10,634 research outputs found

    Forecasting and Signal Extraction with Misspecified Models

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    The paper illustrates and compares estimation methods alternative to maximum likelihood, among which multistep estimation and leave-one-out cross-validation, for the purposes of signal extraction, and in particular the separation of the trend from the cycle in economic time series, and long-range forecasting, in the presence of a misspecified, but simply parameterised model. Our workhorse models are two popular unobserved components models, namely the local level and the local linear model. The paper introduces a metric for assessing the accuracy of the unobserved components estimates and concludes that cross- validation is not a suitable estimation criterion for the purpose considered, whereas multistep estimation can be valuable. Finally, we propose a local likelihood estimator in the frequency domain that provides a simple and alternative way of making operative the notion of emphasising the long-run properties of a time series.Business cycles, Unobserved components models, Cross- validation, Smoothing, Hodrick-Prescott filter, Multistep estimation.

    STICAP: A linear circuit analysis program with stiff systems capability. Volume 1: Theory manual

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    STICAP (Stiff Circuit Analysis Program) is a FORTRAN 4 computer program written for the CDC-6400-6600 computer series and SCOPE 3.0 operating system. It provides the circuit analyst a tool for automatically computing the transient responses and frequency responses of large linear time invariant networks, both stiff and nonstiff (algorithms and numerical integration techniques are described). The circuit description and user's program input language is engineer-oriented, making simple the task of using the program. Engineering theories underlying STICAP are examined. A user's manual is included which explains user interaction with the program and gives results of typical circuit design applications. Also, the program structure from a systems programmer's viewpoint is depicted and flow charts and other software documentation are given