79 research outputs found

    The algebraic dichotomy conjecture for infinite domain Constraint Satisfaction Problems

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    We prove that an ω\omega-categorical core structure primitively positively interprets all finite structures with parameters if and only if some stabilizer of its polymorphism clone has a homomorphism to the clone of projections, and that this happens if and only if its polymorphism clone does not contain operations α\alpha, β\beta, ss satisfying the identity αs(x,y,x,z,y,z)βs(y,x,z,x,z,y)\alpha s(x,y,x,z,y,z) \approx \beta s(y,x,z,x,z,y). This establishes an algebraic criterion equivalent to the conjectured borderline between P and NP-complete CSPs over reducts of finitely bounded homogenous structures, and accomplishes one of the steps of a proposed strategy for reducing the infinite domain CSP dichotomy conjecture to the finite case. Our theorem is also of independent mathematical interest, characterizing a topological property of any ω\omega-categorical core structure (the existence of a continuous homomorphism of a stabilizer of its polymorphism clone to the projections) in purely algebraic terms (the failure of an identity as above).Comment: 15 page

    Lefschetz elements of Artinian Gorenstein algebras and Hessians of homogeneous polynomials (Representation Theory and Combinatorics)

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    This article is based on my joint work with Junzo Watanabe [8]. The Lef-schetz property is a ring-theoretic abstraction of the Hard Lefschetz Theorem for compact K\"ahler manifolds. The following are fundamental problems on the study of the Lefschetz property for Artinian graded algebras: Problem 0.1. For a given graded Artinian algebra AA , decide whether or not AA has the strong (or weak) Lefschetz property. Problem 0.2. When a graded Artinian algebra AA has the strong Lefschetz property, determine the set of Lefschetz elements in the part A1A_{1} of degree one. In this work, we give a characterization of the Lefschetz elements in Ar-tinian Gorenstein rings over a field kk of characteristic zero in terms of the higher Hessians. As an application, we give new examples of Artinian Goren-stein rings which do not have the strong Lefschetz property

    Wadge-like reducibilities on arbitrary quasi-Polish spaces

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    The structure of the Wadge degrees on zero-dimensional spaces is very simple (almost well-ordered), but for many other natural non-zero-dimensional spaces (including the space of reals) this structure is much more complicated. We consider weaker notions of reducibility, including the so-called \Delta^0_\alpha-reductions, and try to find for various natural topological spaces X the least ordinal \alpha_X such that for every \alpha_X \leq \beta < \omega_1 the degree-structure induced on X by the \Delta^0_\beta-reductions is simple (i.e. similar to the Wadge hierarchy on the Baire space). We show that \alpha_X \leq {\omega} for every quasi-Polish space X, that \alpha_X \leq 3 for quasi-Polish spaces of dimension different from \infty, and that this last bound is in fact optimal for many (quasi-)Polish spaces, including the real line and its powers.Comment: 50 pages, revised version, accepted for publication on Mathematical Structures in Computer Scienc