95 research outputs found

    Can we improve the early diagnosis of Lewy body disease with more accurate quantification of nuclear medicine scans.

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    Ph.D ThesisThis thesis investigates the quantification of two scintigraphic biomarkers used for the diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB): 123I-FP-CIT (123I-N-ω-fluoropropyl-2ÎČ-carbomethoxy-3ÎČ-(4-iodophenyl) nortropane), commonly known as DaTSCANℱ,and cardiac 123I-MIBG(123I-metaiodobenzylguanidine). Accurate quantification is critical as we increasingly move towards diagnosis at the earlier mild cognitive impairment (MCI) stage, where more subtle changes from normality are expected. A range of novel approaches have been examined to overcome technical limitations that have previously been barriers to accurate quantification. Uniquely, this has been studied in cohorts of highly characterised dementia and MCI subjects as well as older adults with normal cognition recruited as age matched controls. The subject studies have been complemented by work using advanced anthropomorphic phantoms. Throughout, the innovative methods have been compared with the established ones. Results are presented in detail and clinical and research relevance is discussed together with proposals for optimal usage. Briefly, the key findings are:FP-CIT key findings‱Specific binding ratio values (SBR) for FP-CIT images calculated by different software packages are systematically different, although give similar diagnostic accuracy. ‱Striatal uptake does not decrease with age in healthy older adults, as previously reported, indicating potential misdiagnosis if age correction is applied. ‱Absolute quantification separates normal and abnormal subjects less well than relative-quantification with SBR.‱Advanced FP-CIT reconstruction methods using SPECT-CT and collimator modelling improve the accuracy of activity concentration measurements in a phantom.‱Advanced FP-CIT reconstruction methods affect relative quantification with SBR, but not clinical interpretation. Cardiac MIBG key findings‱Different methods of planar MIBG analysis are operator dependent and give systematically different results – recommendations are provided for an optimal method.‱Establishing a normal threshold is critical. This thesis shows that previously published values may not be valid in a UK population and proposes a suitable alternative. ‱Images obtained soon after injection give similar accuracy as those obtained at 3.5 hours (the standard delayed method), and the latter scans could be omitted in the majority of cases. ‱Planar cardiac MIBG semi-quantification is significantly dependent on subject size. Using SPECT-CT gives greater separation between normal and abnormal scans than planar. II In summary, an in-depth and comprehensive study of technical aspects of Nuclear Medicine biomarker quantification using 123I labelled radiopharmaceuticals for the diagnosis of Lewy body disease is presented in this thesis. This provides a solid foundation for clinical and research application of these techniques in both early and established diseaseAlzheimer’s Societ

    Novel PET Systems and Image Reconstruction with Actively Controlled Geometry

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    Positron Emission Tomography (PET) provides in vivo measurement of imaging ligands that are labeled with positron emitting radionuclide. Since its invention, most PET scanners have been designed to have a group of gamma ray detectors arranged in a ring geometry, accommodating the whole patient body. Virtual Pinhole PET incorporates higher resolution detectors being placed close to the Region-of-Interest (ROI) within the imaging Field-of-View (FOV) of the whole-body scanner, providing better image resolution and contrast recover. To further adapt this technology to a wider range of diseases, we proposed a second generation of virtual pinhole PET using actively controlled high resolution detectors integrated on a robotic arm. When the whole system is integrated to a commercial PET scanner, we achieved positioning repeatability within 0.5 mm. Monte Carlo simulation shows that by focusing the high-resolution detectors to a specific organ of interest, we can achieve better resolution, sensitivity and contrast recovery. In another direction, we proposed a portable, versatile and low cost PET imaging system for Point-of-Care (POC) applications. It consists of one or more movable detectors in coincidence with a detector array behind a patient. The movable detectors make it possible for the operator to control the scanning trajectory freely to achieve optimal coverage and sensitivity for patient specific imaging tasks. Since this system does not require a conventional full ring geometry, it can be built portable and low cost for bed-side or intraoperative use. We developed a proof-of-principle prototype that consists of a compact high resolution silicon photomultiplier detector mounted on a hand-held probe and a half ring of conventional detectors. The probe is attached to a MicroScribe device, which tracks the location and orientation of the probe as it moves. We also performed Monte Carlo simulations for two POC PET geometries with Time-of-Flight (TOF) capability. To support the development of such PET systems with unconventional geometries, a fully 3D image reconstruction framework has been developed for PET systems with arbitrary geometry. For POC PET and the second generation robotic Virtual Pinhole PET, new challenges emerge and our targeted applications require more efficiently image reconstruction that provides imaging results in near real time. Inspired by the previous work, we developed a list mode GPU-based image reconstruction framework with the capability to model dynamically changing geometry. Ordered-Subset MAP-EM algorithm is implemented on multi-GPU platform to achieve fast reconstruction in the order of seconds per iteration, under practical data rate. We tested this using both experimental and simulation data, for whole body PET scanner and unconventional PET scanners. Future application of adaptive imaging requires near real time performance for large statistics, which requires additional acceleration of this framework

    Engineering precision surgery: Design and implementation of surgical guidance technologies

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    In the quest for precision surgery, this thesis introduces several novel detection and navigation modalities for the localization of cancer-related tissues in the operating room. The engineering efforts have focused on image-guided surgery modalities that use the complementary tracer signatures of nuclear and fluorescence radiation. The first part of the thesis covers the use of “GPS-like” navigation concepts to navigate fluorescence cameras during surgery, based on SPECT images of the patient. The second part of the thesis introduces several new imaging modalities such as a hybrid 3D freehand Fluorescence and freehand SPECT imaging and navigation device. Furthermore, to improve the detection of radioactive tracer-emissions during robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery, a tethered DROP-IN gamma probe is introduced. The clinical indications that are used to evaluate the new technologies were all focused on sentinel lymph node procedures in urology (i.e. prostate and penile cancer). Nevertheless, all presented techniques are of such a nature, that they can be applied to different surgical indications, including sentinel lymph node and tumor-receptor-targeted procedures, localization the primary tumor and metastatic spread. This will hopefully contribute towards more precise, less invasive and more effective surgical procedures in the field of oncology. Crystal Photonics GmbH Eurorad S.A. Intuitive Surgical Inc. KARL STORZ Endoscopie Nederland B.V. MILabs B.V. PI Medical Diagnostic Equipment B.V. SurgicEye GmbH Verb Surgical Inc.LUMC / Geneeskund

    Ultrasound-Augmented Laparoscopy

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    Laparoscopic surgery is perhaps the most common minimally invasive procedure for many diseases in the abdomen. Since the laparoscopic camera provides only the surface view of the internal organs, in many procedures, surgeons use laparoscopic ultrasound (LUS) to visualize deep-seated surgical targets. Conventionally, the 2D LUS image is visualized in a display spatially separate from that displays the laparoscopic video. Therefore, reasoning about the geometry of hidden targets requires mentally solving the spatial alignment, and resolving the modality differences, which is cognitively very challenging. Moreover, the mental representation of hidden targets in space acquired through such cognitive medication may be error prone, and cause incorrect actions to be performed. To remedy this, advanced visualization strategies are required where the US information is visualized in the context of the laparoscopic video. To this end, efficient computational methods are required to accurately align the US image coordinate system with that centred in the camera, and to render the registered image information in the context of the camera such that surgeons perceive the geometry of hidden targets accurately. In this thesis, such a visualization pipeline is described. A novel method to register US images with a camera centric coordinate system is detailed with an experimental investigation into its accuracy bounds. An improved method to blend US information with the surface view is also presented with an experimental investigation into the accuracy of perception of the target locations in space

    Characterization of carotid artery plaques using noninvasive vascular ultrasound elastography

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    L'athĂ©rosclĂ©rose est une maladie vasculaire complexe qui affecte la paroi des artĂšres (par l'Ă©paississement) et les lumiĂšres (par la formation de plaques). La rupture d'une plaque de l'artĂšre carotide peut Ă©galement provoquer un accident vasculaire cĂ©rĂ©bral ischĂ©mique et des complications. Bien que plusieurs modalitĂ©s d'imagerie mĂ©dicale soient actuellement utilisĂ©es pour Ă©valuer la stabilitĂ© d'une plaque, elles prĂ©sentent des limitations telles que l'irradiation, les propriĂ©tĂ©s invasives, une faible disponibilitĂ© clinique et un coĂ»t Ă©levĂ©. L'Ă©chographie est une mĂ©thode d'imagerie sĂ»re qui permet une analyse en temps rĂ©el pour l'Ă©valuation des tissus biologiques. Il est intĂ©ressant et prometteur d’appliquer une Ă©chographie vasculaire pour le dĂ©pistage et le diagnostic prĂ©coces des plaques d’artĂšre carotide. Cependant, les ultrasons vasculaires actuels identifient uniquement la morphologie d'une plaque en termes de luminositĂ© d'Ă©cho ou l’impact de cette plaque sur les caractĂ©ristiques de l’écoulement sanguin, ce qui peut ne pas ĂȘtre suffisant pour diagnostiquer l’importance de la plaque. La technique d’élastographie vasculaire non-intrusive (« noninvasive vascular elastography (NIVE) ») a montrĂ© le potentiel de dĂ©termination de la stabilitĂ© d'une plaque. NIVE peut dĂ©terminer le champ de dĂ©formation de la paroi vasculaire en mouvement d’une artĂšre carotide provoquĂ© par la pulsation cardiaque naturelle. En raison des diffĂ©rences de module de Young entre les diffĂ©rents tissus des vaisseaux, diffĂ©rents composants d’une plaque devraient prĂ©senter diffĂ©rentes dĂ©formations, caractĂ©risant ainsi la stabilitĂ© de la plaque. Actuellement, les performances et l’efficacitĂ© numĂ©rique sous-optimales limitent l’acceptation clinique de NIVE en tant que mĂ©thode rapide et efficace pour le diagnostic prĂ©coce des plaques vulnĂ©rables. Par consĂ©quent, il est nĂ©cessaire de dĂ©velopper NIVE en tant qu’outil d’imagerie non invasif, rapide et Ă©conomique afin de mieux caractĂ©riser la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© liĂ©e Ă  la plaque. La procĂ©dure Ă  suivre pour effectuer l’analyse NIVE consiste en des Ă©tapes de formation et de post-traitement d’images. Cette thĂšse vise Ă  amĂ©liorer systĂ©matiquement la prĂ©cision de ces deux aspects de NIVE afin de faciliter la prĂ©diction de la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© de la plaque carotidienne. Le premier effort de cette thĂšse a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©diĂ© Ă  la formation d'images (Chapitre 5). L'imagerie par oscillations transversales a Ă©tĂ© introduite dans NIVE. Les performances de l’imagerie par oscillations transversales couplĂ©es Ă  deux estimateurs de contrainte fondĂ©s sur un modĂšle de dĂ©formation fine, soit l’ « affine phase-based estimator (APBE) » et le « Lagrangian speckle model estimator (LSME) », ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©es. Pour toutes les Ă©tudes de simulation et in vitro de ce travail, le LSME sans imagerie par oscillation transversale a surperformĂ© par rapport Ă  l'APBE avec imagerie par oscillations transversales. NĂ©anmoins, des estimations de contrainte principales comparables ou meilleures pourraient ĂȘtre obtenues avec le LSME en utilisant une imagerie par oscillations transversales dans le cas de structures tissulaires complexes et hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes. Lors de l'acquisition de signaux ultrasonores pour la formation d'images, des mouvements hors du plan perpendiculaire au plan de balayage bidimensionnel (2-D) existent. Le deuxiĂšme objectif de cette thĂšse Ă©tait d'Ă©valuer l'influence des mouvements hors plan sur les performances du NIVE 2-D (Chapitre 6). À cette fin, nous avons conçu un dispositif expĂ©rimental in vitro permettant de simuler des mouvements hors plan de 1 mm, 2 mm et 3 mm. Les rĂ©sultats in vitro ont montrĂ© plus d'artefacts d'estimation de contrainte pour le LSME avec des amplitudes croissantes de mouvements hors du plan principal de l’image. MalgrĂ© tout, nous avons nĂ©anmoins obtenu des estimations de dĂ©formations robustes avec un mouvement hors plan de 2.0 mm (coefficients de corrĂ©lation supĂ©rieurs Ă  0.85). Pour un jeu de donnĂ©es cliniques de 18 participants prĂ©sentant une stĂ©nose de l'artĂšre carotide, nous avons proposĂ© d'utiliser deux jeux de donnĂ©es d'analyses sur la mĂȘme plaque carotidienne, soit des images transversales et longitudinales, afin de dĂ©duire les mouvements hors plan (qui se sont avĂ©rĂ©s de 0.25 mm Ă  1.04 mm). Les rĂ©sultats cliniques ont montrĂ© que les estimations de dĂ©formations restaient reproductibles pour toutes les amplitudes de mouvement, puisque les coefficients de corrĂ©lation inter-images Ă©taient supĂ©rieurs Ă  0.70 et que les corrĂ©lations croisĂ©es normalisĂ©es entre les images radiofrĂ©quences Ă©taient supĂ©rieures Ă  0.93, ce qui a permis de dĂ©montrer une plus grande confiance lors de l'analyse de jeu de donnĂ©es cliniques de plaques carotides Ă  l'aide du LSME. Enfin, en ce qui concerne le post-traitement des images, les algorithmes NIVE doivent estimer les dĂ©formations des parois des vaisseaux Ă  partir d’images reconstituĂ©es dans le but d’identifier les tissus mous et durs. Ainsi, le dernier objectif de cette thĂšse Ă©tait de dĂ©velopper un algorithme d'estimation de contrainte avec une rĂ©solution de la taille d’un pixel ainsi qu'une efficacitĂ© de calcul Ă©levĂ©e pour l'amĂ©lioration de la prĂ©cision de NIVE (Chapitre 7). Nous avons proposĂ© un estimateur de dĂ©formation de modĂšle fragmentĂ© (SMSE) avec lequel le champ de dĂ©formation dense est paramĂ©trĂ© avec des descriptions de transformĂ©es en cosinus discret, gĂ©nĂ©rant ainsi des composantes de dĂ©formations affines (dĂ©formations axiales et latĂ©rales et en cisaillement) sans opĂ©ration mathĂ©matique de dĂ©rivĂ©es. En comparant avec le LSME, le SMSE a rĂ©duit les erreurs d'estimation lors des tests de simulations, ainsi que pour les mesures in vitro et in vivo. De plus, la faible mise en oeuvre de la mĂ©thode SMSE rĂ©duit de 4 Ă  25 fois le temps de traitement par rapport Ă  la mĂ©thode LSME pour les simulations, les Ă©tudes in vitro et in vivo, ce qui pourrait permettre une implĂ©mentation possible de NIVE en temps rĂ©el.Atherosclerosis is a complex vascular disease that affects artery walls (by thickening) and lumens (by plaque formation). The rupture of a carotid artery plaque may also induce ischemic stroke and complications. Despite the use of several medical imaging modalities to evaluate the stability of a plaque, they present limitations such as irradiation, invasive property, low clinical availability and high cost. Ultrasound is a safe imaging method with a real time capability for assessment of biological tissues. It is clinically used for early screening and diagnosis of carotid artery plaques. However, current vascular ultrasound technologies only identify the morphology of a plaque in terms of echo brightness or the impact of the vessel narrowing on flow properties, which may not be sufficient for optimum diagnosis. Noninvasive vascular elastography (NIVE) has been shown of interest for determining the stability of a plaque. Specifically, NIVE can determine the strain field of the moving vessel wall of a carotid artery caused by the natural cardiac pulsation. Due to Young’s modulus differences among different vessel tissues, different components of a plaque can be detected as they present different strains thereby potentially helping in characterizing the plaque stability. Currently, sub-optimum performance and computational efficiency limit the clinical acceptance of NIVE as a fast and efficient method for the early diagnosis of vulnerable plaques. Therefore, there is a need to further develop NIVE as a non-invasive, fast and low computational cost imaging tool to better characterize the plaque vulnerability. The procedure to perform NIVE analysis consists in image formation and image post-processing steps. This thesis aimed to systematically improve the accuracy of these two aspects of NIVE to facilitate predicting carotid plaque vulnerability. The first effort of this thesis has been targeted on improving the image formation (Chapter 5). Transverse oscillation beamforming was introduced into NIVE. The performance of transverse oscillation imaging coupled with two model-based strain estimators, the affine phase-based estimator (APBE) and the Lagrangian speckle model estimator (LSME), were evaluated. For all simulations and in vitro studies, the LSME without transverse oscillation imaging outperformed the APBE with transverse oscillation imaging. Nonetheless, comparable or better principal strain estimates could be obtained with the LSME using transverse oscillation imaging in the case of complex and heterogeneous tissue structures. During the acquisition of ultrasound signals for image formation, out-of-plane motions which are perpendicular to the two-dimensional (2-D) scan plane are existing. The second objective of this thesis was to evaluate the influence of out-of-plane motions on the performance of 2-D NIVE (Chapter 6). For this purpose, we designed an in vitro experimental setup to simulate out-of-plane motions of 1 mm, 2 mm and 3 mm. The in vitro results showed more strain estimation artifacts for the LSME with increasing magnitudes of out-of-plane motions. Even so, robust strain estimations were nevertheless obtained with 2.0 mm out-of-plane motion (correlation coefficients higher than 0.85). For a clinical dataset of 18 participants with carotid artery stenosis, we proposed to use two datasets of scans on the same carotid plaque, one cross-sectional and the other in a longitudinal view, to deduce the out-of-plane motions (estimated to be ranging from 0.25 mm to 1.04 mm). Clinical results showed that strain estimations remained reproducible for all motion magnitudes since inter-frame correlation coefficients were higher than 0.70, and normalized cross-correlations between radiofrequency images were above 0.93, which indicated that confident motion estimations can be obtained when analyzing clinical dataset of carotid plaques using the LSME. Finally, regarding the image post-processing component of NIVE algorithms to estimate strains of vessel walls from reconstructed images with the objective of identifying soft and hard tissues, we developed a strain estimation method with a pixel-wise resolution as well as a high computation efficiency for improving NIVE (Chapter 7). We proposed a sparse model strain estimator (SMSE) for which the dense strain field is parameterized with Discrete Cosine Transform descriptions, thereby deriving affine strain components (axial and lateral strains and shears) without mathematical derivative operations. Compared with the LSME, the SMSE reduced estimation errors in simulations, in vitro and in vivo tests. Moreover, the sparse implementation of the SMSE reduced the processing time by a factor of 4 to 25 compared with the LSME based on simulations, in vitro and in vivo results, which is suggesting a possible implementation of NIVE in real time

    Computer-Assisted Planning and Robotics in Epilepsy Surgery

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    Epilepsy is a severe and devastating condition that affects ~1% of the population. Around 30% of these patients are drug-refractory. Epilepsy surgery may provide a cure in selected individuals with drug-resistant focal epilepsy if the epileptogenic zone can be identified and safely resected or ablated. Stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG) is a diagnostic procedure that is performed to aid in the delineation of the seizure onset zone when non-invasive investigations are not sufficiently informative or discordant. Utilizing a multi-modal imaging platform, a novel computer-assisted planning (CAP) algorithm was adapted, applied and clinically validated for optimizing safe SEEG trajectory planning. In an initial retrospective validation study, 13 patients with 116 electrodes were enrolled and safety parameters between automated CAP trajectories and expert manual plans were compared. The automated CAP trajectories returned statistically significant improvements in all of the compared clinical metrics including overall risk score (CAP 0.57 +/- 0.39 (mean +/- SD) and manual 1.00 +/- 0.60, p < 0.001). Assessment of the inter-rater variability revealed there was no difference in external expert surgeon ratings. Both manual and CAP electrodes were rated as feasible in 42.8% (42/98) of cases. CAP was able to provide feasible electrodes in 19.4% (19/98), whereas manual planning was able to generate a feasible electrode in 26.5% (26/98) when the alternative generation method was not feasible. Based on the encouraging results from the retrospective analysis a prospective validation study including an additional 125 electrodes in 13 patients was then undertaken to compare CAP to expert manual plans from two neurosurgeons. The manual plans were performed separately and blindly from the CAP. Computer-generated trajectories were found to carry lower risks scores (absolute difference of 0.04 mm (95% CI = -0.42-0.01), p = 0.04) and were subsequently implanted in all cases without complication. The pipeline has been fully integrated into the clinical service and has now replaced manual SEEG planning at our institution. Further efforts were then focused on the distillation of optimal entry and target points for common SEEG trajectories and applying machine learning methods to develop an active learning algorithm to adapt to individual surgeon preferences. Thirty-two patients were prospectively enrolled in the study. The first 12 patients underwent prospective CAP planning and implantation following the pipeline outlined in the previous study. These patients were used as a training set and all of the 108 electrodes after successful implantation were normalized to atlas space to generate ‘spatial priors’, using a K-Nearest Neighbour (K-NN) classifier. A subsequent test set of 20 patients (210 electrodes) were then used to prospectively validate the spatial priors. From the test set, 78% (123/157) of the implanted trajectories passed through both the entry and target spatial priors defined from the training set. To improve the generalizability of the spatial priors to other neurosurgical centres undertaking SEEG and to take into account the potential for changing institutional practices, an active learning algorithm was implemented. The K-NN classifier was shown to dynamically learn and refine the spatial priors. The progressive refinement of CAP SEEG planning outlined in this and previous studies has culminated in an algorithm that not only optimizes the surgical heuristics and risk scores related to SEEG planning but can also learn from previous experience. Overall, safe and feasible trajectory schema were returning in 30% of the time required for manual SEEG planning. Computer-assisted planning was then applied to optimize laser interstitial thermal therapy (LITT) trajectory planning, which is a minimally invasive alternative to open mesial temporal resections, focal lesion ablation and anterior 2/3 corpus callosotomy. We describe and validate the first CAP algorithm for mesial temporal LITT ablations for epilepsy treatment. Twenty-five patients that had previously undergone LITT ablations at a single institution and with a median follow up of 2 years were included. Trajectory parameters for the CAP algorithm were derived from expert consensus to maximize distance from vasculature and ablation of the amygdalohippocampal complex, minimize collateral damage to adjacent brain structures whilst avoiding transgression of the ventricles and sulci. Trajectory parameters were also optimized to reduce the drilling angle to the skull and overall catheter length. Simulated cavities attributable to the CAP trajectories were calculated using a 5-15 mm ablation diameter. In comparison to manually planned and implemented LITT trajectories,CAP resulted in a significant increase in the percentage ablation of the amygdalohippocampal complex (manual 57.82 +/- 15.05% (mean +/- S.D.) and unablated medial hippocampal head depth (manual 4.45 +/- 1.58 mm (mean +/- S.D.), CAP 1.19 +/- 1.37 (mean +/- S.D.), p = 0.0001). As LITT ablation of the mesial temporal structures is a novel procedure there are no established standards for trajectory planning. A data-driven machine learning approach was, therefore, applied to identify hitherto unknown CAP trajectory parameter combinations. All possible combinations of planning parameters were calculated culminating in 720 unique combinations per patient. Linear regression and random forest machine learning algorithms were trained on half of the data set (3800 trajectories) and tested on the remaining unseen trajectories (3800 trajectories). The linear regression and random forest methods returned good predictive accuracies with both returning Pearson correlations of ρ = 0.7 and root mean squared errors of 0.13 and 0.12 respectively. The machine learning algorithm revealed that the optimal entry points were centred over the junction of the inferior occipital, middle temporal and middle occipital gyri. The optimal target points were anterior and medial translations of the centre of the amygdala. A large multicenter external validation study of 95 patients was then undertaken comparing the manually planned and implemented trajectories, CAP trajectories targeting the centre of the amygdala, the CAP parameters derived from expert consensus and the CAP trajectories utilizing the machine learning derived parameters. Three external blinded expert surgeons were then selected to undertake feasibility ratings and preference rankings of the trajectories. CAP generated trajectories result in a significant improvement in many of the planning metrics, notably the risk score (manual 1.3 +/- 0.1 (mean +/- S.D.), CAP 1.1 +/- 0.2 (mean +/- S.D.), p<0.000) and overall ablation of the amygdala (manual 45.3 +/- 22.2 % (mean +/- S.D.), CAP 64.2 +/- 20 % (mean +/- S.D.), p<0.000). Blinded external feasibility ratings revealed that manual trajectories were less preferable than CAP planned trajectories with an estimated probability of being ranked 4th (lowest) of 0.62. Traditional open corpus callosotomy requires a midline craniotomy, interhemispheric dissection and disconnection of the rostrum, genu and body of the corpus callosum. In cases where drop attacks persist a completion corpus callosotomy to disrupt the remaining fibres in the splenium is then performed. The emergence of LITT technology has raised the possibility of being able to undertake this procedure in a minimally invasive fashion and without the need for a craniotomy using two or three individual trajectories. Early case series have shown LITT anterior two-thirds corpus callosotomy to be safe and efficacious. Whole-brain probabilistic tractography connectomes were generated utilizing 3-Tesla multi-shell imaging data and constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD). Two independent blinded expert neurosurgeons with experience of performing the procedure using LITT then planned the trajectories in each patient following their current clinical practice. Automated trajectories returned a significant reduction in the risk score (manual 1.3 +/- 0.1 (mean +/- S.D.), CAP 1.1 +/- 0.1 (mean +/- S.D.), p<0.000). Finally, we investigate the different methods of surgical implantation for SEEG electrodes. As an initial study, a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature to date were performed. This revealed a wide variety of implantation methods including traditional frame-based, frameless, robotic and custom-3D printed jigs were being used in clinical practice. Of concern, all comparative reports from institutions that had changed from one implantation method to another, such as following the introduction of robotic systems, did not undertake parallel-group comparisons. This suggests that patients may have been exposed to risks associated with learning curves and potential harms related to the new device until the efficacy was known. A pragmatic randomized control trial of a novel non-CE marked robotic trajectory guidance system (iSYS1) was then devised. Before clinical implantations began a series of pre-clinical investigations utilizing 3D printed phantom heads from previously implanted patients was performed to provide pilot data and also assess the surgical learning curve. The surgeons had comparatively little clinical experience with the new robotic device which replicates the introduction of such novel technologies to clinical practice. The study confirmed that the learning curve with the iSYS1 devices was minimal and the accuracies and workflow were similar to the conventional manual method. The randomized control trial represents the first of its kind for stereotactic neurosurgical procedures. Thirty-two patients were enrolled with 16 patients randomized to the iSYS1 intervention arm and 16 patients to the manual implantation arm. The intervention allocation was concealed from the patients. The surgical and research team could be not blinded. Trial management, independent data monitoring and trial steering committees were convened at four points doing the trial (after every 8 patients implanted). Based on the high level of accuracy required for both methods, the main distinguishing factor would be the time to achieve the alignment to the prespecified trajectory. The primary outcome for comparison, therefore, was the time for individual SEEG electrode implantation. Secondary outcomes included the implantation accuracy derived from the post-operative CT scan, infection, intracranial haemorrhage and neurological deficit rates. Overall, 32 patients (328 electrodes) completed the trial (16 in each intervention arm) and the baseline demographics were broadly similar between the two groups. The time for individual electrode implantation was significantly less with the iSYS1 device (median of 3.36 (95% CI 5.72 to 7.07) than for the PAD group (median of 9.06 minutes (95% CI 8.16 to 10.06), p=0.0001). Target point accuracy was significantly greater with the PAD (median of 1.58 mm (95% CI 1.38 to 1.82) compared to the iSYS1 (median of 1.16 mm (95% CI 1.01 to 1.33), p=0.004). The difference between the target point accuracies are not clinically significant for SEEG but may have implications for procedures such as deep brain stimulation that require higher placement accuracy. All of the electrodes achieved their respective intended anatomical targets. In 12 of 16 patients following robotic implantations, and 10 of 16 following manual PAD implantations a seizure onset zone was identified and resection recommended. The aforementioned systematic review and meta-analysis were updated to include additional studies published during the trial duration. In this context, the iSYS1 device entry and target point accuracies were similar to those reported in other published studies of robotic devices including the ROSA, Neuromate and iSYS1. The PAD accuracies, however, outperformed the previously published results for other frameless stereotaxy methods. In conclusion, the presented studies report the integration and validation of a complex clinical decision support software into the clinical neurosurgical workflow for SEEG planning. The stereotactic planning platform was further refined by integrating machine learning techniques and also extended towards optimisation of LITT trajectories for ablation of mesial temporal structures and corpus callosotomy. The platform was then used to seamlessly integrate with a novel trajectory planning software to effectively and safely guide the implantation of the SEEG electrodes. Through a single-blinded randomised control trial, the ISYS1 device was shown to reduce the time taken for individual electrode insertion. Taken together, this work presents and validates the first fully integrated stereotactic trajectory planning platform that can be used for both SEEG and LITT trajectory planning followed by surgical implantation through the use of a novel trajectory guidance system

    Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in Cardiac Amyloidosis

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    Background: Systemic amyloidoses are an underdiagnosed, but increasingly recognized group of progressive disorders characterised by the extracellular deposition of misfolded proteins in one or more organs. Cardiac amyloid deposition leads to an infiltrative or restrictive cardiomyopathy and is the major driver of prognosis. / Aims: In this thesis, by using cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR), I have aimed to assess the cardiac response to chemotherapy in AL amyloidosis; to assess morphological phenotypes and tissue characterization findings in ATTR cardiac amyloidosis, and compare these findings with AL amyloidosis; to evaluate the prognostic potential of native myocardial T1 in ATTR cardiac amyloidosis and compare native T1 with extracellular volume (ECV) in terms of diagnostic accuracy and prognosis; to study the prevalence of thrombus in the left atrial appendage in the cardiac amyloidosis population; and to explore the role of hypoperfusion at rest in cardiac amyloidosis. / Results and Conclusions: I confirmed that CMR with T1 mapping and ECV measurements demonstrates that cardiac AL amyloid deposits frequently regress following chemotherapy that substantially suppresses clonal light chain production. I characterised the cardiac morphology in ATTR cardiac amyloidosis. I demonstrated that native T1 mapping and ECV are good diagnostic techniques in cardiac ATTR amyloidosis that associate with prognosis. Both parameters also correlate with mortality, but only ECV remains independently predictive of prognosis. I confirmed that the prevalence of intracardiac thrombi in cardiac amyloidosis and atrial fibrillation is high despite anticoagulation, with significant thrombus prevalence even in sinus rhythm. I demonstrated that myocardial hypoperfusion is common and substantial in cardiac amyloidosis. CMR indicates a complex pathophysiology in which systolic dysfunction, diastolic dysfunction, and amyloid deposition are independently associated with reduced myocardial perfusion. Patients with amyloidosis continue to have unmet needs, many of which stem from heart involvement, but outcomes are gradually improving
