2 research outputs found

    Supporting user evaluation of messaging interactions with potential romantic partners discovered online

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    Online dating systems have transformed the way people pursue romance. To arrive at a decision to meet for a face-to-face date, users gather information about each other online pertinent to romantic attraction. Yet sometimes they discover on the date that they made the wrong choice. One aspect of online dating system-use that may be a contributing factor, but is largely overlooked in the literature, is interaction through text-based messaging interfaces. This dissertation explores how messaging interactions inform face-to-face meeting decisions through two qualitative studies, and explores through a mixed methods field study how innovative messaging interfaces that embody theory from marriage literature can help users predict enjoyment of face-to-face interactions. Two qualitative studies of users of the online dating system OkCupid (n=41) and professional online dating coaches (n=35) indicate that users may have difficulty foreseeing unenjoyable face-to-face interactions because some users behave in ways during messaging interactions that differ from subsequent face-to-face interactions. Typical approaches to messaging resembled auditions in which female users hastily reject men whose messages are not immediately appealing, and male users compete for female attention with prewritten or carefully crafted message content. Theories of relationship satisfaction are used to propose new ways that messaging interfaces could support online daters. Models of marital satisfaction posit that problem-solving discussions (i.e., interactions in which partners are prompted to discuss a disagreement of opinion) are conducive to expression of attraction-relevant traits (e.g., personality). If this theory extends to potential romantic partners, messaging interfaces that prompt online daters with problem-solving discussion topics may yield interactions online that are similarly enjoyable to future, in-person interactions in which the richer, face-to-face context inherently supports signaling of attraction-relevant traits. A messaging interface prototype is designed based on the concept of problem-solving discussions and assessed alongside a standard, open messaging interface through a mixed methods field study (n=85). Results indicate that prompting users to discuss topics that they disagreed on does not help them make better face-to-face meeting decisions. Female daters are uncomfortable with an emphasis on disagreements because of anticipated arguments and men are indifferent to the interface because they seek signals of attraction more so than compatibility. However, female users\u27 decisions to meet face-to-face do benefit from a messaging interface that prompts users to discuss topics that they agreed on. In contrast, men\u27s decisions to meet face-to-face are worsened by the same prompted-agreement interface due to misinterpreting an emphasized agreement as a signal of attraction from women. Together, results suggest that a redesigned topic-prompted messaging interface should clarify to users that an emphasized (dis)agreement of opinion is not intended to incite an argument or insinuate attraction. A broader design implication includes acknowledging that users prioritize signals of compatibility and attraction differently and customizing messaging interface components to highlight information pertinent to users\u27 varying needs

    Treffikumppaneiden odotukset sosiaalisessa mediassa: Profiilikuvista tapaamiseen ja eteenpäin

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    Computer-mediated communication (CMC) has widely been seen as inferior to face-to-face (FtF) communication because of for example the lack of immediate feedback and nonverbal cues. However, the social information processing theory sees CMC as equal to FtF communication because people want to build social relationships also in CMC. The hyperpersonal theory goes even further by stating that the reduced cues in CMC foster more affection and emotion compared with FtF communication. This thesis aimed to explore this field further from the view of singles seeking a romantic life partner online. The study was conducted by interviewing 13 current and former Tinder users with semi-structured interviews. Some of them also provided their Tinder profiles and/or conversation histories for further analysis. The subjects were young adults with no children, living in the Helsinki metropolitan area of Finland, and most of them had or were pursuing a university degree. They were seeking a life partner rather than one-night stands. In this study it was noticed that there are various expectations related to online dating and social media. Subjects made a lot of expectations from profiles, especially from profile pictures in Tinder and other social media services. These expectations were verified or proved inaccurate on the first date. Spending time together in person on dates is the most important thing for a couple. However, social media also support emotional and social intimacy. Social media are important in helping a couple stay in touch between dates by supporting continuous communication. Especially sent pictures enhance intimacy by allowing one to share their reality with their date.Tietokonevälitteistä viestintää on laajalti pidetty kasvokkaista viestintää huonompana vaihtoehtona esimerkiksi välittömän palautteen ja nonverbaalisten vihjeiden puutteen vuoksi. Sosiaalisen informaation prosessointi -teorian (Social Information Processing theory) mukaan tietokonevälitteinen viestintä on kuitenkin yhtä hyvää kuin kasvokkainen viestintä, koska ihmiset haluavat luoda sosiaalisia suhteita myös tietokonevälitteisesti. Hyperpersoonallisen teorian mukaan tietokonevälitteinen viestintä on jopa parempaa kuin kasvokkainen viestintä, sillä nonverbaalisten vihjeiden puute tietokonevälitteisessä viestinnässä edistää tunteiden ilmaisua ja kiintymystä. Tässä opinnäytetyössä pyrittiin edistämään tätä tutkimusalaa tutkimalla aihetta romanttista elämänkumppania etsivien sinkkujen näkökulmasta. Tutkimus tehtiin haastattelemalla 13 nykyistä ja entistä Tinderin käyttäjää puolistrukturoiduilla haastatteluilla. Osa haastatelluista myös antoi Tinder-profiilinsa ja/tai viestittelyhistoriansa analysointia varten. Tutkittavat olivat Suomen pääkaupunkiseudulla asuvia nuoria aikuisia, joilla ei ollut lapsia. Suurimmalla osalla heistä oli yliopistotutkinto tai he opiskelivat yliopistossa. He etsivät elämänkumppania yhden illan juttujen sijaan. Tässä tutkimuksessa tuli ilmi, että nettideittailuun ja sosiaalisen median käyttöön liittyy paljon odotuksia. Tutkittavat tekivät monia olettamuksia profiileista, erityisesti profiilikuvista Tinderissä ja muissa sosiaalisen median palveluissa. Nämä odotukset todettiin oikeiksi tai vääriksi ensimmäisillä treffeillä. Toisen kanssa treffeillä oleminen on kaikista tärkeintä uudelle parille. Myös sosiaalinen media kuitenkin tukee emotionaalista ja sosiaalista läheisyyttä. Sosiaalinen media on tärkeä, sillä se auttaa paria pysymään yhteydessä treffien välillä tarjoamalla mahdollisuuden jatkuvaan viestittelyyn. Erityisesti lähetetyt kuvat edistävät läheisyyttä mahdollistaen todellisuuden jakamisen treffikumppanin kanssa