4 research outputs found

    Semantically Enhanced Software Traceability Using Deep Learning Techniques

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    In most safety-critical domains the need for traceability is prescribed by certifying bodies. Trace links are generally created among requirements, design, source code, test cases and other artifacts, however, creating such links manually is time consuming and error prone. Automated solutions use information retrieval and machine learning techniques to generate trace links, however, current techniques fail to understand semantics of the software artifacts or to integrate domain knowledge into the tracing process and therefore tend to deliver imprecise and inaccurate results. In this paper, we present a solution that uses deep learning to incorporate requirements artifact semantics and domain knowledge into the tracing solution. We propose a tracing network architecture that utilizes Word Embedding and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) models to generate trace links. Word embedding learns word vectors that represent knowledge of the domain corpus and RNN uses these word vectors to learn the sentence semantics of requirements artifacts. We trained 360 different configurations of the tracing network using existing trace links in the Positive Train Control domain and identified the Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (BI-GRU) as the best model for the tracing task. BI-GRU significantly out-performed state-of-the-art tracing methods including the Vector Space Model and Latent Semantic Indexing.Comment: 2017 IEEE/ACM 39th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE

    Information Retrieval based requirement traceability recovery approaches- A systematic literature review

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    Abstract: The term traceability is an important concept regarding software development. It enables software engineers to trace requirements from their origin to fulfillment. Maintaining traceability manually is a time consuming and expensive job. Information retrieval methods provide a mean of automation for requirement traceability. A visible number of IR based traceability techniques have been proposed in the literature, but the adoption of these techniques in the industry is limited. In this paper, we examine the information retrieval-based traceability recovery approaches through systematic literature review. We presented a synthesis of these techniques. We also identified challenges that are potentially limiting the adoption of IR based traceability recovery approaches. We conclude that term mismatch is a major barrier faced by IR based approaches. We also did classify the approaches that are attempting to solve the term mismatch problem