3 research outputs found

    From Single-Key to Collusion-Resistant Secret-Key Functional Encryption by Leveraging Succinctness

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    We show how to construct secret-key functional encryption (SKFE) supporting unbounded polynomially many functional decryption keys, that is, collusion-resistant SKFE solely from SKFE supporting only one functional decryption key. The underlying single-key SKFE needs to be weakly succinct, that is, the size of its encryption circuit is sub-linear in the size of functions. We show we can transform any quasi-polynomially secure single-key weakly-succinct SKFE into quasi-polynomially secure collusion-resistant one. In addition, if the underlying single-key SKFE is sub-exponentially secure, then so does the resulting scheme in our construction. Some recent results show the power and usefulness of collusion-resistant SKFE. From our result, we see that succinct SKFE is also a powerful and useful primitive. In particular, by combining our result and the result by Kitagawa, Nishimaki, and Tanaka (ePrint 2017), we can obtain indistinguishability obfuscation from sub-exponentially secure weakly succinct SKFE that supports only a single functional decryption key

    Simple and Generic Constructions of Succinct Functional Encryption

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    We propose simple generic constructions of succinct functional encryption. Our key tool is exponentially-efficient indistinguishability obfuscator (XIO), which is the same as indistinguishability obfuscator (IO) except that the size of an obfuscated circuit (or the running-time of an obfuscator) is slightly smaller than that of a brute-force canonicalizer that outputs the entire truth table of a circuit to be obfuscated. A ``compression factor\u27\u27 of XIO indicates how much XIO compresses the brute-force canonicalizer. In this study, we propose a significantly simple framework to construct succinct functional encryption via XIO and show that XIO is a powerful enough to achieve cutting-edge cryptography. In particular, we propose the following constructions: Single-key weakly succinct secret-key functional encryption (SKFE) is constructed from XIO (even with a bad compression factor) and one-way function. Single-key weakly succinct public-key functional encryption (PKFE) is constructed from XIO with a good compression factor and public-key encryption. Single-key weakly succinct PKFE is constructed from XIO (even with a bad compression factor) and identity-based encryption. Our new framework has side benefits. Our constructions do not rely on any number theoretic or lattice assumptions such as decisional Diffie-Hellman and learning with errors assumptions. Moreover, all security reductions incur only polynomial security loss. Known constructions of weakly succinct SKFE or PKFE from XIO with polynomial security loss rely on number theoretic or lattice assumptions

    Obfustopia Built on Secret-Key Functional Encryption

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    We show that indistinguishability obfuscation (IO) for all circuits can be constructed solely from secret-key functional encryption (SKFE). In the construction, SKFE needs to be secure against an unbounded number of functional key queries, that is, collusion-resistant. Our strategy is to replace public-key functional encryption (PKFE) in the construction of IO proposed by Bitansky and Vaikuntanathan (FOCS 2015) with puncturable SKFE. Bitansky and Vaikuntanathan introduced the notion of puncturable SKFE and observed that the strategy works. However, it has not been clear whether we can construct puncturable SKFE without assuming PKFE. In particular, it has not been known whether puncturable SKFE is constructed from standard SKFE. In this work, we show that a relaxed variant of puncturable SKFE can be constructed from collusion-resistant SKFE. Moreover, we show that the relaxed variant of puncturable SKFE is sufficient for constructing IO. In addition, we also study the relation of collusion-resistance and succinctness for SKFE. Functional encryption is said to be weakly succinct if the size of its encryption circuit is sub-linear in the size of functions. We show that collusion-resistant SKFE can be constructed from weakly succinct SKFE supporting only one functional key. By combining the above two results, we show that IO for all circuits can be constructed from weakly succinct SKFE supporting only one functional key