7 research outputs found

    Multi-Talker MVDR Beamforming Based on Extended Complex Gaussian Mixture Model

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    In this letter, we present a novel multi-talker minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamforming as the front-end of an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system in a dinner party scenario. The CHiME-5 dataset is selected to evaluate our proposal for overlapping multi-talker scenario with severe noise. A detailed study on beamforming is conducted based on the proposed extended complex Gaussian mixture model (CGMM) integrated with various speech separation and speech enhancement masks. Three main changes are made to adopt the original CGMM-based MVDR for the multi-talker scenario. First, the number of Gaussian distributions is extended to 3 with an additional inference speaker model. Second, the mixture coefficients are introduced as a supervisor to generate more elaborate masks and avoid the permutation problems. Moreover, we reorganize the MVDR and mask-based speech separation to achieve both noise reduction and target speaker extraction. With the official baseline ASR back-end, our front-end algorithm gained an absolute WER reduction of 13.87% compared with the baseline front-end

    Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement using Graph Neural Networks

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    Multi-channel speech enhancement aims to extract clean speech from a noisy mixture using signals captured from multiple microphones. Recently proposed methods tackle this problem by incorporating deep neural network models with spatial filtering techniques such as the minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamformer. In this paper, we introduce a different research direction by viewing each audio channel as a node lying in a non-Euclidean space and, specifically, a graph. This formulation allows us to apply graph neural networks (GNN) to find spatial correlations among the different channels (nodes). We utilize graph convolution networks (GCN) by incorporating them in the embedding space of a U-Net architecture. We use LibriSpeech dataset and simulate room acoustics data to extensively experiment with our approach using different array types, and number of microphones. Results indicate the superiority of our approach when compared to prior state-of-the-art method

    Robust Multi-channel Speech Recognition using Frequency Aligned Network

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    Conventional speech enhancement technique such as beamforming has known benefits for far-field speech recognition. Our own work in frequency-domain multi-channel acoustic modeling has shown additional improvements by training a spatial filtering layer jointly within an acoustic model. In this paper, we further develop this idea and use frequency aligned network for robust multi-channel automatic speech recognition (ASR). Unlike an affine layer in the frequency domain, the proposed frequency aligned component prevents one frequency bin influencing other frequency bins. We show that this modification not only reduces the number of parameters in the model but also significantly and improves the ASR performance. We investigate effects of frequency aligned network through ASR experiments on the real-world far-field data where users are interacting with an ASR system in uncontrolled acoustic environments. We show that our multi-channel acoustic model with a frequency aligned network shows up to 18% relative reduction in word error rate

    Implicit Filter-and-sum Network for Multi-channel Speech Separation

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    Various neural network architectures have been proposed in recent years for the task of multi-channel speech separation. Among them, the filter-and-sum network (FaSNet) performs end-to-end time-domain filter-and-sum beamforming and has shown effective in both ad-hoc and fixed microphone array geometries. In this paper, we investigate multiple ways to improve the performance of FaSNet. From the problem formulation perspective, we change the explicit time-domain filter-and-sum operation which involves all the microphones into an implicit filter-and-sum operation in the latent space of only the reference microphone. The filter-and-sum operation is applied on a context around the frame to be separated. This allows the problem formulation to better match the objective of end-to-end separation. From the feature extraction perspective, we modify the calculation of sample-level normalized cross correlation (NCC) features into feature-level NCC (fNCC) features. This makes the model better matches the implicit filter-and-sum formulation. Experiment results on both ad-hoc and fixed microphone array geometries show that the proposed modification to the FaSNet, which we refer to as iFaSNet, is able to significantly outperform the benchmark FaSNet across all conditions with an on par model complexity

    Multichannel Loss Function for Supervised Speech Source Separation by Mask-based Beamforming

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    In this paper, we propose two mask-based beamforming methods using a deep neural network (DNN) trained by multichannel loss functions. Beamforming technique using time-frequency (TF)-masks estimated by a DNN have been applied to many applications where TF-masks are used for estimating spatial covariance matrices. To train a DNN for mask-based beamforming, loss functions designed for monaural speech enhancement/separation have been employed. Although such a training criterion is simple, it does not directly correspond to the performance of mask-based beamforming. To overcome this problem, we use multichannel loss functions which evaluate the estimated spatial covariance matrices based on the multichannel Itakura--Saito divergence. DNNs trained by the multichannel loss functions can be applied to construct several beamformers. Experimental results confirmed their effectiveness and robustness to microphone configurations.Comment: 5 pages, Accepted at INTERSPEECH 201

    Exploring Optimal DNN Architecture for End-to-End Beamformers Based on Time-frequency References

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    Acoustic beamformers have been widely used to enhance audio signals. Currently, the best methods are the deep neural network (DNN)-powered variants of the generalized eigenvalue and minimum-variance distortionless response beamformers and the DNN-based filter-estimation methods that are used to directly compute beamforming filters. Both approaches are effective; however, they have blind spots in their generalizability. Therefore, we propose a novel approach for combining these two methods into a single framework that attempts to exploit the best features of both. The resulting model, called the W-Net beamformer, includes two components; the first computes time-frequency references that the second uses to estimate beamforming filters. The results on data that include a wide variety of room and noise conditions, including static and mobile noise sources, show that the proposed beamformer outperforms other methods on all tested evaluation metrics, which signifies that the proposed architecture allows for effective computation of the beamforming filters.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1910.1426

    Block-Online Guided Source Separation

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    We propose a block-online algorithm of guided source separation (GSS). GSS is a speech separation method that uses diarization information to update parameters of the generative model of observation signals. Previous studies have shown that GSS performs well in multi-talker scenarios. However, it requires a large amount of calculation time, which is an obstacle to the deployment of online applications. It is also a problem that the offline GSS is an utterance-wise algorithm so that it produces latency according to the length of the utterance. With the proposed algorithm, block-wise input samples and corresponding time annotations are concatenated with those in the preceding context and used to update the parameters. Using the context enables the algorithm to estimate time-frequency masks accurately only from one iteration of optimization for each block, and its latency does not depend on the utterance length but predetermined block length. It also reduces calculation cost by updating only the parameters of active speakers in each block and its context. Evaluation on the CHiME-6 corpus and a meeting corpus showed that the proposed algorithm achieved almost the same performance as the conventional offline GSS algorithm but with 32x faster calculation, which is sufficient for real-time applications.Comment: Accepted to SLT 202