5,231 research outputs found

    Fully Dynamic Matching in Bipartite Graphs

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    Maximum cardinality matching in bipartite graphs is an important and well-studied problem. The fully dynamic version, in which edges are inserted and deleted over time has also been the subject of much attention. Existing algorithms for dynamic matching (in general graphs) seem to fall into two groups: there are fast (mostly randomized) algorithms that do not achieve a better than 2-approximation, and there slow algorithms with \O(\sqrt{m}) update time that achieve a better-than-2 approximation. Thus the obvious question is whether we can design an algorithm -- deterministic or randomized -- that achieves a tradeoff between these two: a o(m)o(\sqrt{m}) approximation and a better-than-2 approximation simultaneously. We answer this question in the affirmative for bipartite graphs. Our main result is a fully dynamic algorithm that maintains a 3/2 + \eps approximation in worst-case update time O(m^{1/4}\eps^{/2.5}). We also give stronger results for graphs whose arboricity is at most \al, achieving a (1+ \eps) approximation in worst-case time O(\al (\al + \log n)) for constant \eps. When the arboricity is constant, this bound is O(logn)O(\log n) and when the arboricity is polylogarithmic the update time is also polylogarithmic. The most important technical developement is the use of an intermediate graph we call an edge degree constrained subgraph (EDCS). This graph places constraints on the sum of the degrees of the endpoints of each edge: upper bounds for matched edges and lower bounds for unmatched edges. The main technical content of our paper involves showing both how to maintain an EDCS dynamically and that and EDCS always contains a sufficiently large matching. We also make use of graph orientations to help bound the amount of work done during each update.Comment: Longer version of paper that appears in ICALP 201

    Distributed Edge Connectivity in Sublinear Time

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    We present the first sublinear-time algorithm for a distributed message-passing network sto compute its edge connectivity λ\lambda exactly in the CONGEST model, as long as there are no parallel edges. Our algorithm takes O~(n11/353D1/353+n11/706)\tilde O(n^{1-1/353}D^{1/353}+n^{1-1/706}) time to compute λ\lambda and a cut of cardinality λ\lambda with high probability, where nn and DD are the number of nodes and the diameter of the network, respectively, and O~\tilde O hides polylogarithmic factors. This running time is sublinear in nn (i.e. O~(n1ϵ)\tilde O(n^{1-\epsilon})) whenever DD is. Previous sublinear-time distributed algorithms can solve this problem either (i) exactly only when λ=O(n1/8ϵ)\lambda=O(n^{1/8-\epsilon}) [Thurimella PODC'95; Pritchard, Thurimella, ACM Trans. Algorithms'11; Nanongkai, Su, DISC'14] or (ii) approximately [Ghaffari, Kuhn, DISC'13; Nanongkai, Su, DISC'14]. To achieve this we develop and combine several new techniques. First, we design the first distributed algorithm that can compute a kk-edge connectivity certificate for any k=O(n1ϵ)k=O(n^{1-\epsilon}) in time O~(nk+D)\tilde O(\sqrt{nk}+D). Second, we show that by combining the recent distributed expander decomposition technique of [Chang, Pettie, Zhang, SODA'19] with techniques from the sequential deterministic edge connectivity algorithm of [Kawarabayashi, Thorup, STOC'15], we can decompose the network into a sublinear number of clusters with small average diameter and without any mincut separating a cluster (except the `trivial' ones). Finally, by extending the tree packing technique from [Karger STOC'96], we can find the minimum cut in time proportional to the number of components. As a byproduct of this technique, we obtain an O~(n)\tilde O(n)-time algorithm for computing exact minimum cut for weighted graphs.Comment: Accepted at 51st ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2019

    Trees and Matchings

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    In this article, Temperley's bijection between spanning trees of the square grid on the one hand, and perfect matchings (also known as dimer coverings) of the square grid on the other, is extended to the setting of general planar directed (and undirected) graphs, where edges carry nonnegative weights that induce a weighting on the set of spanning trees. We show that the weighted, directed spanning trees (often called arborescences) of any planar graph G can be put into a one-to-one weight-preserving correspondence with the perfect matchings of a related planar graph H. One special case of this result is a bijection between perfect matchings of the hexagonal honeycomb lattice and directed spanning trees of a triangular lattice. Another special case gives a correspondence between perfect matchings of the ``square-octagon'' lattice and directed weighted spanning trees on a directed weighted version of the cartesian lattice. In conjunction with results of Kenyon, our main theorem allows us to compute the measures of all cylinder events for random spanning trees on any (directed, weighted) planar graph. Conversely, in cases where the perfect matching model arises from a tree model, Wilson's algorithm allows us to quickly generate random samples of perfect matchings.Comment: 32 pages, 19 figures (minor revisions from version 1