1 research outputs found

    Incidence coloring of graphs with high maximum average degree

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    An incidence of an undirected graph G is a pair (v,e)(v,e) where vv is a vertex of GG and ee an edge of GG incident with vv. Two incidences (v,e)(v,e) and (w,f)(w,f) are adjacent if one of the following holds: (i) v=wv = w, (ii) e=fe = f or (iii) vw=evw = e or ff. An incidence coloring of GG assigns a color to each incidence of GG in such a way that adjacent incidences get distinct colors. In 2005, Hosseini Dolama \emph{et al.}~\citep{ds05} proved that every graph with maximum average degree strictly less than 33 can be incidence colored with Δ+3\Delta+3 colors. Recently, Bonamy \emph{et al.}~\citep{Bonamy} proved that every graph with maximum degree at least 44 and with maximum average degree strictly less than 73\frac{7}{3} admits an incidence (Δ+1)(\Delta+1)-coloring. In this paper we give bounds for the number of colors needed to color graphs having maximum average degrees bounded by different values between 44 and 66. In particular we prove that every graph with maximum degree at least 77 and with maximum average degree less than 44 admits an incidence (Δ+3)(\Delta+3)-coloring. This result implies that every triangle-free planar graph with maximum degree at least 77 is incidence (Δ+3)(\Delta+3)-colorable. We also prove that every graph with maximum average degree less than 6 admits an incidence (Δ+7)(\Delta + 7)-coloring. More generally, we prove that Δ+k−1\Delta+k-1 colors are enough when the maximum average degree is less than kk and the maximum degree is sufficiently large