199 research outputs found

    Провісники нафтових потрясінь. Еконофізичний підхід в екологічній науці

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    The instability of the price dynamics of the energy market from a theoretical point of view indicates the inadequacy of the dominant paradigm of the quantitative description of pricing processes, and from a practical point of view, it leads to abnormal shocks and crashes. A striking example is the COVID-stimulated spring drop of spot prices for crude oil by 305% to $36.73 a barrel. The theory of complex systems with the latest complex networking achievements using pragmatically verified econophysical approaches and models can become the basis of modern environmental science. In this case, it is possible to introduce certain measures of complexity, the change in the dynamics of which makes it possible to identify and prevent characteristic types of critical phenomena. In this paper, the possibility of using some econophysical approaches for quantitative assessment of complexity measures: (1) informational (Lempel-Ziv measure, various types of entropies (Shannon, Approximate, Permutation, Recurrence), (2) fractal and multifractal (Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis), (3) recurrent (Recurrence Plot and Recurrence Quantification Analysis), (4) Lévy’s stable distribution properties, (5) network (Visual Graph and Recurrence based) and (6) quantum (Heisenberg uncertainty principle) is investigated. Each of them detects patterns that are general for crisis states. We conclude that these measures make it possible to establish that the socially responsive exhibits characteristic patterns of complexity and the proposed measures of complexity allow us to build indicators-precursors of critical and crisis phenomena. Proposed quantitative measures of complexity classified and adapted for the crude oil market. Their behavior in the face of known market shocks and crashes has been analyzed. It has been shown that most of these measures behave characteristically in the periods preceding the critical event. Therefore, it is possible to build indicators-precursors of crisis phenomena in the crude oil market.Нестабільність динаміки цін на енергетичному ринку з теоретичної точки зору свідчить про неадекватність домінуючої парадигми кількісного опису процесів ціноутворення, а з практичної точки зору це призводить до аномальних потрясінь і крахів. Яскравий приклад-весняне падіння спотових цін на нафту на 305% до 36,73 доларів за барель, викликане COVID-19. Теорія складних систем з найновішими досягненнями в комплексних мережах з використанням прагматично перевірених еконофізичних підходів та моделей може стати основою сучасної екологічної науки. У цьому випадку можна запровадити певні показники складності, зміна динаміки яких дає змогу виявити та запобігти характерним типам критичних явищ. У цій роботі розглядається можливість використання деяких еконофізичних підходів для кількісної оцінки заходів складності: (1) інформаційний (міра Лемпеля-Зіва, різні типи ентропій (Шеннон, наближена, перестановка, повторюваність), (2) фрактальна та мультифрактальна (багатофрактальна) Detrended Fluctuation Analysis), (3) рекуррентні (Recurrence Plot and Recurrence Quantification Analysis), (4) Stability Distribution Properties Lévy, (5) network (Visual Graph and Recurrence based) та (6) квант (принцип невизначеності Гейзенберга). Кожен із них виявляє загальні для кризових станів закономірності. Ми прийшли до висновку, що ці заходи дозволяють встановити, що соціально чутливі прояви характерних моделей складності, а запропоновані показники складності дозволяють будувати показники-попередники критичних та кризових явищ. Запропоновані кількісні показники складності, класифіковані та адаптовані для ринку сирої нафти, їх поведінка в умовах відомих ринків були проаналізовані скачки та аварії. Було показано, що більшість цих заходів поводяться характерно в періоди, що передують критичній події. Тому на ринку сирої нафти можна будувати індикатори-попередники кризових явищ

    Збірник наукових праць 9-ї Міжнародної конференції з моніторингу, моделювання та управління емерджентною економікою (M3E2-MLPEED 2021). Одеса, Україна, 26-28 травня 2021 р.

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    Збірник наукових праць 9-ї Міжнародної конференції з моніторингу, моделювання та управління емерджентною економікою (M3E2-MLPEED 2021). Одеса, Україна, 26-28 травня 2021 р.Proceedings of the Selected and Revised Papers of 9th International Conference on Monitoring, Modeling & Management of Emergent Economy (M3E2-MLPEED 2021). Odessa, Ukraine, May 26-28, 2021

    The Evolution of Efficiency in the Chinese Stock Market

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    This dissertation examines the weak-form efficiency of the Chinese stock market and provides evidence on how the market efficiency evolved throughout the last three decades. The Shanghai Composite Index (SSEC) and the Shenzhen Component Index (SZSE) are the primary indicators of the Chinese stock market in this study. Both traditional economics and the complex systems’ methods are employed to evaluate market efficiency, with an additional focus on the effect of two parameter inputs (embedded dimension and noise filter) on entropy methods to improve their ability to detect phase transitions in stock market data. The traditional efficiency tests indicate that the Chinese stock market during the full sample period of 1990-2021 is inefficient, but some of the sub-sample periods indicate the weak-form efficiency, except for the ADF test. Meanwhile, the complex systems’ methods suggest that the level of randomness in returns increases over time. Additionally, I find that the bull periods of the Chinese market are less efficient than the bust periods, which may indicate that investors tend to commit more errors during the bull period. Generally, the study concludes that the complex systems’ methods provide a more comprehensive evaluation of the changes in the market efficiency than traditional methods. The empirical results suggest that the Chinese stock market is not completely efficient based on the traditional efficiency tests but the level of efficiency has improved over time based on the evidence of the complex systems’ analysis

    Essays on the nonlinear and nonstochastic nature of stock market data

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    The nature and structure of stock-market price dynamics is an area of ongoing and rigourous scientific debate. For almost three decades, most emphasis has been given on upholding the concepts of Market Efficiency and rational investment behaviour. Such an approach has favoured the development of numerous linear and nonlinear models mainly of stochastic foundations. Advances in mathematics have shown that nonlinear deterministic processes i.e. "chaos" can produce sequences that appear random to linear statistical techniques. Till recently, investment finance has been a science based on linearity and stochasticity. Hence it is important that studies of Market Efficiency include investigations of chaotic determinism and power laws. As far as chaos is concerned, there are rather mixed or inconclusive research results, prone with controversy. This inconclusiveness is attributed to two things: the nature of stock market time series, which are highly volatile and contaminated with a substantial amount of noise of largely unknown structure, and the lack of appropriate robust statistical testing procedures. In order to overcome such difficulties, within this thesis it is shown empirically and for the first time how one can combine novel techniques from recent chaotic and signal analysis literature, under a univariate time series analysis framework. Three basic methodologies are investigated: Recurrence analysis, Surrogate Data and Wavelet transforms. Recurrence Analysis is used to reveal qualitative and quantitative evidence of nonlinearity and nonstochasticity for a number of stock markets. It is then demonstrated how Surrogate Data, under a statistical hypothesis testing framework, can be simulated to provide similar evidence. Finally, it is shown how wavelet transforms can be applied in order to reveal various salient features of the market data and provide a platform for nonparametric regression and denoising. The results indicate that without the invocation of any parametric model-based assumptions, one can easily deduce that there is more to linearity and stochastic randomness in the data. Moreover, substantial evidence of recurrent patterns and aperiodicities is discovered which can be attributed to chaotic dynamics. These results are therefore very consistent with existing research indicating some types of nonlinear dependence in financial data. Concluding, the value of this thesis lies in its contribution to the overall evidence on Market Efficiency and chaotic determinism in financial markets. The main implication here is that the theory of equilibrium pricing in financial markets may need reconsideration in order to accommodate for the structures revealed

    Dynamical Systems

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    Complex systems are pervasive in many areas of science integrated in our daily lives. Examples include financial markets, highway transportation networks, telecommunication networks, world and country economies, social networks, immunological systems, living organisms, computational systems and electrical and mechanical structures. Complex systems are often composed of a large number of interconnected and interacting entities, exhibiting much richer global scale dynamics than the properties and behavior of individual entities. Complex systems are studied in many areas of natural sciences, social sciences, engineering and mathematical sciences. This special issue therefore intends to contribute towards the dissemination of the multifaceted concepts in accepted use by the scientific community. We hope readers enjoy this pertinent selection of papers which represents relevant examples of the state of the art in present day research. [...

    Fractional Calculus and the Future of Science

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    Newton foresaw the limitations of geometry’s description of planetary behavior and developed fluxions (differentials) as the new language for celestial mechanics and as the way to implement his laws of mechanics. Two hundred years later Mandelbrot introduced the notion of fractals into the scientific lexicon of geometry, dynamics, and statistics and in so doing suggested ways to see beyond the limitations of Newton’s laws. Mandelbrot’s mathematical essays suggest how fractals may lead to the understanding of turbulence, viscoelasticity, and ultimately to end of dominance of the Newton’s macroscopic world view.Fractional Calculus and the Future of Science examines the nexus of these two game-changing contributions to our scientific understanding of the world. It addresses how non-integer differential equations replace Newton’s laws to describe the many guises of complexity, most of which lay beyond Newton’s experience, and many had even eluded Mandelbrot’s powerful intuition. The book’s authors look behind the mathematics and examine what must be true about a phenomenon’s behavior to justify the replacement of an integer-order with a noninteger-order (fractional) derivative. This window into the future of specific science disciplines using the fractional calculus lens suggests how what is seen entails a difference in scientific thinking and understanding

    Uncertainty modeling : fundamental concepts and models

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    This book series represents a commendable effort in compiling the latest developments on three important Engineering subjects: discrete modeling, inverse methods, and uncertainty structural integrity. Although academic publications on these subjects are plenty, this book series may be the first time that these modern topics are compiled together, grouped in volumes, and made available for the community. The application of numerical or analytical techniques to model complex Engineering problems, fed by experimental data, usually translated in the form of stochastic information collected from the problem in hand, is much closer to real-world situations than the conventional solution of PDEs. Moreover, inverse problems are becoming almost as common as direct problems, given the need in the industry to maintain current processes working efficiently, as well as to create new solutions based on the immense amount of information available digitally these days. On top of all this, deterministic analysis is slowly giving space to statistically driven structural analysis, delivering upper and lower bound solutions which help immensely the analyst in the decisionmaking process. All these trends have been topics of investigation for decades, and in recent years the application of these methods in the industry proves that they have achieved the necessary maturity to be definitely incorporated into the roster of modern Engineering tools. The present book series fulfills its role by collecting and organizing these topics, found otherwise scattered in the literature and not always accessible to industry. Moreover, many of the chapters compiled in these books present ongoing research topics conducted by capable fellows from academia and research institutes. They contain novel contributions to several investigation fields and constitute therefore a useful source of bibliographical reference and results repository. The Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures (LAJSS) is honored in supporting the publication of this book series, for it contributes academically and carries technologically significant content in the field of structural mechanics

    Fractional Refined Composite Multiscale Fuzzy Entropy of International Stock Indices

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    Fractional refined composite multiscale fuzzy entropy (FRCMFE), which aims to relieve the large fluctuation of fuzzy entropy (FuzzyEn) measure and significantly discriminate different short-term financial time series with noise, is proposed to quantify the complexity dynamics of the international stock indices in the paper. To comprehend the FRCMFE, the complexity analyses of Gaussian white noise with different signal lengths, the random logarithmic returns and volatility series of the international stock indices are comparatively performed with multiscale fuzzy entropy (MFE), composite multiscale fuzzy entropy (CMFE) and refined composite multiscale fuzzy entropy (RCMFE). The empirical results show that the FRCMFE measure outperforms the traditional methods to some extent

    Generalized averaged Gaussian quadrature and applications

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    A simple numerical method for constructing the optimal generalized averaged Gaussian quadrature formulas will be presented. These formulas exist in many cases in which real positive GaussKronrod formulas do not exist, and can be used as an adequate alternative in order to estimate the error of a Gaussian rule. We also investigate the conditions under which the optimal averaged Gaussian quadrature formulas and their truncated variants are internal