7,922 research outputs found

    Inclusive Educational Review of Software Architectural Styles and Patterns for the Students of the College of Information and Computing Sciences of Cagayan State University

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    A good architectural design has a high contribution to the success of a system. In addition, this architectural design is useful for the Information Technology (IT) students as their basis of their software development of their capstone project. The utilization of inappropriate architecture can lead to disastrous consequences for IT student researchers. A detailed understanding of software architecture styles is very useful to analyze distributed and complex systems which is the trend of capstone projects. This paper explores the quality attributes of three architecture styles namely shared-nothing, broker, and representational state transfer, which are perceived as beneficial to distributed system architecture that serve as guide to student researchers. This is to provide a picture of the said three key software architecture styles which could be helpful not only for student researchers but also for the software developers by adding references to minimize the uncertainty while selecting the appropriate architectural style for their specific needs. An architectural style must be chosen correctly to obtain all its benefits in the system. In this paper, the three architectural styles are compared on the foundation of various quality attributes derived from ISO 9126-1 standard such as functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability, and portability. The results of the study are useful to guide the student researchers in their capstone project and to reduce the number of unsuccessful attempts of software development component of their capstone project

    An Architectural Style for Ajax

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    A new breed of web application, dubbed AJAX, is emerging in response to a limited degree of interactivity in large-grain stateless Web interactions. At the heart of this new approach lies a single page interaction model that facilitates rich interactivity. We have studied and experimented with several AJAX frameworks trying to understand their architectural properties. In this paper, we summarize three of these frameworks and examine their properties and introduce the SPIAR architectural style. We describe the guiding software engineering principles and the constraints chosen to induce the desired properties. The style emphasizes user interface component development, and intermediary delta-communication between client/server components, to improve user interactivity and ease of development. In addition, we use the concepts and principles to discuss various open issues in AJAX frameworks and application development.Comment: 2nd revision: references ordered, images resized, typo

    The Digital Revolution in Qualitative Research: Working with Digital Audio Data Through Atlas.Ti

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    Modern versions of Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) are enabling the analysis of audio sound files instead of relying solely on text-based analysis. Along with other developments in computer technologies such as the proliferation of digital recording devices and the potential for using streamed media in online academic publication, this innovation is increasing the possibilities of systematically using media-rich, naturalistic data in place of transcribed 'de-naturalised' forms. This paper reports on a project assessing online learning materials that used Atlas.ti software to analyse sound files, and it describes the problems faced in gathering, analysing and using this data for report writing. It concludes that there are still serious barriers to the full and effective integration of audio data into qualitative research: the absence of 'industry standard' recording technology, the underdevelopment of audio interfaces in Atlas.ti (as a key CAQDAS package), and the conventional approach to data use in many online publication formats all place serious restrictions on the integrated use of this data. Nonetheless, it is argued here that there are clear benefits in pushing for resolutions to these problems as the use of this naturalistic data through digital formats may help qualitative researchers to overcome some long-standing methodological issues: in particular, the ability to overcome the reliance on data transcription rather than 'natural' data, and the possibility of implementing research reports that facilitate a more transparent use of 'reusable' data, are both real possibilities when using these digital technologies, which could substantially change the shape of qualitative research practice.CAQDAS, Recording Technology, Online Publication

    Design Gateway: Pedagogical Discussion of a Second-Year Industrial Design Studio

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    This presentation was part of the session : Pedagogy: Procedures, Scaffolds, Strategies, Tactics24th National Conference on the Beginning Design StudentMost industrial design programs focus the beginning design curriculum on the learning of core design principles. These core principles are seen as not specific to any one discipline (architecture, industrial design, interior design, etc.), but rather as fundamentals germane to all design fields. These core principles focus on the analysis of built artifact (structures, products, systems) to develop an understanding of geometry, structure and composition through looking and exploring. Students develop skills in representing, communicating and analyzing what they see and experience. These skills are nurtured in early studios. As students move into later studios, more discipline-specific knowledge and skills are integrated into their educational pedagogy. In the beginning years of design education, there is a transition from the learning of general 'core' design fundamentals to specialized principles that is inherent to their specific disciplines. As students move from abstract ideas to 'real-world' projects, they seem to have difficulty transitioning between the abstract concepts they previously learned and reality that requires application to new settings [1]. Students perceive learned concepts as specific to a particular studio project, rather than realize that design education is a continuum of practiced principles [1]. This presents a disconnect between knowledge transfer from one studio project to the next. The curriculum of the second-year industrial design studio at the Georgia Institute of Technology is designed to address this disconnect and help students successfully transition from the core design fundamentals to industrial design knowledge. Throughout the second year education, students engage in the making and communication of form and they do it through design exercises dealing with the fundamentals as well as knowledge base, both simultaneously and repeatedly, According to ----, a design education that offers a component of repetitive experience encourages students to be cognizant of the iterative nature of both the design process as well as design education [2]. This paper discusses the approach, designed by the authors, evident in the sophomore-year industrial design curriculum at Georgia Tech. While emphasis is placed on rigor, exploration and articulation of concepts throughout the studio period, this approach adopts a pedagogy based on a series of modules that scaffold the introduction of new concepts with the reinforcement of previously learned ones. Individual modules follow a path of concept introduction (lecture), analysis, practice, and finally refinement. Upon completion of several modules, students engage in a 'module project' which demonstrates synthesis and realization of the learned concepts. A final semester-end design project provides for aggregation and demonstration of all subject matter learned throughout the semester. This pedagogical approach bridges the gap of disconnect between previous studios and promotes a continuous layering and practice of beginning design fundamentals

    Towards Automated and Optimized Security Orchestration in Cloud SLA

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    In cloud computing, providers pool their resources and make them available to customers. Next-generation computer scientists are flocking to the cutting-edge field of cloud computing for their research and exploration of uncharted territory. There are still several barriers that cloud service providers must overcome in order to provide cloud services in accordance with service level agreements. Each cloud service provider aspires to achieve maximum performance as per Service Level Agreements (SLAs), and this is especially true when it comes to the delivery of services. A cloud service level agreement (SLA) guarantees that cloud service providers will satisfy the needs of large businesses and offer their clients with a specified list of services. The authors offer a web service level agreement–inspired approach for cloud service agreements. We adopt patterns and antipatterns to symbolize the best and worst practices of OCCI (Open Cloud Computing Interface Standard), REST (Representational State Transfer), and TOSCA (Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications) with DevOps solutions, all of which API developers should bear in mind when designing APIs. When using this method, everything pertaining to the cloud service, from creation to deployment to measurement to evaluation to management to termination, may be handled mechanically. When distributing resources to cloud apps, our system takes into account the likelihood of SLA breaches and responds by providing more resources if necessary. We say that for optimal performance, our suggested solution should be used in a private cloud computing setting. As more and more people rely on cloud computing for their day-to-day workloads, there has been a corresponding rise in the need for efficient orchestration and management strategies that foster interoperability

    Norms, Legitimacy, and Global Financial Governance

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    Despite regular and serious systemic volatility, reform of international financial architecture remains limited, retaining market-oriented characteristics and adjustment mechanisms. A failure of the architecture to focus on the political underpinnings of global financial and monetary governance yields crucial deficiencies. The article defends three propositions implying a serious challenge to political legitimacy in contemporary financial governance: i) external financial constraints conflict with a range of potential domestic, particularly democratic, political imperatives; ii) developed state initiated global financial integration strengthens private interests in the policy process, narrowing the definition of the public interest in a democratic context; iii) market-friendly institutional reforms put pressure on domestic socio-political arrangements underpinning longer run political legitimacy. The article first analyses norms and legitimacy in global financial governance; then outlines the constraints on public policy of global financial market integration in the light of the foregoing analysis of legitimacy; thirdly it discusses possible solutions.

    Development of Data Refresh Tool Using Scaled Agile Framework in a Financial Corporation

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    The project was conducted in a financial organization providing various products of traditional banking and online banking. Being a huge enterprise, a lot of applications and customer records has to be stored and kept safely. Before lunching any new application a thorough testing of its functionality has to be done. Security breaches or vulnerability are unacceptable. Customer’s sensitive data cannot be compromised. A thoroughly tested application is required to do all the transaction for a big organization like this. Every new application and every new updates have to be tested end to end. Many test accounts are created to test different scenarios. Creating a test account and conditioning is a major part of the time consuming process during the software development life cycle. When the code is moved to the integration region where the newly developed code is tested along with the already existing application, second round of testing is required. Again tester in integration testing has to create the test accounts and test the same functionality as of system testing. To remove this redundant task of creating same set of test account to test in both region and make a common reusable framework “Data Refresh” application was introduced
