109 research outputs found

    One Fits All:Power General Time Series Analysis by Pretrained LM

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    Although we have witnessed great success of pre-trained models in natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision (CV), limited progress has been made for general time series analysis. Unlike NLP and CV where a unified model can be used to perform different tasks, specially designed approach still dominates in each time series analysis task such as classification, anomaly detection, forecasting, and few-shot learning. The main challenge that blocks the development of pre-trained model for time series analysis is the lack of a large amount of data for training. In this work, we address this challenge by leveraging language or CV models, pre-trained from billions of tokens, for time series analysis. Specifically, we refrain from altering the self-attention and feedforward layers of the residual blocks in the pre-trained language or image model. This model, known as the Frozen Pretrained Transformer (FPT), is evaluated through fine-tuning on all major types of tasks involving time series. Our results demonstrate that pre-trained models on natural language or images can lead to a comparable or state-of-the-art performance in all main time series analysis tasks, as illustrated in Figure 1. We also found both theoretically and empirically that the self-attention module behaviors similarly to principle component analysis (PCA), an observation that helps explains how transformer bridges the domain gap and a crucial step towards understanding the universality of a pre-trained transformer.The code is publicly available at https://github.com/DAMO-DI-ML/One_Fits_All.Comment: Neurips 2023 Spotligh

    Many Heads but One Brain: Fusion Brain -- a Competition and a Single Multimodal Multitask Architecture

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    Supporting the current trend in the AI community, we present the AI Journey 2021 Challenge called Fusion Brain, the first competition which is targeted to make the universal architecture which could process different modalities (in this case, images, texts, and code) and solve multiple tasks for vision and language. The Fusion Brain Challenge combines the following specific tasks: Code2code Translation, Handwritten Text recognition, Zero-shot Object Detection, and Visual Question Answering. We have created datasets for each task to test the participants' submissions on it. Moreover, we have collected and made publicly available a new handwritten dataset in both English and Russian, which consists of 94,128 pairs of images and texts. We also propose a multimodal and multitask architecture - a baseline solution, in the center of which is a frozen foundation model and which has been trained in Fusion mode along with Single-task mode. The proposed Fusion approach proves to be competitive and more energy-efficient compared to the task-specific one

    Pre-trained transformer for adversarial purification

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    With more and more deep neural networks being deployed as various daily services, their reliability is essential. It's frightening that deep neural networks are vulnerable and sensitive to adversarial attacks, the most common one of which for the services is evasion-based. Recent works usually strengthen the robustness by adversarial training or leveraging the knowledge of an amount of clean data. However, in practical terms, retraining and redeploying the model need a large computational budget, leading to heavy losses to the online service. In addition, when adversarial examples of a certain attack are detected, only limited adversarial examples are available for the service provider, while much clean data may not be accessible. Given the mentioned problems, we propose a new scenario, RaPiD (Rapid Plug-in Defender), which is to rapidly defend against a certain attack for the frozen original service model with limitations of few clean and adversarial examples. Motivated by the generalization and the universal computation ability of pre-trained transformer models, we come up with a new defender method, CeTaD, which stands for Considering Pre-trained Transformers as Defenders. In particular, we evaluate the effectiveness and the transferability of CeTaD in the case of one-shot adversarial examples and explore the impact of different parts of CeTaD as well as training data conditions. CeTaD is flexible, able to be embedded into an arbitrary differentiable model, and suitable for various types of attacks

    Pretrain on just structure: Understanding linguistic inductive biases using transfer learning

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    Both humans and transformer language models are able to learn language without explicit structural supervision. What inductive learning biases make this learning possible? In this study, we examine the effect of different inductive learning biases by predisposing language models with structural biases through pretraining on artificial structured data, and then evaluating by fine-tuning on English. Our experimental setup gives us the ability to actively control the inductive bias of language models. With our experiments, we investigate the comparative success of three types of inductive bias: 1) an inductive bias for recursive, hierarchical processing 2) an inductive bias for unrestricted token-token dependencies that can't be modeled by context-free grammars, and 3) an inductive bias for a Zipfian power-law vocabulary distribution. We show that complex token-token interactions form the best inductive biases, and that this is strongest in the non-context-free case. We also show that a Zipfian vocabulary distribution forms a good inductive bias independently from grammatical structure. Our study leverages the capabilities of transformer models to run controlled language learning experiments that are not possible to run in humans, and surfaces hypotheses about the structures that facilitate language learning in both humans and machines

    Linearly Mapping from Image to Text Space

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    The extent to which text-only language models (LMs) learn to represent the physical, non-linguistic world is an open question. Prior work has shown that pretrained LMs can be taught to ``understand'' visual inputs when the models' parameters are updated on image captioning tasks. We test a stronger hypothesis: that the conceptual representations learned by text-only models are functionally equivalent (up to a linear transformation) to those learned by models trained on vision tasks. Specifically, we show that the image representations from vision models can be transferred as continuous prompts to frozen LMs by training only a single linear projection. Using these to prompt the LM achieves competitive performance on captioning and visual question answering tasks compared to models that tune both the image encoder and text decoder (such as the MAGMA model). We compare three image encoders with increasing amounts of linguistic supervision seen during pretraining: BEIT (no linguistic information), NF-ResNET (lexical category information), and CLIP (full natural language descriptions). We find that all three encoders perform equally well at transferring visual property information to the language model (e.g., whether an animal is large or small), but that image encoders pretrained with linguistic supervision more saliently encode category information (e.g., distinguishing hippo vs.\ elephant) and thus perform significantly better on benchmark language-and-vision tasks. Our results indicate that LMs encode conceptual information structurally similarly to vision-based models, even those that are solely trained on images

    V2A-Mapper: A Lightweight Solution for Vision-to-Audio Generation by Connecting Foundation Models

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    Building artificial intelligence (AI) systems on top of a set of foundation models (FMs) is becoming a new paradigm in AI research. Their representative and generative abilities learnt from vast amounts of data can be easily adapted and transferred to a wide range of downstream tasks without extra training from scratch. However, leveraging FMs in cross-modal generation remains under-researched when audio modality is involved. On the other hand, automatically generating semantically-relevant sound from visual input is an important problem in cross-modal generation studies. To solve this vision-to-audio (V2A) generation problem, existing methods tend to design and build complex systems from scratch using modestly sized datasets. In this paper, we propose a lightweight solution to this problem by leveraging foundation models, specifically CLIP, CLAP, and AudioLDM. We first investigate the domain gap between the latent space of the visual CLIP and the auditory CLAP models. Then we propose a simple yet effective mapper mechanism (V2A-Mapper) to bridge the domain gap by translating the visual input between CLIP and CLAP spaces. Conditioned on the translated CLAP embedding, pretrained audio generative FM AudioLDM is adopted to produce high-fidelity and visually-aligned sound. Compared to previous approaches, our method only requires a quick training of the V2A-Mapper. We further analyze and conduct extensive experiments on the choice of the V2A-Mapper and show that a generative mapper is better at fidelity and variability (FD) while a regression mapper is slightly better at relevance (CS). Both objective and subjective evaluation on two V2A datasets demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method compared to current state-of-the-art approaches - trained with 86% fewer parameters but achieving 53% and 19% improvement in FD and CS, respectively.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures. Demo page: https://v2a-mapper.github.io

    Grounding Language Models to Images for Multimodal Inputs and Outputs

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    We propose an efficient method to ground pretrained text-only language models to the visual domain, enabling them to process arbitrarily interleaved image-and-text data, and generate text interleaved with retrieved images. Our method leverages the abilities of language models learnt from large scale text-only pretraining, such as in-context learning and free-form text generation. We keep the language model frozen, and finetune input and output linear layers to enable cross-modality interactions. This allows our model to process arbitrarily interleaved image-and-text inputs, and generate free-form text interleaved with retrieved images. We achieve strong zero-shot performance on grounded tasks such as contextual image retrieval and multimodal dialogue, and showcase compelling interactive abilities. Our approach works with any off-the-shelf language model and paves the way towards an effective, general solution for leveraging pretrained language models in visually grounded settings.Comment: Published in ICML 2023. Project page: https://jykoh.com/fromag

    Merging Decision Transformers: Weight Averaging for Forming Multi-Task Policies

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    Recent work has shown the promise of creating generalist, transformer-based, models for language, vision, and sequential decision-making problems. To create such models, we generally require centralized training objectives, data, and compute. It is of interest if we can more flexibly create generalist policies by merging together multiple, task-specific, individually trained policies. In this work, we take a preliminary step in this direction through merging, or averaging, subsets of Decision Transformers in parameter space trained on different MuJoCo locomotion problems, forming multi-task models without centralized training. We also demonstrate the importance of various methodological choices when merging policies, such as utilizing common pre-trained initializations, increasing model capacity, and utilizing Fisher information for weighting parameter importance. In general, we believe research in this direction could help democratize and distribute the process that forms multi-task robotics policies. Our implementation is available at https://github.com/daniellawson9999/merging-decision-transformers
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