4 research outputs found

    From Quasirandom graphs to Graph Limits and Graphlets

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    We generalize the notion of quasirandom which concerns a class of equivalent properties that random graphs satisfy. We show that the convergence of a graph sequence under the spectral distance is equivalent to the convergence using the (normalized) cut distance. The resulting graph limit is called graphlets. We then consider several families of graphlets and, in particular, we characterize graphlets with low ranks for both dense and sparse graphs

    Efficient polynomial-time approximation scheme for the genus of dense graphs

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    The main results of this paper provide an Efficient Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme (EPTAS) for approximating the genus (and non-orientable genus) of dense graphs. By dense we mean that ∣E(G)∣β‰₯α∣V(G)∣2|E(G)|\ge \alpha |V(G)|^2 for some fixed Ξ±>0\alpha>0. While a constant factor approximation is trivial for this class of graphs, approximations with factor arbitrarily close to 1 need a sophisticated algorithm and complicated mathematical justification. More precisely, we provide an algorithm that for a given (dense) graph GG of order nn and given Ξ΅>0\varepsilon>0, returns an integer gg such that GG has an embedding into a surface of genus gg, and this is Ξ΅\varepsilon-close to a minimum genus embedding in the sense that the minimum genus g(G)\mathsf{g}(G) of GG satisfies: g(G)≀g≀(1+Ξ΅)g(G)\mathsf{g}(G)\le g\le (1+\varepsilon)\mathsf{g}(G). The running time of the algorithm is O(f(Ξ΅) n2)O(f(\varepsilon)\,n^2), where f(β‹…)f(\cdot) is an explicit function. Next, we extend this algorithm to also output an embedding (rotation system) whose genus is gg. This second algorithm is an Efficient Polynomial-time Randomized Approximation Scheme (EPRAS) and runs in time O(f1(Ξ΅) n2)O(f_1(\varepsilon)\,n^2).Comment: 36 pages. An extended abstract of the preliminary version of this paper appeared in FOCS 201

    Linear embeddings of graphs and graph limits

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    Consider a random graph process where vertices are chosen from the interval [0,1][0,1], and edges are chosen independently at random, but so that, for a given vertex xx, the probability that there is an edge to a vertex yy decreases as the distance between xx and yy increases. We call this a random graph with a linear embedding. We define a new graph parameter Ξ“βˆ—\Gamma^*, which aims to measure the similarity of the graph to an instance of a random graph with a linear embedding. For a graph GG, Ξ“βˆ—(G)=0\Gamma^*(G)=0 if and only if GG is a unit interval graph, and thus a deterministic example of a graph with a linear embedding. We show that the behaviour of Ξ“βˆ—\Gamma^* is consistent with the notion of convergence as defined in the theory of dense graph limits. In this theory, graph sequences converge to a symmetric, measurable function on [0,1]2[0,1]^2. We define an operator Ξ“\Gamma which applies to graph limits, and which assumes the value zero precisely for graph limits that have a linear embedding. We show that, if a graph sequence {Gn}\{ G_n\} converges to a function ww, then {Ξ“βˆ—(Gn)}\{ \Gamma^*(G_n)\} converges as well. Moreover, there exists a function wβˆ—w^* arbitrarily close to ww under the box distance, so that lim⁑nβ†’βˆžΞ“βˆ—(Gn)\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty}\Gamma^*(G_n) is arbitrarily close to Ξ“(wβˆ—)\Gamma (w^*).Comment: In pres

    Harmonic analysis on graphs via Bratteli diagrams and path-space measures

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    The past decade has seen a flourishing of advances in harmonic analysis of graphs. They lie at the crossroads of graph theory and such analytical tools as graph Laplacians, Markov processes and associated boundaries, analysis of path-space, harmonic analysis, dynamics, and tail-invariant measures. Motivated by recent advances for the special case of Bratteli diagrams, our present focus will be on those graph systems GG with the property that the sets of vertices VV and edges EE admit discrete level structures. A choice of discrete levels in turn leads to new and intriguing discrete-time random-walk models. Our main extension (which greatly expands the earlier analysis of Bratteli diagrams) is the case when the levels in the graph system GG under consideration are now allowed to be standard measure spaces. Hence, in the measure framework, we must deal with systems of transition probabilities, as opposed to incidence matrices (for the traditional Bratteli diagrams). The paper is divided into two parts, (i) the special case when the levels are countable discrete systems, and (ii) the (non-atomic) measurable category, i.e., when each level is a prescribed measure space with standard Borel structure. The study of the two cases together is motivated in part by recent new results on graph-limits. Our results depend on a new analysis of certain duality systems for operators in Hilbert space; specifically, one dual system of operator for each level. We prove new results in both cases, (i) and (ii); and we further stress both similarities, and differences, between results and techniques involved in the two cases.Comment: 73 pages, 3 figure