16 research outputs found

    From DIADEM to BigNeuron

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    Reconstruction of 3D neuron morphology using Rivulet back-tracking

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    The 3D reconstruction of neuronal morphology is a powerful technique for investigating nervous systems. Due to the noises in optical microscopic images, the automated reconstruction of neuronal morphology has been a challenging problem. We propose a novel automatic neuron reconstruction algorithm, Rivulet, to target the challenges raised by the poor quality of the optical microscopic images. After the neuron images being de-noised with an anisotropic filter, the Rivulet algorithm combines multi-stencils fast-marching and iterative back-tracking from the geodesic farthest point on the segmented foreground. The neuron segments are dumped or merged according to a set of criteria at the end of each iteration. The proposed Rivulet tracing algorithm is evaluated with data provided from the BigNeuron Project. The experimental results demonstrate that Rivulet outperforms the compared state-of-the-art tracing methods when the images are of poor quality

    Gotta trace ‘em all: A mini-review on tools and procedures for segmenting single neurons toward deciphering the structural connectome

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    Decoding the morphology and physical connections of all the neurons populating a brain is necessary for predicting and studying the relationships between its form and function, as well as for documenting structural abnormalities in neuropathies. Digitizing a complete and high-fidelity map of the mammalian brain at the micro-scale will allow neuroscientists to understand disease, consciousness, and ultimately what it is that makes us humans. The critical obstacle for reaching this goal is the lack of robust and accurate tools able to deal with 3D datasets representing dense-packed cells in their native arrangement within the brain. This obliges neuroscientist to manually identify the neurons populating an acquired digital image stack, a notably time-consuming procedure prone to human bias. Here we review the automatic and semi-automatic algorithms and software for neuron segmentation available in the literature, as well as the metrics purposely designed for their validation, highlighting their strengths and limitations. In this direction, we also briefly introduce the recent advances in tissue clarification that enable significant improvements in both optical access of neural tissue and image stack quality, and which could enable more efficient segmentation approaches. Finally, we discuss new methods and tools for processing tissues and acquiring images at sub-cellular scales, which will require new robust algorithms for identifying neurons and their sub-structures (e.g., spines, thin neurites). This will lead to a more detailed structural map of the brain, taking twenty-first century cellular neuroscience to the next level, i.e., the Structural Connectome

    Rivulet: 3D Neuron Morphology Tracing with Iterative Back-Tracking

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    The digital reconstruction of single neurons from 3D confocal microscopic images is an important tool for understanding the neuron morphology and function. However the accurate automatic neuron reconstruction remains a challenging task due to the varying image quality and the complexity in the neuronal arborisation. Targeting the common challenges of neuron tracing, we propose a novel automatic 3D neuron reconstruction algorithm, named Rivulet, which is based on the multi-stencils fast-marching and iterative backtracking. The proposed Rivulet algorithm is capable of tracing discontinuous areas without being interrupted by densely distributed noises. By evaluating the proposed pipeline with the data provided by the Diadem challenge and the recent BigNeuron project, Rivulet is shown to be robust to challenging microscopic imagestacks. We discussed the algorithm design in technical details regarding the relationships between the proposed algorithm and the other state-of-the-art neuron tracing algorithms

    Preserving Derivative Information while Transforming Neuronal Curves

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    The international neuroscience community is building the first comprehensive atlases of brain cell types to understand how the brain functions from a higher resolution, and more integrated perspective than ever before. In order to build these atlases, subsets of neurons (e.g. serotonergic neurons, prefrontal cortical neurons etc.) are traced in individual brain samples by placing points along dendrites and axons. Then, the traces are mapped to common coordinate systems by transforming the positions of their points, which neglects how the transformation bends the line segments in between. In this work, we apply the theory of jets to describe how to preserve derivatives of neuron traces up to any order. We provide a framework to compute possible error introduced by standard mapping methods, which involves the Jacobian of the mapping transformation. We show how our first order method improves mapping accuracy in both simulated and real neuron traces under random diffeomorphisms. Our method is freely available in our open-source Python package brainlit