2 research outputs found

    Machine Learning Solutions for Transportation Networks

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    This thesis brings a collection of novel models and methods that result from a new look at practical problems in transportation through the prism of newly available sensor data. There are four main contributions: First, we design a generative probabilistic graphical model to describe multivariate continuous densities such as observed traffic patterns. The model implements a multivariate normal distribution with covariance constrained in a natural way, using a number of parameters that is only linear (as opposed to quadratic) in the dimensionality of the data. This means that learning these models requires less data. The primary use for such a model is to support inferences, for instance, of data missing due to sensor malfunctions. Second, we build a model of traffic flow inspired by macroscopic flow models. Unlike traditional such models, our model deals with uncertainty of measurement and unobservability of certain important quantities and incorporates on-the-fly observations more easily. Because the model does not admit efficient exact inference, we develop a particle filter. The model delivers better medium- and long- term predictions than general-purpose time series models. Moreover, having a predictive distribution of traffic state enables the application of powerful decision-making machinery to the traffic domain. Third, two new optimization algorithms for the common task of vehicle routing are designed, using the traffic flow model as their probabilistic underpinning. Their benefits include suitability to highly volatile environments and the fact that optimization criteria other than the classical minimal expected time are easily incorporated. Finally, we present a new method for detecting accidents and other adverse events. Data collected from highways enables us to bring supervised learning approaches to incident detection. We show that a support vector machine learner can outperform manually calibrated solutions. A major hurdle to performance of supervised learners is the quality of data which contains systematic biases varying from site to site. We build a dynamic Bayesian network framework that learns and rectifies these biases, leading to improved supervised detector performance with little need for manually tagged data. The realignment method applies generally to virtually all forms of labeled sequential data

    Fundamental Diagram calibration and evaluation of the operational Level of Service on Italian motorways

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    Nell’analisi del deflusso autostradale trovano ampia applicazione le metodologie HCM e molti paesi, tra cui l’Italia, fanno ad esse riferimento per la valutazione delle infrastrutture esistenti e di progetto. Le norme italiane, pur citando il manuale, non esplicitano chiaramente riferimenti o procedure. Le esperienze delle Concessionarie autostradali, inoltre, mostrano dubbi sulla rappresentatività dei risultati ottenuti applicando le procedure americane, evidenziando un divario tra gli output e la percezione del reale grado di congestione. Considerando alcuni tratti autostradali italiani, la ricerca si propone di verificare l’applicabilità di procedure per la calibrazione del Diagramma Fondamentale del traffico e per la valutazione della qualità del deflusso, testando la consistenza dei risultati con gli output delle metodologie HCM2010. Rispetto agli andamenti standard, i Diagrammi ottenuti mostrano una migliore capacità di interpretare i dati sperimentali, in considerazione delle condizioni specifiche delle sezioni, delle differenze nelle caratteristiche dei veicoli o nel comportamento e nelle regole di guida. In questi termini, i modelli calibrati stimano valori di flusso e densità critici inferiori a quelli HCM2010, ma prossimi a quelli suggeriti dall’analogo manuale tedesco HBS. L'analisi comparativa, a valle della quale sono approfondite e motivate le principali differenze tra il contesto italiano, quello americano e altre situazioni internazionali, mostra come il manuale statunitense tenda ad esprimere condizioni di circolazione migliori di quelle sintetizzate con i modelli calibrati. La ricerca evidenzia, quindi, la possibilità di una sottostima della congestione sulle sezioni in esame, suggerendo un cauto e attento utilizzo delle procedure standard. I risultati ottenuti rilevano, in generale, come il mancato utilizzo di modelli calibrati e l'uso alternativo di procedure che appaiono troppo generali e provenienti da contesti eterogenei possa condizionare e penalizzare la rappresentatività dei risultati, comportando un’incoerente rappresentazione dei livelli di congestione e invalidando i requisiti di adeguatezza e di rappresentatività nella valutazione della qualità del servizio.HCM methodologies are widely used for analyzing freeways. Many countries, including Italy, refers to HCM for the assessment of existing or planned infrastructures. Although citing the manual, the Italian regulations don't make explicit references or procedures. Furthermore, the experiences of motorway operators show doubts about the representativeness of the results obtained by the American procedures, showing a gap between the output and the perception of the real level of congestion. Considering some Italian motorway sections, this research aims to analyze the applicability of a procedure for the calibration of the Fundamental Diagram of traffic flows and for the assessment of the quality of service, testing the consistency of the results with the output of HCM2010 methodologies. In comparison to standards, the calibrated Diagrams show a better match with data, due to the special conditions of the sections, the differences in vehicle characteristics or behavior and driving rules. In this way, the calibrated models estimate critical flow and density values lower than those of HCM2010, but close to the similar German manual HBS. The comparative analysis, after which the main differences between the Italian context, the American and other international situations are studied in deep and further motivated, shows as the US manual tends to give better traffic flow conditions (i.e. less congestion) than those synthesized using the calibrated models. The research remarks, therefore, the possibility of an underestimation of the congestion on the sections examined, suggesting a cautious and careful use of standard procedures. Failure to use calibrated procedures and models and the alternative use of procedures which seem too general and coming from heterogeneous contexts may affect and penalize the reliability of the results. This can result in an incoherent representation of congestion levels and may invalidate the requirements of adequacy and representativeness in the evaluation of service quality