ideal object, it can under certain assumptions instantiate that ideal object in higher-level constructions. Indifferentiability is a particularly useful model for cryptographic hash functions, and myriad results are known proving that a hash function behaves like a random oracle under the assumption that the underlying primitive (typically a compression function, a block cipher, or a permutation) is random. Recently, advances have been made in proving indifferentiability of one-way functions with fixed input length. One such example is truncation of a permutation. If one evaluates a random permutation on an input value concatenated with a fixed initial value, and truncates the output, one obtains a construction that is indifferentiable from a random function up to a certain bound (Dodis et al., FSE 2009; Choi et al., ASIACRYPT 2019). Security of this construction, however, is in part determined by the length of the initial value; omission of this fixed value yields an insecure construction. In this paper, we reconsider truncation of a permutation, and prove that the construction is indifferentiable from a random oracle, even if this fixed initial value is replaced by a randomized value. This randomized value may be the same for different evaluations of the construction, or freshly generated, up to the discretion of the adversary. The security level is the same as that of truncation with fixed initial value, up to collisions in the randomized value. We show that our construction has immediate implications in the context of parallel variable-length digest generation. In detail, we describe Cascade-MGF, that operates on top of any cryptographic hash function and uses the hash function output as randomized initial value in truncation. We demonstrate that Cascade-MGF compares favorably over earlier parallel variable-length digest generation constructions, namely Counter-MGF and Chained-MGF, in almost all settings

    A Note on the Chi-square Method : A Tool for Proving Cryptographic Security

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    In CRYPTO 2017, Dai, Hoang, and Tessaro introduced the {\em Chi-square method} (χ2\chi^2 method) which can be applied to obtain an upper bound on the statistical distance between two joint probability distributions. The authors applied this method to prove the {\em pseudorandom function security} (PRF-security) of sum of two random permutations. In this work, we revisit their proof and find a non-trivial gap in the proof and describe how to plug this gap as well; this has already been done by Dai {\em et al.} in the revised version of their CRYPTO 2017 paper. A complete, correct, and transparent proof of the full security of the sum of two random permutations construction is much desirable, especially due to its importance and two decades old legacy. The proposed χ2\chi^2 method seems to have potential for application to similar problems, where a similar gap may creep into a proof. These considerations motivate us to communicate our observation in a formal way.\par On the positive side, we provide a very simple proof of the PRF-security of the {\em truncated random permutation} construction (a method to construct PRF from a random permutation) using the χ2\chi^2 method. We note that a proof of the PRF-security due to Stam is already known for this construction in a purely statistical context. However, the use of the χ2\chi^2 method makes the proof much simpler

    Multi-User Security of the Sum of Truncated Random Permutations (Full Version)

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    For several decades, constructing pseudorandom functions from pseudorandom permutations, so-called Luby-Rackoff backward construction, has been a popular cryptographic problem. Two methods are well-known and comprehensively studied for this problem: summing two random permutations and truncating partial bits of the output from a random permutation. In this paper, by combining both summation and truncation, we propose new Luby-Rackoff backward constructions, dubbed SaT1 and SaT2, respectively. SaT2 is obtained by partially truncating output bits from the sum of two independent random permutations, and SaT1 is its single permutation-based variant using domain separation. The distinguishing advantage against SaT1 and SaT2 is upper bounded by O(\sqrt{\mu q_max}/2^{n-0.5m}) and O({\sqrt{\mu}q_max^1.5}/2^{2n-0.5m}), respectively, in the multi-user setting, where n is the size of the underlying permutation, m is the output size of the construction, \mu is the number of users, and q_max is the maximum number of queries per user. We also prove the distinguishing advantage against a variant of XORP[3]~(studied by Bhattacharya and Nandi at Asiacrypt 2021) using independent permutations, dubbed SoP3-2, is upper bounded by O(\sqrt{\mu} q_max^2}/2^{2.5n})$. In the multi-user setting with \mu = O(2^{n-m}), a truncated random permutation provides only the birthday bound security, while SaT1 and SaT2 are fully secure, i.e., allowing O(2^n) queries for each user. It is the same security level as XORP[3] using three permutation calls, while SaT1 and SaT2 need only two permutation calls

    Revisiting the Indifferentiability of the Sum of Permutations

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    The sum of two n-bit pseudorandom permutations is known to behave like a pseudorandom function with n bits of security. A recent line of research has investigated the security of two public n-bit permutations and its degree of indifferentiability. Mandal et al. (INDOCRYPT 2010) proved 2n/3-bit security, Mennink and Preneel (ACNS 2015) pointed out a non-trivial flaw in their analysis and re-proved (2n/3-\log_2(n))-bit security. Bhattacharya and Nandi (EUROCRYPT 2018) eventually improved the result to n-bit security. Recently, Gunsing at CRYPTO 2022 already observed that a proof technique used in this line of research only holds for sequential indifferentiability. We revisit the line of research in detail, and observe that the strongest bound of n-bit security has two other serious issues in the reasoning, the first one is actually the same non-trivial flaw that was present in the work of Mandal et al., while the second one discards biases in the randomness influenced by the distinguisher. More concretely, we introduce two attacks that show limited potential of different approaches. We (i) show that the latter issue that discards biases only holds up to 2^{3n/4} queries, and (ii) perform a differentiability attack against their simulator in 2^{5n/6} queries. On the upside, we revive the result of Mennink and Preneel and show (2n/3-\log_2(n))-bit regular indifferentiability security of the sum of public permutations

    Keyed Sum of Permutations: a simpler RP-based PRF

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    Idealized constructions in cryptography prove the security of a primitive based on the security of another primitive. The challenge of building a pseudorandom function (PRF) from a random permutation (RP) has only been recently tackled by Chen, Lambooij and Mennink [CRYPTO 2019] who proposed Sum of Even-Mansour (SoEM) with a provable beyond-birthday-bound security. In this work, we revisit the challenge of building a PRF from an RP. On the one hand, we describe Keyed Sum of Permutations (KSoP) that achieves the same provable security as SoEM while being strictly simpler since it avoids a key addition but still requires two independent keys and permutations. On the other hand, we show that it is impossible to further simplify the scheme by deriving the two keys with a simple linear key schedule as it allows a non-trivial birthday-bound key recovery attack. The birthday-bound attack is mostly information-theoretic, but it can be optimized to run faster than a brute-force attack

    Revisiting the Indifferentiability of the Sum of Permutations

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    The sum of two nn-bit pseudorandom permutations is known to behave like a pseudorandom function with nn bits of security. A recent line of research has investigated the security of two public nn-bit permutations and its degree of indifferentiability. Mandal et al. (INDOCRYPT 2010) proved 2n/32n/3-bit security, Mennink and Preneel (ACNS 2015) pointed out a non-trivial flaw in their analysis and re-proved (2n/3log2(n))(2n/3-\log_2(n))-bit security. Bhattacharya and Nandi (EUROCRYPT 2018) eventually improved the result to nn-bit security. Recently, Gunsing at CRYPTO 2022 already observed that a proof technique used in this line of research only holds for sequential indifferentiability. We revisit the line of research in detail, and observe that the strongest bound of nn-bit security has two other serious issues in the reasoning, the first one is actually the same non-trivial flaw that was present in the work of Mandal et al., while the second one discards biases in the randomness influenced by the distinguisher. More concretely, we introduce two attacks that show limited potential of different approaches. We (i) show that the latter issue that discards biases only holds up to 23n/42^{3n/4} queries, and (ii) perform a differentiability attack against their simulator in 25n/62^{5n/6} queries. On the upside, we revive the result of Mennink and Preneel and show (2n/3log2(n))(2n/3-\log_2(n))-bit regular indifferentiability security of the sum of public permutations

    Block-Cipher-Based Tree Hashing

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    First of all we take a thorough look at an error in a paper by Daemen et al. (ToSC 2018) which looks at minimal requirements for tree-based hashing based on multiple primitives, including block ciphers. This reveals that the error is more fundamental than previously shown by Gunsing et al. (ToSC 2020), which is mainly interested in its effect on the security bounds. It turns out that the cause for the error is due to an essential oversight in the interaction between the different oracles used in the indifferentiability proofs. In essence, it reduces the claim from the normal indifferentiability setting to the weaker sequential indifferentiability one. As a matter of fact, this error appeared in multiple earlier indifferentiability papers, including the optimal indifferentiability of the sum of permutations (EUROCRYPT 2018) and the recent ABR+ construction (EUROCRYPT 2021). We discuss in detail how this oversight is caused and how it can be avoided. We next demonstrate how the negative effects on the security bound of the construction by Daemen et al. can be resolved. Instead of only allowing a truncated output, we generalize the construction to allow for any finalization function and investigate the security of this for five different types of finalization. Our findings, among others, show that the security of the SHA-2 mode does not degrade if the feed-forward is dropped and that the modern BLAKE3 construction is secure in principle but that its use of the extendable output requires its counter used for random access to be public. Finally, we introduce the tree sponge, a generalization of the sequential sponge construction with parallel absorbing and squeezing

    Tweaking a block cipher: multi-user beyond-birthday-bound security in the standard model

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    In this paper, we present a generic construction to create a secure tweakable block cipher from a secure block cipher. Our construction is very natural, requiring four calls to the underlying block cipher for each call of the tweakable block cipher. Moreover, it is provably secure in the standard model while keeping the security degradation minimal in the multi-user setting. In more details, if the underlying blockcipher E uses n-bit blocks and 2n-bit keys, then our construction is proven secure against multi-user adversaries using up to roughly 2n time and queries as long as E is a secure block cipher

    Building PRFs from TPRPs: Beyond the Block and the Tweak Length Bounds

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    A secure nn-bit tweakable block cipher (TBC) using tt-bit tweaks can be modeled as a tweakable uniform random permutation, where each tweak defines an independent random nn-bit permutation. When an input to this tweakable permutation is fixed, it can be viewed as a perfectly secure tt-bit random function. On the other hand, when a tweak is fixed, it can be viewed as a perfectly secure nn-bit random permutation, and it is well known that the sum of two random permutations is pseudorandom up to 2n2^n queries. A natural question is whether one can construct a pseudorandom function (PRF) beyond the block and the tweak length bounds using a small number of calls to the underlying tweakable permutations. As a positive answer to this question, we propose two PRF constructions based on tweakable permutations, dubbed XoTP1c\mathsf{XoTP1}_c and XoTP2c\mathsf{XoTP2}_c, respectively. Both constructions are parameterized by cc, giving a (t+nc)(t+n-c)-to-nn bit PRF. When t<2nt<2n, XoTP1t2\mathsf{XoTP1}_{\frac{t}{2}} becomes an (n+t2)(n+\frac{t}{2})-to-nn bit pseudorandom function, which is secure up to 2n+t22^{n+\frac{t}{2}} queries. XoTP2t3\mathsf{XoTP2}_{\frac{t}{3}} is even better, giving an (n+2t3)(n+\frac{2t}{3})-to-nn bit pseudorandom function, which is secure up to 2n+2t32^{n+\frac{2t}{3}} queries, when t<3nt<3n. These PRFs provide security beyond the block and the tweak length bounds, making two calls to the underlying tweakable permutations. In order to prove the security of XoTP1\mathsf{XoTP1} and XoTP2\mathsf{XoTP2}, we firstly extend Mirror theory to q2nq \gg 2^n, where qq is the number of equations. From a practical point of view, our constructions can be used to construct TBC-based MAC finalization functions and CTR-type encryption modes with stronger provable security compared to existing schemes