2 research outputs found

    SemEval-2017 Task 3: Community Question Answering

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    We describe SemEval-2017 Task 3 on Community Question Answering. This year, we reran the four subtasks from SemEval-2016:(A) Question-Comment Similarity,(B) Question-Question Similarity,(C) Question-External Comment Similarity, and (D) Rerank the correct answers for a new question in Arabic, providing all the data from 2015 and 2016 for training, and fresh data for testing. Additionally, we added a new subtask E in order to enable experimentation with Multi-domain Question Duplicate Detection in a larger-scale scenario, using StackExchange subforums. A total of 23 teams participated in the task, and submitted a total of 85 runs (36 primary and 49 contrastive) for subtasks A-D. Unfortunately, no teams participated in subtask E. A variety of approaches and features were used by the participating systems to address the different subtasks. The best systems achieved an official score (MAP) of 88.43, 47.22, 15.46, and 61.16 in subtasks A, B, C, and D, respectively. These scores are better than the baselines, especially for subtasks A-C.Comment: community question answering, question-question similarity, question-comment similarity, answer reranking, Multi-domain Question Duplicate Detection, StackExchange, English, Arabi

    Adversarial Training for Community Question Answer Selection Based on Multi-scale Matching

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    Community-based question answering (CQA) websites represent an important source of information. As a result, the problem of matching the most valuable answers to their corresponding questions has become an increasingly popular research topic. We frame this task as a binary (relevant/irrelevant) classification problem, and present an adversarial training framework to alleviate label imbalance issue. We employ a generative model to iteratively sample a subset of challenging negative samples to fool our classification model. Both models are alternatively optimized using REINFORCE algorithm. The proposed method is completely different from previous ones, where negative samples in training set are directly used or uniformly down-sampled. Further, we propose using Multi-scale Matching which explicitly inspects the correlation between words and ngrams of different levels of granularity. We evaluate the proposed method on SemEval 2016 and SemEval 2017 datasets and achieves state-of-the-art or similar performance