1 research outputs found

    From Semantics to Spatial Distribution

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    . This work studies the notion of locality in the context of process specification. It relates naturally with other works where information about the localities of a program is obtained information from its description written down in a programming language. This paper presents a new approach for this problem. In our case, the information about the system will be given in semantic terms using asynchronous transition systems. Given an asynchronous transition system we build an algebra of localities whose models are possible implementations of the known system. We present different results concerning the models for the algebra of localities. In addition, our approach neatly considers the relation of localities and non-determinism. 1 Introduction In the framework of the so called true concurrency, the idea of causality has been widely studied [13, 12, 8, 7, 15]. Localities, an idea somehow orthogonal to causality, has become also interesting [1, 4, 5, 10, 11, 9, 3]. Causality ..