27,185 research outputs found

    Exploiting Prompt Caption for Video Grounding

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    Video grounding aims to locate a moment of interest matching the given query sentence from an untrimmed video. Previous works ignore the \emph{sparsity dilemma} in video annotations, which fails to provide the context information between potential events and query sentences in the dataset. In this paper, we contend that exploiting easily available captions which describe general actions \ie, prompt captions (PC) defined in our paper, will significantly boost the performance. To this end, we propose a Prompt Caption Network (PCNet) for video grounding. Specifically, we first introduce dense video captioning to generate dense captions and then obtain prompt captions by Non-Prompt Caption Suppression (NPCS). To capture the potential information in prompt captions, we propose Caption Guided Attention (CGA) project the semantic relations between prompt captions and query sentences into temporal space and fuse them into visual representations. Considering the gap between prompt captions and ground truth, we propose Asymmetric Cross-modal Contrastive Learning (ACCL) for constructing more negative pairs to maximize cross-modal mutual information. Without bells and whistles, extensive experiments on three public datasets (\ie, ActivityNet Captions, TACoS and ActivityNet-CG) demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods

    Generation-Guided Multi-Level Unified Network for Video Grounding

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    Video grounding aims to locate the timestamps best matching the query description within an untrimmed video. Prevalent methods can be divided into moment-level and clip-level frameworks. Moment-level approaches directly predict the probability of each transient moment to be the boundary in a global perspective, and they usually perform better in coarse grounding. On the other hand, clip-level ones aggregate the moments in different time windows into proposals and then deduce the most similar one, leading to its advantage in fine-grained grounding. In this paper, we propose a multi-level unified framework to enhance performance by leveraging the merits of both moment-level and clip-level methods. Moreover, a novel generation-guided paradigm in both levels is adopted. It introduces a multi-modal generator to produce the implicit boundary feature and clip feature, later regarded as queries to calculate the boundary scores by a discriminator. The generation-guided solution enhances video grounding from a two-unique-modals' match task to a cross-modal attention task, which steps out of the previous framework and obtains notable gains. The proposed Generation-guided Multi-level Unified network (GMU) surpasses previous methods and reaches State-Of-The-Art on various benchmarks with disparate features, e.g., Charades-STA, ActivityNet captions

    Learning to Ground Instructional Articles in Videos through Narrations

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    In this paper we present an approach for localizing steps of procedural activities in narrated how-to videos. To deal with the scarcity of labeled data at scale, we source the step descriptions from a language knowledge base (wikiHow) containing instructional articles for a large variety of procedural tasks. Without any form of manual supervision, our model learns to temporally ground the steps of procedural articles in how-to videos by matching three modalities: frames, narrations, and step descriptions. Specifically, our method aligns steps to video by fusing information from two distinct pathways: i) {\em direct} alignment of step descriptions to frames, ii) {\em indirect} alignment obtained by composing steps-to-narrations with narrations-to-video correspondences. Notably, our approach performs global temporal grounding of all steps in an article at once by exploiting order information, and is trained with step pseudo-labels which are iteratively refined and aggressively filtered. In order to validate our model we introduce a new evaluation benchmark -- HT-Step -- obtained by manually annotating a 124-hour subset of HowTo100M\footnote{A test server is accessible at \url{https://eval.ai/web/challenges/challenge-page/2082}.} with steps sourced from wikiHow articles. Experiments on this benchmark as well as zero-shot evaluations on CrossTask demonstrate that our multi-modality alignment yields dramatic gains over several baselines and prior works. Finally, we show that our inner module for matching narration-to-video outperforms by a large margin the state of the art on the HTM-Align narration-video alignment benchmark.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures and 10 table
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