2 research outputs found

    From a Concurrent lambda-calculus to the pi-calculus

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    . We explore the (dynamic) semantics of a simply typed - calculus enriched with parallel composition, dynamic channel generation, and input-output communication primitives. The calculus, called the k - calculus, can be regarded as the kernel of concurrent-functional languages such as LCS, CML and Facile, and it can be taken as a basis for the definition of abstract machines, the transformation of programs, and the development of modal specification languages. The main technical contribution of this paper is the proof of adequacy of a compact translation of the k -calculus into the ß-calculus. 1 Introduction Programming languages that combine functional and concurrent programming, such as LCS [4], CML [11] and Facile [5, 14], are starting to emerge and get applied -- some, like Facile, in industrial settings. These languages are conceived for programming of reactive systems and distributed systems. A main motivation for using such languages is that they offer integration of differe..

    Dynamische Modelle für Reaktive Systeme mit Daten

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    Reaktive Systeme sind Systeme, die waehrend Ihrer Laufzeit fortlaufend mit ihrer Umgebung interagieren und auf externe Ereignisse reagieren. Aufgrund ihrer hohen Komplexitaet wurden Spezifikationssprachen zur formalen Beschreibung reaktiver Systeme entwickelt. Diese Formalismen beschreiben sowohl Struktur und Verhalten von Systemen, abstrahieren aber i. allg. von der Beschreibung der Daten und den auf ihnen durchgefuehrten Datentransformationen. In dieser Arbeit werden zwei Spezifikationssprachen zur Beschreibung reaktiver Systeme vorgestellt, die eine funktionale Spezifikation der Daten beinhalten. Der erste Formalismus basiert auf der Theorie der Prozessalgebren, der zweite ist eine Variante von Interaktionsdiagrammen. Beide Formalismen erlauben die Integration beliebiger funktionaler Sprachen zur Datenbeschreibung und werden jeweils durch eine formale Semantik definiert, die sowohl die Verhaltens- als auch die Datenaspekte beinhaltet. Beide Formalismen erlauben zudem die Beschreibung dynamischer Systeme, in denen sich die Struktur zur Laufzeit aendern kann.Reactive systems are systems which interact continuously with their environment and which react on external events. Due to the high complexity of these systems, specification languages for a formal description of reactive systems have been developed. These formalisms describe both structure and behaviour of systems, but usually they abstract from the specification of data and the corresponding data transformations. In this thesis, we introduce two specification languages for modelling reactive systems which include a functional description of data. The first formalism is based on the theory of process algebras, the second is a type of interaction diagrams. Both formalisms allow for the integration of arbitrary functional languages for data description. Moreover, both languages are defined via a formal semantics, which defines both behaviour and data aspects. Furthermore, both languages allow for the description of dynamic systems, in which the system structure may change during runtime