10,429 research outputs found

    Code-timing synchronization in DS-CDMA systems using space-time diversity

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    The synchronization of a desired user transmitting a known training sequence in a direct-sequence (DS) asynchronous code-division multiple-access (CDMA) sys-tem is addressed. It is assumed that the receiver consists of an arbitrary antenna array and works in a near-far, frequency-nonselective, slowly fading channel. The estimator that we propose is derived by applying the maximum likelihood (ML) principle to a signal model in which the contribution of all the interfering compo-nents (e.g., multiple-access interference, external interference and noise) is modeled as a Gaussian term with an unknown and arbitrary space-time correlation matrix. The main contribution of this paper is the fact that the estimator makes eÆcient use of the structure of the signals in both the space and time domains. Its perfor-mance is compared with the Cramer-Rao Bound, and with the performance of other methods proposed recently that also employ an antenna array but only exploit the structure of the signals in one of the two domains, while using the other simply as a means of path diversity. It is shown that the use of the temporal and spatial structures is necessary to achieve synchronization in heavily loaded systems or in the presence of directional external interference.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Space Station communications and tracking systems modeling and RF link simulation

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    In this final report, the effort spent on Space Station Communications and Tracking System Modeling and RF Link Simulation is described in detail. The effort is mainly divided into three parts: frequency division multiple access (FDMA) system simulation modeling and software implementation; a study on design and evaluation of a functional computerized RF link simulation/analysis system for Space Station; and a study on design and evaluation of simulation system architecture. This report documents the results of these studies. In addition, a separate User's Manual on Space Communications Simulation System (SCSS) (Version 1) documents the software developed for the Space Station FDMA communications system simulation. The final report, SCSS user's manual, and the software located in the NASA JSC system analysis division's VAX 750 computer together serve as the deliverables from LinCom for this project effort

    Experiments applications guide: Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS)

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    This applications guide first surveys the capabilities of the Advanced Communication Technology Satellite (ACTS) system (both the flight and ground segments). This overview is followed by a description of the baseband processor (BBP) and microwave switch matrix (MSM) operating modes. Terminals operating with the baseband processor are referred to as low burst rate (LBR); and those operating with the microwave switch matrix, as high burst rate (HBR). Three very small-aperture terminals (VSATs), LBR-1, LBR-2, and HBR, are described for various ACTS operating modes. Also described is the NASA Lewis link evaluation terminal. A section on ACTS experiment opportunities introduces a wide spectrum of network control, telecommunications, system, and scientific experiments. The performance of the VSATs is discussed in detail. This guide is intended as a catalyst to encourage participation by the telecommunications, business, and science communities in a broad spectrum of experiments

    Satellite-matrix-switched, time-division-multiple-access network simulator

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    A versatile experimental Ka-band network simulator has been implemented at the NASA Lewis Research Center to demonstrate and evaluate a satellite-matrix-switched, time-division-multiple-access (SMS-TDMA) network and to evaluate future digital ground terminals and radiofrequency (RF) components. The simulator was implemented by using proof-of-concept RF components developed under NASA contracts and digital ground terminal and link simulation hardware developed at Lewis. This simulator provides many unique capabilities such as satellite range delay and variation simulation and rain fade simulation. All network parameters (e.g., signal-to-noise ratio, satellite range variation rate, burst density, and rain fade) are controlled and monitored by a central computer. The simulator is presently configured as a three-ground-terminal SMS-TDMA network

    The Deep Space Network: A Radio Communications Instrument for Deep Space Exploration

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    The primary purpose of the Deep Space Network (DSN) is to serve as a communications instrument for deep space exploration, providing communications between the spacecraft and the ground facilities. The uplink communications channel provides instructions or commands to the spacecraft. The downlink communications channel provides command verification and spacecraft engineering and science instrument payload data

    Comparison of direct and heterodyne detection optical intersatellite communication links

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    The performance of direct and heterodyne detection optical intersatellite communication links are evaluated and compared. It is shown that the performance of optical links is very sensitive to the pointing and tracking errors at the transmitter and receiver. In the presence of random pointing and tracking errors, optimal antenna gains exist that will minimize the required transmitter power. In addition to limiting the antenna gains, random pointing and tracking errors also impose a power penalty in the link budget. This power penalty is between 1.6 to 3 dB for a direct detection QPPM link, and 3 to 5 dB for a heterodyne QFSK system. For the heterodyne systems, the carrier phase noise presents another major factor of performance degradation that must be considered. In contrast, the loss due to synchronization error is small. The link budgets for direct and heterodyne detection systems are evaluated. It is shown that, for systems with large pointing and tracking errors, the link budget is dominated by the spatial tracking error, and the direct detection system shows a superior performance because it is less sensitive to the spatial tracking error. On the other hand, for systems with small pointing and tracking jitters, the antenna gains are in general limited by the launch cost, and suboptimal antenna gains are often used in practice. In which case, the heterodyne system has a slightly higher power margin because of higher receiver sensitivity
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