6 research outputs found

    A protein-dependent side-chain rotamer library

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Protein side-chain packing problem has remained one of the key open problems in bioinformatics. The three main components of protein side-chain prediction methods are a rotamer library, an energy function and a search algorithm. Rotamer libraries summarize the existing knowledge of the experimentally determined structures quantitatively. Depending on how much contextual information is encoded, there are backbone-independent rotamer libraries and backbone-dependent rotamer libraries. Backbone-independent libraries only encode sequential information, whereas backbone-dependent libraries encode both sequential and locally structural information. However, side-chain conformations are determined by spatially local information, rather than sequentially local information. Since in the side-chain prediction problem, the backbone structure is given, spatially local information should ideally be encoded into the rotamer libraries.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this paper, we propose a new type of backbone-dependent rotamer library, which encodes structural information of all the spatially neighboring residues. We call it protein-dependent rotamer libraries. Given any rotamer library and a protein backbone structure, we first model the protein structure as a Markov random field. Then the marginal distributions are estimated by the inference algorithms, without doing global optimization or search. The rotamers from the given library are then re-ranked and associated with the updated probabilities.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed protein-dependent libraries significantly outperform the widely used backbone-dependent libraries in terms of the side-chain prediction accuracy and the rotamer ranking ability. Furthermore, without global optimization/search, the side-chain prediction power of the protein-dependent library is still comparable to the global-search-based side-chain prediction methods.</p

    Free energy estimates of all-atom protein structures using generalized belief propagation

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    We present a technique for approximating the free energy of protein structures using Generalized Belief Propagation (GBP). The accuracy and utility of these estimates are then demonstrated in two different application domains. First, we show that the entropy component of our free energy estimates can be used to distinguish native protein structures from decoys — structures with similar internal energy to that of the native structure, but otherwise incorrect. Our method is able to correctly identify the native fold from among a set of decoys with 87.5 % accuracy over a total of 48 different immunoglobin folds. The remaining 12.5 % of native structures are ranked among the top 4 of all structures. Second, we show that our estimates of ∆∆G upon mutation for three different data sets have linear correlations between 0.64-0.69 with experimental values and statistically significant p-values. Together, these results suggests that GBP is an effective means for computing free energy in all-atom models of protein structures. GBP is also efficient, taking a few minutes to run on a typical sized protein, further suggesting that GBP may be an attractive alternative to more costly molecular dynamic simulations for some tasks